Colza - healing properties and use in medicine


Colza - general description

Colza ordinary - a herbaceous perennial from the family Cabbage, reaching a height of 30-80 centimeters. The colza begins to bloom in May. Inflorescences form thick brushes, the fruits represent bent pods directed upwards. The colza is inseminated at the beginning of summer - each plant spills out up to 10,000 seeds.

Young rosette leaves of the plant are slightly burning in taste and have a pleasant smell - in early spring they can be added to vegetable salads. From colza you can make good honey. And bakery and confectionery manufacture use high-quality oil made from colza seeds. Considers effective colitis and medicine. Although the official does not use this herb, it is not added to pharmacological preparations.

Colza - types and places of growth

Colza grows throughout Europe and Russia. They brought the plant to Japan, North America, Australia, Africa, New Zealand - today colza is referred to as cosmopolitan plants. As a rule, colza can be found in the forest zone, along roads, along rivers, in damp meadows, in bushes, in deposits and even in garbage places.

Colza - healing properties

Colza helps with asthenic syndrome (chronic fatigue), hypovitaminosis C, general weakness, disorders of the nervous system, including epilepsy and paralysis, with a decrease in sexual activity.

Colza - dosage forms

Leaves, stems, flowers, and even young colza pods have medicinal value. Harvesting all this is necessary during flowering. Dried grass should be stored no more than a year. An infusion is prepared from it, which has a tonic, diuretic and stimulating effect on the body.

Colza - recipes

To prepare the infusion of colza grass, it is necessary to use dried or fresh, slightly crushed grass. A glass of boiling water is needed on a tablespoon of grass - the mixture is infused for a couple of hours, after which the infusion is filtered through gauze, folded in several layers. Then you need to add drinking water to get the initial volume - such an infusion is ready for use.

You need to drink it 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes before a meal, a quarter cup. This infusion helps with insufficient production of sperm, decreased sexual activity, neurasthenia and general weakness. With paralysis, scurvy, dropsy, stroke and epilepsy, you can also use water infusion. With general weakness, colza can be brewed like tea - this will give strength.

And for debugging the mechanism of spermatogenesis from fresh grass, you can squeeze juice, which should be drunk in a glass (about 30 ml) twice or thrice a day. The course of treatment is one to two months.

For a general cleansing of the body, you should use the herbal collection of colza, plantain, St. John's wort, nettle and sage - everything must be taken in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 40 minutes and filtered. Then drink 20 minutes before meals half a cup twice a day. Conduct a cleansing course for 3 weeks.

Colza can be used as a vitamin remedy, adding young leaves, which are collected in early spring, to salads. You can also make mashed potatoes from frozen leaves. A juicy crisp stalk of colza reminds the taste of sweet cabbage stalk, because it is loved by children.

Colza - contraindications

There are no contraindications for the use of colza. At the same time, care should be taken with colza if there is increased bleeding. You should not get carried away with this grass even if there are stones in the bladder and kidneys. Because you can budge them, but they can get stuck in the ureter.


Galina 06/08/2016
They sold us seeds of colza under the guise of broccoli, grew seedlings, cultivated and cherished until it bloomed. Found the name on the Internet. Very funny. We must be careful.

Evgenia 05/07/2016
I never would have thought that this grass, which grows everywhere, can be eaten. I’m unlikely to try it, but, nevertheless, just in case I will remember)) And the fact that the colza from the cabbage family is very encouraging. What, what, and I love cabbage))

World 05/07/2016
I concluded that this herb in folk medicine is mainly used to enhance the sexual capabilities of men. Weed)) And also, to improve well-being, increase efficiency, etc.

Alina 05/07/2016
And I, too, will try this herb, but rather a collection, for a general tonus. After the winter, in principle, I do not leave for long. But, I want to nourish the body with vitamins, and get involved in life more actively. There are no problems with the organs indicated in the contraindications, therefore, I think everything will be fine.

Sasha 05/07/2016
In general, I like all the plants that have an exciting effect, give vigor and vitality. But I somehow missed this plant ... I’ll definitely try it. Moreover, colza grows almost everywhere.


Watch the video: Stop Eating These Oils Immediately Plus, 5 Alternatives. Dr. Josh Axe (July 2024).