Important components of normal body function


There is probably no person who does not know about the benefits of vitamins. The fact that we need elementary vitamins, say, of group B is no secret. But often they forget that minerals are also necessary for the normal metabolism and functioning of the body as a whole. Such, for example, as calcium and iodine.

Iodine has a tremendous effect on the development of the body. The thyroid gland is especially susceptible to it. A lack of iodine can not only weaken the immune system, but also increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. Experts have proven that iodine is able to activate the brain and improve memory. In addition, not so long ago, scientists have proved that cellulite is largely due to the fact that the body does not receive enough iodine. The largest amount of this element is found in beef, pork, liver, seafood, fish, milk, and raw egg yolk.

If we talk about vegetables, the highest iodine content is found in cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, turnip tops. A lot of iodine is found in fruits and berries: apricots, oranges, grapes, raspberries, currants, apples.

Also found a significant percentage of iodine in olive and sunflower oil.

As is now commonly believed, oil consumption leads to an increase in blood cholesterol. However, it is impossible to judge unequivocally about the dangers or benefits of cholesterol. So, it is found in large quantities in the tissues of the brain, is part of the cells, helps to suppress toxic substances.

Speaking about calcium, you need to know that it is extremely important for the nervous system, as it is able to transmit nerve impulses from one part of the body to another.

Contrary to popular belief, calcium is found not only in milk, but also in salads, beets, and legumes. Scientists have noticed that people with a lack of calcium in the body are often prone to tantrums, restless, anxious.


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