Fried pies with apples - classic and original recipes. Cooking fried pies with apples is a pleasant experience.


Fried pies - the dish is tasty, albeit high-calorie. But this can be temporarily forgotten. Especially if the filling in pies is fruits, for example apples.

You can also cook in the oven. But nothing compares with the golden brown crust that appears on pies languishing in a frying pan.

The aroma of food quickly gathers relatives and friends at the table. Lush, fragrant and delicate fried pies with apples will be deliciously fed and energized for more than one hour. Having eaten food for lunch, dinner can easily be skipped.

Fried Apple Pies - General Cooking Principles

Any dough is used in the preparation of the dish: yeast, cottage cheese, puff and even wine.

In addition to apples, cinnamon, vanillin, crushed nuts and raisins are added to the filling. You can also diversify it with other fruits, for example, pears.

As a rule, peels are removed from apples and the core is removed. Fruits are cut into small pieces. You can grind them with a grater.

The shape of the pie and its size are optional. The standard thickness of the dish is about a centimeter.

Cakes are fried on each side for two or three minutes. Oil is added so that it covers at least half of the product. You can cook in deep fat.

Pies are served on a common plate. They will be a pleasant addition to tea or coffee.

Recipe 1. Home-style fried pies with apples



• one egg;

• three spoons of Art. sour cream and sugar;

• 0.3 kg of sifted flour;

• one spoon of art. vegetable oil + for frying;

• at the tip of the knife - soda and salt.


• three or four apples;

• one article a spoonful of granulated sugar and butter;

• cinnamon.

Cooking method:

We prepare a deep bowl and drive an egg into it. We arm ourselves with a whisk or fork and lightly beat the yolk and squirrel.

Add sour cream here. Pour granulated sugar, a little soda and salt. Pour in the oil.

Gently stirring, pour in a thin stream of flour.

It turns out a thin and elastic dough. When it already easily lags behind the hands and chopping board - it means kneading it is enough.

We cover the finished dough with a film and set aside for half an hour.

Pure fruit free from the skin. Remove the core and cut into small cubes (1.5 cm).

Fry the apple slices for about three minutes in butter. Before cooking, pour the fruit with a sweet ingredient and cinnamon. We mix everything.

Cool the apple filling to room temperature.

Roll out the dough sausage, cut into slices.

Using a rolling pin, flatten each piece into a flat cake.

We spread the filling on its middle and tightly connect the edges of the dough. It burns easily, so fry the pies on medium heat with a significant amount of vegetable oil. When the dish is browned - you can remove.

When frying the food, turn it over several times so that it is cooked evenly.

Pies with apples can be sprinkled with a little bit of icing sugar.

Recipe 2. Fried pies with apples "Curd"


• 0.25 kg of cottage cheese;

• one egg;

• 0.3 kg of flour;

• powdered sugar - 0.1 kg;

• 0.15 kg of granulated sugar;

• five apples;

• cinnamon - one spoonful ...

Cooking method:

Cottage cheese is placed in a wide bowl, add the egg, a little later sugar and knead well.

Add a little flour, previously sifted, and knead the dough from the cottage cheese.

Cover with a clean kitchen towel and set aside for the time of preparation of the filling.

We clean the fruits and remove the core. Cut into small pieces. Pour into a heated frying pan, add icing sugar and simmer a little.

We shift the filling on a plate, pour cinnamon and mix.

Roll the dough roll, divide into pieces.

Flatten into circles and fill with filling.

We form pies of your favorite shape.

Pour a lot of oil into the pan. Deep-fried pies. Do not forget to flip.

We spread paper napkins or towels on the working surface. We spread pies on them.

When the fat is gone, the food can be moved to a plate or to a basket.

Recipe 3. Fried Magic Pies with Apples



• 80 ml of water;

• egg;

• 0.15 kg of chilled butter;

• 0.3 kg of flour;

• salt - ½ teaspoon;

• one teaspoon of sugar;

• half a tablespoon of vinegar (6%).


• three apples;

• two tablespoons of Art. Sahara;

• half a lemon;

• starch - one spoon of a h .;

• half a hour l. cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Pour salt and sugar into a bowl of water. Add vinegar and drive in an egg. Mix everything thoroughly.

Pour the sifted flour into another bowl. We rub a piece of butter here. Constantly mix it with flour. We do this quickly so that the oil does not melt.

Pour the egg mixture into the flour. Knead the dough for two minutes (no longer needed).

We wrap the semi-finished product in film and send it to the refrigerator for cooling.

Cut the apples, as in the previous recipes, and transfer them to the bucket.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon on the fruit.

Add sugar, mix and turn on the fire.

Boil the apples for about five minutes to make them soft.

Stir constantly until sugar dissolves and syrup appears.

We dilute starch with water, stir and pour into apples. Stew for no more than a minute and remove the ladle from the fire.

Add cinnamon to the hot filling and mix everything again.

We expose the dough from the refrigerator. We arm ourselves with a rolling pin and roll it out with a thin layer.

Cut the dough into rectangles. We place the filling on one side, the second - cover the pie. We pinch the edges with a fork.

We send pieces of pies to the freezer for freezing.

Pour a lot of oil into the pan and heat it up a lot. Deep-fried deep-fried pies. They should float in oil.

When all sides of the pies turn golden, we unload the dish on a paper napkin.

Recipe 4. Fried pies with apples on kefir


• 0.25 liters of kefir fatter;

• 50 ml of sour cream 20%;

• 0.4 kg of flour;

• half a hour l. soda;

• one teaspoon of salt;

• one spoon of art. granulated sugar;

• egg;

• vegetable oil - two tablespoons of st ...


• four apples;

• one and a half tablespoons of Art. sugar and butter;

• cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Pour kefir into a small jug. Add sour cream and mix. Heat for two or three minutes over low heat to a temperature of 36-37 degrees.

Add salt and sugar to the warm mixture. Then put the egg yolk and vegetable oil.

Pour half the flour in portions and add soda. Constantly mix the ingredients.

Add the remaining flour and finish the batch.

Lubricate a deep bowl with vegetable oil and put the dough in it. Cover with a film or towel and leave for 15 minutes.

Prepare the filling in the manner described in the first recipe.

Squeeze the balls from the dough and roll them into cakes. We place the filling in the middle and form a pie.

Fry in vegetable oil with a seam down for three minutes on each side.

Remove excess fat with a paper towel.

Recipe 5. Fried pies with apples and wine


• 0.4 kg of flour;

• 0.1 kg of butter;

• 0.15 ml of white (dry) wine;

• four tablespoons of Art. Sahara;

• three apples;

• one art. l starch;

• half a hour l. salt.

Cooking method:

Put a piece of butter in a bowl and melt in the microwave or in a water bath.

Add half the sweet ingredient and salt.

Pour the wine, mix everything gently and thoroughly.

We gradually introduce the flour, not forgetting to sift it before that.

Knead the dough homogeneous. We roll it into a ball, wrap it with foil and send it for an hour to the refrigerator.

We clean the apples from the inner seed box and peel.

Grind fruits with a grater.

Mix with two tablespoons of sugar and set aside for forty minutes. Then drain the allocated juice and sprinkle with starch. After mixing the apple mass, we get the finished filling.

We unload the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into pieces.

Roll into cakes. Put the filling in the middle. Carefully fix the edges of the future pie.

Fry in the usual way.

Recipe 6. Fried pies with apples and raisins


• a pound of puff pastry;

• three apples;

• 50 gr. raisins;

• two tablespoons of Art. Sahara;

• cinnamon.

Cooking method:

We take out the dough from the freezer in advance so that it softens.

We wash the raisins, fill it with hot water and leave for a few minutes.

We clean apples in the usual way. Cut the fruit into small slices. Pour sugar and mix.

Dry the swollen raisins and add to the apple mixture.

We lay out the dough, roll out and cut into squares. We fill its center with filling, fix the edges and sculpt the future pie of a favorite shape.

We send the blanks to a preheated and oil-filled skillet.

Fry in the usual way.

Sprinkle the cakes with cinnamon.

Recipe 7. Fried pies with apples and pears



• three and a half cups of flour;

• a glass of sugar;

• butter - 200 grams;

• two eggs.


• 400 gr. apples and pears;

• two tablespoons of Art. Sahara;

• half a teaspoon vanillin;

• three tbsp. tablespoons crushed nuts (walnuts).

Cooking method:

Knead the dough from the above ingredients. We set it aside for about twenty minutes.

Pears and apples are peeled and cut into small pieces.

Pour fruit with sugar, add vanillin and nuts.

We divide the dough into pieces and roll each into a flat cake.

Fill with fruit and make pies. We especially close the seam.

Fry pies in an average amount of oil on both sides.

We put finished products on a bowl with a paper towel. There should be no fat on the surface of fried pies with apples and pears.

Fried Apple Pies - Tips & Tricks

  • The pies will be especially soft if sour cream is added to the dough.

  • So that the dough does not break when sculpting, a little vegetable oil should be poured during the kneading process.

  • Slices of apples should not be fried for more than three minutes, otherwise they will turn into porridge.

  • Kefir dough should be left in the refrigerator for at least twenty minutes. Then it will not feel soda aftertaste.

  • The filling is laid on the middle of the cake so that it occupies no more than a third of the area.

  • When we close the pies with our hands, we dip the fingers with flour.

  • If you first put the pies on the pan with the seam down, they will keep their shape well.


Watch the video: Easy Apple Pie Recipe - Classic Apple Pie Filling (July 2024).