Milk with honey for cough: fighting colds and inflammation. Simple recipes for milk with cough honey for children and adults


A cup of hot milk with honey is a wonderful drink for treating cough and sore throat. This is one of the most popular and effective traditional medicine, which is used from generation to generation. Milk with honey from a cough helps to recover quickly, without giving a cold and a chance to give some kind of complication.

What cough treats milk with honey

Symptoms of a cold - cough, runny nose, sore throat, general weakness. The faster we provide the body with timely elimination of the infection, the faster the immune system will cope with pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body, which tries to remove the infection from the bronchi, cleanse the blood and lymph. Therefore, it is impossible to combat cough with antitussive drugs, but it is necessary to alleviate cough, make it productive, and stimulate sputum discharge.

Otherwise, the bronchi, in which thick mucus has accumulated, become inflamed, and the disease becomes complicated. The infection will gradually drop below, and pneumonia will begin.

It is necessary to use milk with cough honey both with a common cold and with flu, acute or chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other inflammatory diseases of the throat.

Dry cough - The main indication for the use of milk with cough honey according to the recipes of traditional healers. You need to take honey milk at the first sign of a cold, since the beneficial properties of natural products will help the immune system quickly eliminate aggressor cells and prevent a serious illness.

What is the use of milk with cough honey

Milk with honey according to the recipe of our wise ancestors has a powerful healing effect. It has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes, relieves sore throatsoothes irritated throat.

Milk with honey for coughing quickly stops attacks. Milk contains many vitamins, amino acids, trace elements. If you warm it up correctly, then most of them will be preserved, which means that immunity will receive the support that it needs and will cope with pathogenic microbes faster.

Warm drink relieves spasm bronchi and pharynx, warms up, stimulating the discharge of thick sputum. The fat contained in milk softens and envelops the mucous membranes, soothing the cough. The inflammation is quickly, naturally relieved, and the cough becomes productive, that is, moist.

Honey is a unique, remarkably healthy and tasty product. This is an invaluable gift of nature that man has learned to use to heal from many ailments. Adding honey to milk, we get a healing elixir, which in a few hours can relieve cough, and most importantly, prevent complications in the form of bronchitis or pneumonia.

In honey, there are all the nutrients needed by the body, vitamins, flavonoids, amino acids. All of them are vital for the immune system. The bee product has antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory properties, heals mucosal microtraumas caused by severe coughing.

The combination of milk and honey cough according to the recipes created by traditional healers is a natural natural medicine that can replace pharmacy drugs without causing any harm to the body. Both children, adults, and pregnant women can drink it. If there are no direct contraindications for the use of honey or milk, then there is no reason not to use any of the above recipes.

How to drink milk with honey

It is important to follow certain rules for the preparation and reception of milk with cough honey. First of all, you need to understand that high temperature is detrimental to vitamins and other beneficial substances that are found in milk and honey. Therefore, in order not to turn a useful medicinal drink into a tasty, but completely useless, You can’t do two things:

• boil milk;

• add honey to uncooled, hot milk.

Milk must be heated to a temperature of 70 to 80 degrees, in no case avoiding boiling. As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, it must immediately be poured into a large cup (taking into account the fact that honey should take a certain amount).

When the milk has cooled to a temperature of 50-60 °, that is, it will be quite hot, but not scalding, you can add honey. If you put it right away, then under the influence of high temperature all the nutrients in the bee product will be destroyed.

In addition, it is simply impossible to drink hot with an sore throat, whatever it is (milk, tea, boiling water with lemon, etc.). Such a drink will irritate an already injured mucous membrane, that is, intensify cough and pain. Therefore, wait until the milk with cough honey has a pleasant temperature. The drink cools quickly, you don’t have to wait for a debt.

You need to drink a honey and milk drink two to three times a day. It is very good if it is possible to lie down after such a drink, hiding in a warm blanket, and sweat. Therefore, be sure to drink the last glass at night.

Sick children can be offered a hot drink right in bed and immediately put to bed. The drink, in addition to anti-inflammatory, has a sedative effect on the body, soothes, causes a deep healthy sleep. And sleep, as you know, is the best medicine.

Cough Honey Milk Recipes

Exists basic recipe a healing drink based on milk and honey. Everything is very simple: on a regular 200-milliliter glass of milk you need to take a generous spoon of honey weighing 15 grams. Bring the milk to a boil, cool for 4-5 minutes, stir the honey - and drink in small sips.

Based on this classic version, several others have been created that allow you to diversify the drink and give it additional benefits. Various components can be added to the cup to combat the common cold.


In a cup of finished honey milk you need to put half a teaspoon of butter. Such a drink will better relieve sore throat due to additional softening of the mucous membrane.

Instead of butter, you can use edible coconut (sold in jars or in the form of "chocolate" bars). Relieves pain, relieves inflammation.

Still mineral water

Two to three tablespoons of mineral water will give the drink a less intense taste. The healing agent perfectly relieves pain and inflammation on the mucous membrane. In addition, mineral water is very useful for restoring immunity.

Such a drink can be given to children in the flu season as a prophylactic.


This recipe for milk with cough honey will help those who start the disease. If bouts of debilitating, anguished coughing are constantly tormented, be sure to prepare oat milk with honey.

To do this, in a liter of natural milk you need to brew a glass of washed oats. When the grains swell, strain the milk, cool slightly and add honey. You can add oil. Drinking in a warm form, at night - a must. Relief will come in a day.

Anise or ginger

Another wonderful recipe for milk with cough honey will help relieve bouts of dry, hard cough and stimulate sputum discharge. You need to brew a glass of boiled milk with a teaspoon of grated ginger root (you can take dried powder in the same amount) or 10 grams of aniseed seeds.

Insist for 5 minutes, strain, add honey and drink half a glass every hour.


Amazing in its effectiveness, the mixture will allow you to get rid of cough during the day. The drink also helps with a running cough, although it will take longer to heal, connecting additional funds.

A glass of honey milk needs one large clove of garlic. It must be crushed with a knife and pour hot milk. Insist for about fifteen minutes, strain, add honey and drink a tablespoon every half hour.

Who should not treat cough with milk and honey

This treatment is not suitable for all people. Unfortunately, honey milk has contraindications:

• allergy to bee products or milk protein;

• advanced age (milk casein in the digestive system of people aged is poorly digested and causes disturbances in the digestive tract);

• diabetes;

• inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

In addition, if a person is sick with the flu or home remedies do not help, and the patient's condition worsens, you need to call a doctor. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, especially when it comes to children.


Watch the video: Anti-inflammatory Recipes: Golden Milk (June 2024).