When is it better to send a child to kindergarten? The opinion of psychologists


Every mother wants to always be with her baby. But often the time comes when you have to leave the child in the care of others - a grandmother, a nanny, a teacher in a kindergarten. Sometimes even a neighbor can help.

According to psychologists, leaving a child for a couple of hours is possible almost from birth. But only if a person is familiar with him. Sometimes mom needs to go to work when the baby is only 3 months old. In this case, it should be remembered that it is very important for the baby that you do not spend much time with him, but how you manage this time. If you come home from work and immediately put aside all your affairs - cooking, washing, computer, telephone conversations with friends, devoting several hours to the child, he will be saturated with maternal intimacy and communication. And the next day he will not be afraid to part with his mother.

Let's talk a little about the manger. Until the baby learns to walk well, it is not necessary to give it there. It will already be possible to take to kindergarten in 3-4 years. But even at this age, the child will experience and cry, afraid to remain without people to whom he is already used. Here your main task is to support him, to explain that it is necessary and necessary to say so who and when will come for him and take him home. Then the child will not think that he was abandoned and will quickly get used to the new.


Watch the video: Symptoms of Child Behavior Disorders. Child Psychology (July 2024).