Hairstyles for Birthday on long and medium hair. Creating a festive look: combing your hair for a birthday!


Girls love their birthdays. Indeed, the heroes of the occasion on this day not only receive flowers and gifts, but also have the opportunity to look stunning, to demonstrate taste and sense of style. The birthday girl has a difficult task - to choose an outfit and make a beautiful stylish styling that will distinguish her from the other invited girls.

Hairstyles for Birthday. Fashion trends, photo

Hairstyle has a special place in creating a festive image. Even if you are accustomed to loose hair, then a birthday is an occasion to make an exquisite styling, and to create it you do not have to register in a salon, you can put your curls beautifully at home. It’s quite difficult to recreate some models yourself, but you can resort to the help of loved ones.

The current fashion trends of holiday hairstyles are controversial. On the one hand, natural styling is gaining more and more popularity: soft curls, high tails, voluminous braids and braids, hairstyles with plaits, on the other hand - combing, styling in the style of dudes, “Babetta” and other hairstyles of the 60s.

How to choose a hairstyle for your birthday

Tips stylists for choosing a festive styling:

1. To make the image harmonious and complete, the hairstyle should be combined with an outfit and make-up.

2. A female figure looks proportionally only if the head with her hair is stacked 7.5 times over the entire length.

3. The hairstyle must be chosen in accordance with the season and weather conditions. For example, in windy weather, you should not dissolve hair, the wind will shatter them.

4. Do not use a large number of fixing agents. Firstly, it will make the hair more difficult, and secondly, the hair may look untidy.

5. Tall women should not do high hairstyles, but miniature girls, they are very suitable.

6. Women with a triangular face are also better to refuse high styling.

7. Owners of an oval face can afford any form of hairstyle.

8. Chubby girls should comb their hair back and do not leave strands on the sides, so as not to make the face even wider.

9. Massive facial features and a wide forehead will soften asymmetric elements in the hairstyle.

Whatever styling you decide to do, remember that massive structures will cause discomfort and will not allow you to fully enjoy the holiday.

Hairstyles for Birthday on medium hair, photo

The average length of hair became popular several years ago and since then fell in love with girls for their versatility, the ability to create different options for hairstyles, both everyday and evening. In addition, it is much easier to take care of medium hair than long hair.

The simplest thing that can be done is to wind the curls with a curling iron or curlers and thus create soft natural curls. So that the styling lasts all evening and does not mess up, it is necessary to use varnish or wax to fix it. However, try not to overdo it with a fixative, otherwise the hairstyle will look unnatural.

Curled hair can also be used as a basis for hairstyles, for example, to collect hair in a high ponytail, leaving a couple of locks so that they touchingly frame the face. Or another option is to pull a trim bezel or ribbon over your head.

If you want a hairstyle with smooth, even hair, then collect the hair on the sides, fasten with invisible and fix with varnish. Such styling will accentuate the cheekbones and make the image bold and at the same time feminine. Accessories with rhinestones and glitter varnish add a hairstyle to glamor and festivity.

If you have wavy hair by nature, then curls with a diffuser are just what you need. Just wash your hair, apply a little mousse or foam to your hair and dry your hair with this nozzle in a circular motion until it dries completely.

Owners of subtle facial features will be very creative mess. Creating it is very simple: apply a little fixing agent to the hair, then squeeze the locks with your fingers to create light weightless waves. Add bright stylish hairpins to the hairstyle, and a unique festive look has been created!

A feminine Greek bundle will not only suit all girls without exception, but will also retain its original appearance throughout the day.

How to make a bunch. Step-by-step instruction:

1. Comb the hair and divide it with a parting into two equal parts.

2. Twist the side strands into bundles.

3. Continue twisting the curls into bundles, capturing more and more strands in the direction of the occipital part.

4. Assemble the tourniquets in the back of the head.

5. Make a small depression in the hair and form an inverted tail.

6. Lift the tail and twist it inward, laying hair in a niche.

7. Secure the hair with hairpins and varnish.

Hairstyles for Birthday on long hair, photo

Three fingers below the shoulders are called long. This length provides girls with complete freedom of creativity, because any festive hairstyle can be made from such luxurious hair.

Soft natural curls will make the image romantic and tender, the lack of volume for thin hair can be given with the help of root volume and hairspray.

Today, a variety of weaving, for example, "Fish Tail", is very popular. Externally, the tail really resembles a fish, and the hairstyle looks unusually stylish and modern. Perfect styling will look on hard straight hair, and highlighting or coloring will make it even more interesting.

If you think that only a professional can braid such exquisite beauty, you are mistaken, try it and see for yourself that there is nothing complicated about it. If you make the tail without assistance, then you will need two mirrors - you should see a reflection of the back of the head.

Step-by-step instruction of a hairstyle "Fish tail":

1. Divide the hair into two parts.

2. Alternate the locks among themselves, capturing them on each side (2-3 cm wide).

3. Select the same lock on one side and cross it with the upper lock of the braid. Keep weaving with your hands.

4. Change the arm and separate the strand from the other side. Cross it with the previous one.

5. Weave a braid of the desired length, crossing, alternating locks.

6. Secure the ends of the braid with an elastic or a hairpin.

To give the fishtail a glamorous look, you can decorate it with fresh flowers, stilettos with a variety of decor, laces, rhinestones woven into a braid with strands.

The braid can be located in the center, on the sides, with a zigzag all over the head, be very tight or, conversely, free. If you want to make the last option, stretch the slices of a braid, thereby you will give it an openwork look.

And if the density of the hair allows, then you can braid two braids, it is also very fashionable now.

Hairstyle "Babette" is justly popular for many decades. On long hair, she looks especially chic. For the festive version, the classic bundle can be combined with weaving so that pigtails frame the head instead of a rim or ribbon.

As you can see, making a hairstyle for a birthday is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Use original accessories and go to create an image with imagination.


Watch the video: 3 Cute & Easy Hairstyles for Medium Hair! (July 2024).