Pumpkin porridge - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook porridge from pumpkin.


Pumpkin porridge - general principles and methods of preparation

Among vegetables, pumpkin is a champion in the content of nutrients, minerals and vitamins of groups B, E, C and even T, which is very rare. Since pumpkin is a low-calorie product, it is very popular in diet food. There are many dishes for the preparation of which this wonderful vegetable is used. However, porridges are perhaps the most popular and beloved among many peoples.

In pumpkin porridge, all the useful substances that this vegetable is rich in, including carotene and calcium, are preserved. Each hostess has her own recipe for making pumpkin porridge, or even more than one. In some recipes, the pumpkin is pre-boiled or stewed, then whipped in mashed potatoes in a blender. In some, porridge is cooked right in the pumpkin! Try to make pumpkin porridge using different recipes, with honey, nuts or dried fruits, and you can definitely choose the porridge that will be loved in your family.

Pumpkin porridge - preparation of products

Different recipes provide different pumpkin processing for making porridge. For some, it is cut into large pieces, and then grated and boiled. According to other recipes, the pumpkin is first stewed, pre-cut into cubes, and then whipped in a puree with a blender or leave it in pieces.

If pumpkin porridge is cooked with some kind of cereal, then the preparation of cereal is the same as for the preparation of ordinary cereal from this cereal.

Pumpkin porridge - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pumpkin Porridge with Cinnamon

The aroma of cinnamon and a healthy, nutritious pumpkin - this dish can be safely called the best for the autumn menu! Such porridge for the whole day will charge you with energy and good mood. And even an inexperienced chef can cook it.


300 gr peeled pumpkin;
100 gr. milk;
1 tsp butter
to taste cinnamon, sugar and salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes. After pouring milk into the pan, bring it to a boil, then put the pumpkin with cinnamon, sugar and salt.

2. Thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, cook porridge over low heat with occasional stirring. It can be considered finished when the boiled pumpkin cubes begin to separate into fibers. Having seasoned the finished porridge with butter, we serve it to the table.

Recipe 2: Semolina porridge with pumpkin

Very light, but at the same time nutritious dish, thanks to milk and semolina. This porridge will be loved by both adults and children.


300 gr peeled pumpkin
2 tbsp. l decoys
200 gr. milk
1 tsp butter
to taste sugar with salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes. Pouring 0.5 cups of milk into the saucepan, bring it to a boil, add the pumpkin to it and cook on a small fire until it is soft.

2. In the pan, mix the rest of the milk with the same amount of boiled water, bring the mixture to a boil.

3. Add semolina to it with sugar and salt, not forgetting to constantly stir the contents of the saucepan. Having prepared the semolina porridge, put the pumpkin into it, mix well, add the butter, then, closing the pan with a lid and covering with a towel, leave it to brew for about 10 minutes.

Recipe 3: Oven Pumpkin Porridge

Like any dish cooked in the oven, this porridge has a special aroma and taste. It has everything in order to claim the title of the best breakfast: millet, pumpkin, honey and butter. Very nutritious and tasty dish.


1 cup of millet;
400 gr. water;
800 gr. Pumpkins
50 gr Sahara;
2 tbsp. l honey;
40 gr butter;
a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Well washing millet, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5 minutes.

2. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes.

3. Add sugar and salt to the swollen millet and mix well the resulting mass, put it in a baking dish. Having put the pumpkin cubes on top, pour the honey and spread the butter.

4. Having closed the mold tightly with foil, place it in a well-heated oven and bake for 1 hour. Then, taking the porridge out of the oven, we hold the dish under the foil for about 10 minutes, mix and serve.

Recipe 4: Millet Porridge with Pumpkin

Very tasty porridge from millet and pumpkin, in which the components are laid out in layers in a pot and baked.


200 gr. millet;
400 gr. Pumpkins
800 ml milk;
50 gr Sahara;
to taste cinnamon with cardamom.

Cooking method:

1. Well washing millet, put it in a stewpan and fill it with water. Then, putting the stewpan on the fire, bring to a boil, after which we drain the water.

2. Having cleaned the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, rub it on a coarse grater. Then add sugar with cinnamon and cardamom to it, mix everything thoroughly.

3. Put the pumpkin, millet, pumpkin in layers in the pot. Pour all the milk so that the pumpkin and millet are covered with 2 fingers. Then put the pot in a well preheated oven and cook porridge for about 50 minutes.

Recipe 5: Microwave Pumpkin Porridge

Pumpkin porridge is very popular among lovers of a balanced diet. However, some are sorely lacking time to prepare healthy foods. For them, we give a recipe for "quick" porridge from pumpkin, which is cooked in the microwave.


200 gr. Pumpkins
2 apples
1 tbsp. l sesame seeds;
20 gr. flax seeds;
1 tsp honey;
vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled pumpkin into small cubes or strips (if desired, you can take a coarse grater and grate).

2. Peel the apples from the seeds, then, cutting them into small cubes, mix with sesame seeds, flax seeds and vanilla (on the tip of the knife). We put in the microwave, turn it on to maximum power and cook porridge for about 20 minutes. When it cools, add honey.

Pumpkin porridge - useful tips from experienced chefs

It is best to use nutmeg pumpkin varieties for making porridge. Porridge made from such a pumpkin is tasty both hot and cold.

Pumpkin porridge can be prepared directly from the pumpkin itself or with the addition of various cereals. Usually millet or rice is used for these purposes, sometimes semolina, corn grits or oatmeal.

Pumpkin porridge is stuffed with butter, sugar and milk. You can significantly improve the taste of porridge, if you complement its taste with honey, nuts, prunes, raisins or dried apricots.


Watch the video: Pumpkin Porridge Hobakjuk: 호박죽 (July 2024).