Tarragon: useful properties of a perennial plant and its field of application. Tarragon (tarragon) contraindications


When pronouncing the second name of tarragon - tarragon, many people associate with a refreshing drink.

But not everyone knows how high the benefits of this plant are in folk medicine.

Tarragon herb is widely used in cooking as a spice, as a therapeutic agent in home treatments, in cosmetology to eliminate skin problems.

Features of tarragon composition, beneficial properties of the plant

Tarragon is better known to people as tarragon. The presence of a strong characteristic aroma makes the plant a unique seasoning with a subtle but distinct taste. The main characteristics of the plant are due to its inherent composition, which includes:

• carotene;

• vitamin C;

• alkaloids;

• coumarins;

• flavonoids.

The listed components are located in the aerial part of the plant. In the roots of tarragon are alkaloids.

Tarragon greens contain approximately 0.4% of the essential oil, while the dried mass is up to 0.8% of this substance. Essential oil, in turn, is rich in myrcene, fellandren, octimene, methylhavicon and other substances. In addition, fresh raw materials contain vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, as well as minerals, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium.

Spicy tarragon: useful properties

The beneficial effect on the body of tarragon is quite versatile. With the help of a herbaceous plant, you can get rid of many diseases and unpleasant symptoms.

1. The greatest benefit of the plant is manifested in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Thanks to tarragon, appetite increases significantly. The plant is able to have a positive effect on digestion and metabolism.

2. Tarragon reduces the likelihood of anorexia, and also reduces the effects of the disease, eliminates constipation, hiccups, flatulence and prevents dyspepsia.

3. The plant in its pure form is a potent anthelmintic. It is able to rid the human body even of tape and round pests, thereby preserving the nutrients that destroy worms. General physiology is maintained at the proper level.

4. In the case of cardiovascular diseases, regular use of tarragon reduces the likelihood of blood clots, strokes, heart failure, or attacks.

5. The composition of tarragon is rich in special compounds that lower the level of sugar in the body.

6. Vitamin C in tarragon strengthens the immune system, increases the body's defenses and helps it resist viral and infectious diseases, especially during periods of exacerbation. Tarragon is suitable as a medicine for the treatment of scurvy, as well as the prevention of this disease.

7. The tarragon herb has also found its application in dentistry. The plant can be used for problems with tooth enamel, namely when it is softened, when loosening teeth or gums, inflammation of the oral cavity. Tarhun has long been used as an anesthetic with antiseptic effects in dentistry.

8. For people suffering from insomnia, tarragon will help calm the nervous system and find a healthy sleep. The plant relieves stress, nervous tension and anxiety.

9. Tarragon, which appeared in the body, is able to take part in blood circulation, normalizing the process itself. As a result of this, nutrients along with oxygen are not only properly distributed throughout the body, but also do it faster.

10. Tarragon prevents red blood cell deficiency in the body, thereby preventing anemia.

11. The infusion from the plant removes harmful and toxic substances from the body, which can serve as a fertile basis for the spread of cancer cells.

12. Masks based on the tarragon ingredient prevent skin aging and age-related changes, remove toxins from it, eliminate wrinkles and prevent their appearance, and even out facial tone.

13. The benefits for tarragon skin do not end there. The plant is able to several times reduce the spread of bacteria on the skin thanks to the essential oils contained in the composition and a special smell. These qualities allow the use of tarragon as a natural deodorant.

14. Has a positive effect of tarragon on the genitourinary organs and kidneys. As a result of taking a plant-based product, you can feel the diuretic effect with a mild effect, a decrease in swelling and inflammatory processes.

15. Due to tarragon, the walls of blood vessels become more durable, and their elasticity increases.

16. Spicy grass is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle in women, eliminates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. The tool is so powerful that it can independently provoke menstruation.

17. As an antibacterial agent, tarragon can be used when wounds, cuts, suppurations and other injuries occur.

18. Due to its high calcium content, tarragon maintains healthy bones and tendons. And being a source of copper, it normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, protecting the nervous system.

Tarragon application: found a way out for useful properties

Tarragon grass has found its application in several industries.

1. In cooking - tarragon is the most popular in this industry than in the rest. The plant is harvested as soon as flowering begins, dried in a draft, and then used as seasoning for dishes. Thanks to this spice, the production of gastric juice is enhanced and the appetite wakes up. The functioning of all internal glands in the body is normalized.

2. Tarragon is also widely used in medicine. The ground part is most often used to relieve swelling, remove worms and get rid of scurvy. Over time, a detailed study of the plant and its properties has allowed the use of tarragon to treat a wide variety of diseases and is very effective.

3. In cosmetology, tarragon is ideal for skin prone to age-related changes. You can use compresses based on plants, lotions, freeze ice and make masks.

What are the contraindications to tarragon?

In general, tarragon can not be contraindicated. But there are still cases when it is better to abandon the use of tarragon.

1. Individual intolerance is possible for any product, and tarragon is no exception. Therefore, people with allergies should forget about it, no matter how attractive its beneficial properties are.

2. Tarragon is contraindicated in pregnant women because of the ability of the plant to stimulate menstruation. Tarragon may also cause a miscarriage. In this period of life, women need to give up drinks with tarragon.

3. It should be minimized or even limited to the consumption of tarragon for people with diseases of the digestive tract. It can be an ulcer, gastritis, high acidity - in any case, tarragon has contraindications.

The use of tarragon in large quantities is harmful even to a healthy body. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly dose consumption and allow the use of tarragon only in small quantities.


Watch the video: 5 Amazing Health Benefits Of Tarragon (July 2024).