How to stop breast milk and when to do it. How to get rid of breast milk production: the most effective methods


Every newly minted mother once comes across the fact that it is time to suppress lactation.

It is worth noting that weaning the baby from the breast is much easier than making the milk go.

What to do in this case? The best option is not to take drastic measures.

There are many safe and natural ways to stop breast milk.

However, one must also take into account the physiology of the woman and her child.

Natural suppression of lactation: when necessary

It is difficult for some mothers to accept that sometimes it is necessary to suppress lactation. Despite everything, sometimes it is simply necessary.

1. The child has reached the age of 2.5 years. By this time, milk completely changes its taste. It is not so nutritious anymore, it is produced in smaller quantities. Milk is more reminiscent of colostrum, as in the first days after birth. They can feed the baby, but only to increase immunity in the disease.

2. The extinction of the physiological needs of sucking mother's breast. When the baby's nervous system begins to form, the sucking reflex disappears over time. Forcibly applying it to the chest simply does not work.

3. The breast ceases to be rude. As a child grows up, the mammary glands gradually begin to fill up less and less. Mom herself will notice how the gap between breastfeeding will increase.

4. Separate sleep. If parents teach a child not to sleep with them in bed, but in their place, then the baby will sooner or later abandon his chest. In this case, you need to think about how to get rid of breast milk so that stagnation does not form in the mammary glands.

There are factors that cause mom to stop lactation abruptly:

• according to the doctor’s testimony immediately after birth (there were complications in the child or mother);

• the baby categorically refuses to apply to the breast (it is possible that he does not like mother's milk, he has to transfer it to artificial mixtures or other food);

• mother's emotional fatigue, desire to free her hands, and physiological need.

If it is possible to breastfeed, pediatricians recommend doing this before they reach the age of 2 years. In the case when, for some reason, there was an urgent need to stop lactation, you need to know how to do it correctly.

How to stop breast milk immediately after birth

If a child or mother has had certain diseases after childbirth, the question may arise about stopping breastfeeding. The first 2-3 days are excreted in colostrum, and for 4-5 days already full milk. If you don’t stop it in time, your chest will begin to swell, and your mother will feel very sick. The tactics of getting rid of breast milk must be discussed with the doctor, but there are several tips that you can follow without medical advice.

How to get rid of breast milk after childbirth

1. You need to wear a tight bra day and night. It is important that he does not tighten his chest tightly, but fixes it securely.

2. Apply cool compresses to the mammary glands. The maximum duration of one procedure is 10-15 minutes, otherwise you can freeze the chest.

3. Do not allow the "bursting" of the mammary glands. When milk begins to flow out of excess, it needs to be decanted, but not completely. In a few days, lactation will decrease naturally.

4. To resort to folk remedies is better than drinking medicines. Despite the fact that pharmacy drugs guarantee the fastest effect, their use is permissible only in urgent need, otherwise a hormonal failure in a woman may occur.

How to get rid of breast milk according to a conscious decision of the mother

Breastfeeding plays a very important role in the life of the baby until he is 2-2.5 years old. If after this time, lactation does not stop, the mother can contribute to the process. The main thing is not to rush, but to act gradually. Then the woman will feel less emotional and physical discomfort, will not cause stress to the child’s body.

How to stop breast milk: recommended course of action

1. At the first stage, you need to stop the daily application to the chest when the baby is awake. So that the child does not get nervous, you need to find an interesting alternative for him. For example, you can give baby cookies and fresh apple juice (from a drinker). Proceed to the next stage only when the child gets used to the changes.

2. Replacing breakfast. Again, you need to look for an attractive alternative for the child. For breakfast, the baby can be offered sweet cereal or fruit puree. It is advisable that mom was not around at this moment.

3. The last step is to teach the baby to fall asleep without her mother’s chest. If the previous steps are passed, for the child this will not be such stress. Parents must find a way to put their children to bed in his crib. You can read a fairy tale or just sit next to it. The first 3-4 days will be hard, but sometime it needs to be done.

Parents should understand that a young child develops habits very quickly. The presented technique will help to minimize the production of breast milk in 1-2 months. The main advantage - mother and baby will not experience physical and emotional discomfort.

Termination of lactation in folk ways

If there is no need for breastfeeding, and the question arises of how to get rid of breast milk, it is better to resort to traditional medicine recipes than to pharmacy drugs.

Herbal teas

To stop lactation, infusions from the following plants are suitable:

• parsley;

• mint;

• horsetail;

• elecampane.

1 tablespoon of the selected plant is steamed with 200 ml of boiling water. Such tea should be drunk daily, but not more than 2 cups.


1. 1 tablespoon of dried pharmacy sage is poured 250 boiling water, the mug is covered with a saucer so that the grass is infused.

2. After 40 minutes, the drink is well filtered.

3. The remaining liquid is divided into 3-4 parts and drunk during the day. In a large number of sage is not recommended.

The presented folk recipes will help to gradually stop lactation, without any discomfort for the woman.

How to stop breast milk with compresses

The use of compresses to stop lactation can also be attributed to folk methods. This method is safe, it helps to gradually suppress the production of breast milk in a natural way.

1. Camphor oil. They need to lubricate the breast 4 times a day, without affecting the area of ​​the nipples. Repeat the procedure is recommended no longer than 5 days. It is advisable to tie the mammary glands with a warm scarf, but do not overtighten.

2. How to get rid of breast milk with a cabbage compress - this method has been known since the days of our great-grandmothers. Cabbage leaves need to be cooled in the refrigerator, rolled out a little with a rolling pin and wrinkled with your hands so that they become softer, then put on the chest and bandaged with a scarf. The compress should be set 1 time per day and walk with it for at least an hour. Usually a week is enough to stop milk production. This method is good in that cabbage leaves soften the chest, also when chilled they have anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Cold compress. The ice is thoroughly crushed, wrapped in a gauze. The compress is applied to the mammary glands for 15-20 minutes, then removed. It is not recommended to keep it longer, as there is a risk of freezing of the chest. The procedure is repeated 1 time per day for a week.

Important! Once women resorted to the method of tug of breasts to get rid of lactation. It really acted. The chest was full, then the milk simply burned. This method is undesirable to use, since it is accompanied by high fever, headaches, sometimes even fever.

It’s also important to know that even after the cessation of lactation for a few more years, drops of colostrum may stand out in mom. Do not be afraid, this is a normal process.

If mom has to think about how to stop breast milk, you don’t need to immediately run to the pharmacy and buy expensive medications. They cause hormonal imbalances and have many side effects. It is better to use simple and safe methods of traditional medicine, so that lactation stops naturally.


Watch the video: Breastfeeding with the Thompson Method (July 2024).