Ureaplasma during pregnancy


A widespread and quite often detected infection of the genitourinary system is ureaplasmosis. This disease very often proceeds without any symptoms and is caused by the smallest specific microorganism called ureaplasma. It does not have its own cell wall, and for a long time it was believed that it is an intermediate variant between viruses and bacteria.

Ureaplasma lives and multiplies on the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs. Modern medical science classifies ureaplasma as opportunistic microorganisms, which, when other infections join or against a background of a decrease in general immunity, can lead to the development of an inflammatory process. For pregnant women, ureaplasmosis is dangerous in that it can cause miscarriage or infection of the fetus, as well as premature birth.

Causes of ureaplasma during pregnancy

Most often, infection with this disease occurs during unprotected intercourse. In rare cases, transmission of the infection by domestic means through personal hygiene items from an infected person is possible. From mother to child, ureaplasma enters through the vagina or cervical canal. Once in the uterus, the infection through the amniotic sac can penetrate into the amniotic fluid and lungs of the baby. Such infection occurs at the beginning of pregnancy. At later dates, the transmission of the infection through the placenta is possible, it is he who often leads to the onset of premature birth. But most often, the child becomes infected while passing through the birth canal of a woman. In this case, not only the mucous membranes of the newborn become infected, but the risk of this infection in the form of pneumonia, meningitis, pyelonephritis or sepsis is also increased.

Symptoms of ureaplasma during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, often ureaplasmosis occurs without any symptoms at all. In most pregnant women, this disease is diagnosed only during laboratory tests. In rare cases, expectant mothers may find in themselves colorless, not very abundant discharge from the genitals, as well as burning, itching or pain during urination. Sometimes there is an increase in body temperature and aching pain in the lower abdomen. The disease can occur, both in chronic and in acute form, and its manifestations depend on the infected organ.

What is the danger of ureaplasma during pregnancy

During pregnancy, ureaplasmosis can cause its interruption or threaten miscarriage. In the early stages, a frozen pregnancy often develops or a sudden fetal death occurs. In the case of infection through the infected amniotic fluid, the child may form bronchopulmonary dysplasia. With ureaplasmosis, the cervix of a pregnant woman becomes quite loose due to the softening of her internal pharynx. This is the main reason for the expulsion of the fetus in the early stages. In addition, against the backdrop of the threat of abortion and lack of nutrients for the normal development of the fetus, there is a risk of giving birth to immature and premature babies, with low body weight and developmental delay. After childbirth, untreated ureaplasmosis can lead to inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis. And with chronic inflammation of the appendages, a ureaplasma infection can cause an ectopic pregnancy or infertility.

Treatment of ureaplasma during pregnancy

With a normally developing pregnancy, the need for treatment of this disease arises only in case of a threat of miscarriage or the development of risks of infection of the fetus and manifestations of complications in the mother. In other cases, doctors only carefully monitor the condition of the woman and the development of the child. Drug therapy for this disease is carried out by antimicrobials or drugs of the tetracycline group, most of which are contraindicated during pregnancy due to the high likelihood of malformations in the child. Therefore, the prescription of drugs is carried out only according to individual indications and taking into account the selection of the most gentle treatment regimen, but in any case not earlier than the twentieth week of pregnancy. Almost always, along with an antibacterial drug, a fortifying vitamin complex and various medicinal suppositories, which are necessary for the prevention of secondary infection, as well as drugs that prevent the occurrence of dysbiosis, are prescribed.

With untreated ureaplasmosis, the newborn must be examined for the presence of this infection in his body. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the necessary treatment is carried out. In addition, with the detection of ureaplasmosis in a woman, examination and treatment of her sexual partner is indicated. Otherwise, re-infection will occur and all therapy will be wasted.

Modern medicine successfully treats ureaplasmosis and, if these patients are properly managed, pregnancy is usually not at risk. Therefore, the identification of ureaplasmosis is not a reason for its interruption. In this case, timely diagnosis and correctly selected drugs are very important. Only in this case, a woman can save and give birth to a healthy baby.


Kirochka 03/27/2016
I think you need to take care of yourself. Take tests not only during pregnancy, when “peppered”. Finding time for your health is a must.

Fedorova 03/03/2016
I have no such problems, but it was interesting to read. I heard somewhere that this disease is very common, many do not suspect its existence.

Fifa 03/27/2016
I did not know that during pregnancy, ureaplasmosis can be treated. How far medicine has stepped. Thanks to the author - enlightened.

Elena_79 03/27/2016
She witnessed how a girl with such a diagnosis was forced to lie on preservation for almost the entire pregnancy. Still, you need to be checked before conceiving children.

Chocolate 03/27/2016
I got ureaplasmosis during violent youth. There were no manifestations except discharge. I was treated, I pass the analysis periodically, just in case. My husband and I want a baby.


Watch the video: 23 Weeks Pregnant Update. .UREAPLASMA?! (July 2024).