Oven-baked meat - the best recipes. How to cook meat in the oven correctly and tasty.


Oven baked meat - general principles and methods of preparation

Oven-baked meat is incredibly tasty. It perfectly satisfies hunger in the daily menu, and on the festive table it occupies a dominant place. Moreover, baked meat is present in the cuisine of different countries. As a rule, baked whole pieces of meat. The most famous recipes are East Slavic boiled pork, English roast beef, Canadian rôti de porc, Austrian schweinsbraten.

Oven-baked meat - preparation of products

For baking a piece, it is better to take parts of pork, lamb or beef without bones. It is best if it is a tenderloin, ham or scapular part. To give the dish aroma and pungency, use all kinds of seasonings and spices. They can rub or meat meat. As a rule, they use black pepper, garlic, bay leaf, paprika, onion.

Oven-baked meat - cooking utensils

For baking meat use baking sheets, on which the product is placed, usually wrapped in foil. It is the foil that allows you to well fry the meat, make it juicy and fragrant. Some recipes involve the use of a pan - enameled will do.

Recipe 1: Oven-Baked Meat

Description: This is a simple recipe for cooking meat. And with this dish you can heartily feed your family, or you can impress guests at the festive table.

half a kilogram of beef or pork,
one carrot
3 cloves of garlic,
one onion
parsley and dill,
salt and spices
to grease a baking sheet vegetable oil and a little water.

Cooking method:
1. Beef or pork should be washed and dried.
2. Peeled carrots need to be cut into small slices.
3. Garlic should be cut into thin slices. And onions are cut in half rings.
4. Then in the meat it is necessary to make small depressions in which garlic and carrots should be put. After that, the meat is seasoned with spices and salted.
5. On the unfolded foil, put half the onion rings, put sprigs of greens on top, and then a piece of meat. Meat is wrapped in several layers of foil, and then it is laid out on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil. And in the pan you need to add some water.
6. The oven is heated to 200 degrees and the meat is placed there for 90 minutes. When this time passes, you need to open the foil to give the meat the opportunity to brown. After that, you can serve it on the table.

Recipe 2: Pork with Cowberry Sauce

Description: pork cooked according to this recipe has a very spicy, sweet-sour taste thanks to lingonberry-wine sauce. Such a dish can take center stage on the festive table.

2 kilograms of pork tenderloin.
For the sauce:
a pound of lingonberry,
250 ml dry red wine,
a tablespoon of a mixture of peppers or seasoning for meat,
2 tablespoons of honey
0.5 cups of sugar
30 grams of fresh ginger root
salt, ground cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Honey and dry red wine must be carefully placed in a small bowl to get a homogeneous mass.
2. Peeled ginger should be finely grated and add it to a bowl of honey and wine. Cinnamon and seasoning for meat dishes are added there (can be replaced with a mixture of peppers). The sauce needs to be salted. And mix it again.
3. The oven must be heated to 220 ° C. Dry the washed meat with paper towels. Then it must be coated on all sides with the resulting marinade.
4. Put the meat on a wire rack and place it on a baking sheet. After the meat has been in the oven for 10 minutes, the heat of the oven should be reduced to 160 ° C. Cover the pork with a sheet of foil and bake it for 1.5 hours. About 30 minutes before the meat is ready, the foil must be removed - then the pork is browned. But when the meat is removed from the oven, you need to again cover it with foil for about 15 minutes.
5. During this time, you should prepare the sauce. Juice, extracted from meat into a baking sheet, must be drained into a stewpan and add wine there. Put the stewpan on medium heat and keep it until 2/3 of the sauce volume remains - the rest should evaporate.
6. Lingonberry berries should be sorted and washed. One part of the berries must be crushed together with sugar in a blender to make mashed potatoes. It is this berry puree that needs to be combined with the sauce, add the remaining berries of lingonberry to it, mix and pour meat with this sauce.

Recipe 3: Oven Baked Veal with Citrus

Description: veal cooked with citrus has a special taste. Spices and white wine give it a unique aroma. And laid out on a dish, it will become one of the central on any festive table.

800 grams of veal pulp,
half a glass of dry white wine,
one lemon
one orange
one red and one yellow grapefruit,
3 tablespoons of olive oil,
30 grams of butter,
1 clove of garlic
3 tablespoons of flour
a pinch of red hot pepper,
6 leaves of sage.

Cooking method:
1. From lemon and orange you need to cut a few circles of the peel, which should be finely chopped. These pieces of zest must be pressed into the meat, after making small punctures in it with the tip of a knife.
2. A piece of meat should be tightly tied with a thread - this will allow it to maintain its shape during baking. And then roll in flour. 20 grams of butter and olive oil should be heated in a pan in the oven. In the same pan you need to put the veal and lightly brown it, not forgetting to turn the meat. Pour the wine there, waiting for it to evaporate by about a third.
3. Sage leaves and garlic should be chopped, mixed with the remaining lemon and orange zest and hot pepper. This mixture must be added to the pot with meat, and then salt the dish. Leave the meat to bake in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 180 ° C.
4. At this time, you need to peel and cut grapefruits into slices. In the remaining butter, they need to be quickly fried. Turning off the fire, they need to be kept warm.
5. Remove baked veal from the oven and remove the thread. The meat should be put on a dish and cut into slices, then pour it with your own juice.
6. Lemon and orange need to be cut into cubes, chop the remaining leaves of sage - mix all this. The meat is sprinkled with a mixture of citrus and sage. Fried slices of grapefruit are laid out around the meat on the dish. And all this is served to the table.

Meat in the oven - tips from experienced chefs

For baking meat in the oven, it is better to take a ham, neck or even a shoulder blade. It is advisable not to cut off the layer of fat from the meat - so the meat will turn out juicier. At the same time, you need to understand that the taste will not be so much fried as slightly stewed.

For baking, it is better to put the meat on a mirror, shiny surface of the foil. In the oven, heat from the mirror surface will be reflected inward, that is, to the surface of the baked meat. Such a simple technique will not allow you to lose precious heat.

By the way, the meat baked with a piece in the oven must be kept for about 15 minutes before slicing. During this time, while the meat is just standing, the juices will be distributed throughout the piece - portioned pieces will be juicier.


Schoolboy Vasya 12/23/2016
My dad said 40 min is not enough !!!!

Maxim 11/23/2016
The first recipe is complete shit. The meat does not have time to bake in 40 minutes.

povarenok 09/11/2016
zigazaga1488 卐!

Guzel 06/01/2016
I agree with Maxim, not in time. I set for 2 hours.


Watch the video: How to Cook Steak Perfectly Every Time. The Stay At Home Chef (July 2024).