Natalie Portman can play the first lady of the United States - Jackie Kennedy


With the acclaimed Black Swan star Natalie Portman, negotiations are underway to participate in the upcoming Fox Searchlight project - the life of First Lady Jackie Kennedy after the assassination of 35th American President John F. Kennedy.

Undoubtedly, the film will be a huge success, as interest in the Jackie Kennedy style icon never subsides. The script for the biographical tape "Jackie" was written by Noah Oppenheim.

Fox Searchlight is pushing for 31-year-old Natalie Portman to play a major role in this film. It is reported that Portman liked the script, but the decision on her participation will largely depend on who will lead the shoot.

Until the last it was announced that the director would be Darren Arofsky (with whom Portman worked in Black Swan). Now there are rumors that he refused.

Among the actresses who played Jackie Kennedy in films at different times were Katie Holmes, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Gene Tripplehorn and Blair Brown. In the new Jackie project, Rachel Weisz also previously offered the lead role.

Natalie Portman has recently been very much in demand as an actress. She will have to shoot in two films at once by director Terrence Malik, which will be released next year.


Watch the video: First Lady - SNL (June 2024).