All that you did not know about the beneficial properties of lemon. How the beneficial properties of lemon are used in folk medicine


Traditional medicine has long been known for the beneficial properties of lemon. Yellow citrus is used to prepare natural medicines for colds and atherosclerosis, to strengthen immunity and the cardiovascular system. The fruit has a rich chemical composition and unusual taste, is used to prevent many diseases and improve the body.

About Vitamin C and the Benefits of Lemon

Lemon pulp contains ascorbic acid. To get the daily intake of vitamin C, it is enough to eat 200-250 g of fresh citrus. Ascorbic acid is responsible for strong immunity, therefore, the fruit is recommended to be included in the diet during influenza epidemics and for the prevention of infectious diseases, viral and colds.

Strengthen the beneficial properties of lemon can honey. It is mixed with ground or finely chopped citrus and eaten with sore throat, cough, fever or runny nose. Honey-lemon dessert is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases:

• arrhythmia;

• heart failure;

• atherosclerosis;

• angina pectoris;

• hypertension.

Yellow fruit does not cure the disease, but with regular use will improve well-being. Ascorbic acid, which is found in the pulp and peel, contributes to the production of collagen. The substance is part of the skin and blood vessels, responsible for their elasticity. Collagen increases muscle tone, including cardiac.

Vitamin C is involved in the dissolution and excretion of cholesterol plaques from the body. Lemon cleanses blood vessels and strengthens, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.

The fruit is recommended for people who regularly encounter stressful situations, lead an inactive way of life and smoke. These factors increase the risk of heart attack, and yellow citrus, on the contrary, reduces.

The beneficial properties of lemon and diabetes

Ascorbic acid is essential for the body to function properly. This body is responsible for the production of insulin. If there is a malfunction in the pancreas, the risk of diabetes is increased.

Patients who have been diagnosed with this disease are advised not to give up medical treatment. The effect of taking drugs will be enhanced by folk remedies made from yellow citrus. Lemon reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, rejuvenates the body and cleanses tissues of toxins, alleviating the symptoms of diabetes.

Vitamin C contained in lemon belongs to the group of antioxidants. Substances remove free radicals from the body, which weaken the immune system and lead to cell mutations. If you do not replenish antioxidant reserves, the body ages faster and cannot resist malignant tumors.

Including lemons in the diet is recommended for people who have a family history of cancer and diabetes.

Seven Benefits of Lemon for Good Digestion

Citrus contains citric acid. It prevents the formation of stones in the gall and bladder, removes sand from these organs. Exotic fruits help with gout and a tendency to constipation, and also stop diarrhea.

Lemons contribute to the production of hydrochloric acid, which destroys Escherichia coli and harmful bacteria, so for disorders and food poisoning, it is advised to drink water with honey and a slice of citrus or freshly squeezed juice.

Fruit pulp is a source of dietary fiber and pectin. The components have absorbent properties. They draw toxins from the intestines, bind radionuclides and pesticides. Pectins absorb harmful particles and turn into jelly, which is removed from the body along with feces.

The beneficial properties of lemon are used to treat the gall bladder and liver, as well as the stomach. Citrus is recommended for patients who have been diagnosed with:

• cholecystitis;

• cirrhosis;

• gastritis with low acidity;

• hepatitis;

• an ulcer.

Lemon pulp and juice are consumed during remission of the disease to support the body. The fruit provides the body with ascorbic acid, which accelerates the restoration of the gastric mucosa, as well as pectins. Substances reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, reducing the load on the liver and gall bladder.

Citrus normalizes metabolic processes and the functioning of the digestive organs. Dietary fiber, which is contained in the pulp and peel, cleanses the intestines from particles of undigested products. Rotting food is the main cause of constipation, bloating, discomfort, and even being overweight. Lemon water is drunk with obesity, a tendency to flatulence and slow metabolism.

The fruit also has anthelmintic properties. Fresh peel and pulp create an alkaline environment in the intestines, inhibiting the activity of roundworm and pinworms. Lemon is used on an empty stomach, if there are no contraindications, and after an hour they have breakfast.

Useful properties of lemon and a beautiful smile

Lemon is the prevention of anemia. Iron, which the body receives from vegetables, offal and meat, is not absorbed without ascorbic acid. With reduced hemoglobin, chicken or beef liver, dark chocolate, pomegranates, beets, and lemons are added to the diet, which replenish vitamin C.

Familiar with the beneficial properties of lemon and dentists. Citrus juice is a natural antiseptic that destroys viruses, fungi and germs. The drink disinfects the oral cavity and kills the bacteria that cause tooth decay, but citric acid destroys the enamel. To maintain healthy teeth, pulp or citrus juice is washed down with plain water.

Fruit strengthens bone tissue. More precisely, ascorbic acid. Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen fibers. They are part of the bones and teeth, make them stronger and more resistant to fractures. Citrus is used to prevent scurvy and bleeding gums.

Lemon is useful for diseases of the throat: tonsillitis, scarlet fever, tonsillitis. The product disinfects and relieves inflammation, increases immunity and accelerates recovery.

Useful properties of lemon for beauty and health

Compresses from freshly squeezed lemon juice are applied to the skin affected by the fungus. Fruit is also used in cosmetology to whiten the skin and get rid of freckles.

Lemon peel tinctures help with insomnia and increased irritability, remove swelling caused by heart failure, and increase appetite.

Yellow citrus contains B vitamins: riboflavin, folic acid and thiamine. They are responsible for the health of the nervous system, relieve depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. In lemon, rutin is present, which strengthens capillaries and large blood vessels, preventing varicose veins. The fruit is recommended for rheumatism, bronchial asthma, severe cough and tuberculosis.

Green tea with a slice of citrus and honey invigorates no worse than a cup of strong coffee, fills with energy and removes drowsiness. And he is much more useful.

Cons lemon, contraindications

Citrus is contraindicated in exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis with high or low acidity. Lemons belong to the group of strong allergens, so it is not recommended for women who are breast-feeding, and children under 3-4 years old.

Yellow fruit is a source of vitamins and antioxidants. It cleanses and protects the body, slows down aging and prevents heart attack. But citrus can not be abused, because citric acid in large quantities destroys tooth enamel, irritates the gastric mucosa and contributes to the formation of caries on teeth and sores on the mucosa.

Everything is good in moderation! Including lemon.


Watch the video: 7 Health Benefits of Green Tea & How to Drink it. Doctor Mike (July 2024).