Lena Lenina explained why it’s better to be a millionaire herself than to live with a billionaire


“In order to understand why, for example, star sickness arises among artists, it is necessary to go on stage in front of many fans. To see how they tear their clothes excitedly, scream hysterically. See regularly, otherwise you won’t understand. Listen to daily sayings about Yourselves: how magnificent and brilliant you are, to constantly print on the covers of fashion magazines and see yourself on all television channels.

Also, you cannot understand a billionaire until you yourself visit his place. Those people who believe that a person, having earned his first billion, remains the same deeply mistaken. Everyone changes if everything around him is new. For several years I lived with a billionaire and interviewed hundreds of people like him. Therefore, I know about their lives firsthand.

They can not be called "normal" people from the point of view of the majority, given that the norms are different for everyone. Imagine that a huge responsibility fell upon you for 200-300 different companies and their thousands of employees. You would not have time for basic little things: watch football, go fishing with your son, chat for a couple of hours with friends.

Every billionaire is tapped by a variety of organizations. Starting from enemies and government, ending with the heads of their own security. Will you be pleased to be in bed with such a person, knowing that dozens of people are listening to you?

In fact, the wives of these people are simply silent and endure the adventures of their husbands. Will you be prepared to do this? The billionaire’s wife is constantly deprived of his attention, and children grow up without a father. He devotes, of course, to the children a little time, but uses it to simply pay off them. Giving first fashionable clothes, then cars for a hundred thousand.

And with all his “freedom,” the billionaire does not belong to himself. He’s just a slave to his business.

But millionaires are a different matter. It will be much easier to match them. And if you are a millionaire yourself, then communicating with them is even easier. You yourself can buy yourself both boots and a villa in Miami. And do not approach your husband and humiliatingly ask him for money to buy. I note that millionaires more admire wealthy women than simpletons from the province.

But the most important complex of a rich man is the fear that they love not him, but his money. "


Watch the video: Communism. The 20th century. World history. Khan Academy (July 2024).