Cream Radevit: instructions for use


Acne, blackheads and blackheads are familiar to everyone. These defects spoil the appearance and cause anxiety. To get rid of contamination of the skin, many cosmetics were invented, one of which is Radevit cream. Pharmaceutical drug perfectly copes with the above flaws and wrinkles.

Description Cream Radevit

Cream Radevit is an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating ointment. The people call it cream, because many are accustomed to apply the drug as a means to skin care. Cream and ointment are a single drug that acts equally effectively. There are minor differences between them.

Cream less viscous and more quickly erased from the skin, less dirty clothes. It is enclosed in a convenient tube that allows squeezing Radevit like an ordinary cream.Ointment sold in aluminum tubes of 10, 20 or 35 grams. The kit includes cardboard packaging and official instructions on the use of the drug.

Cream Radevit has the following effect:

  • Fights allergic rashes and skin inflammations. Radevit has a soft texture, so mothers are not afraid to treat their children to them.
  • It protects the epithelium from external factors, so it is good to use it in winter. Saves skin from frostbite, peeling, chapping. The product can be applied to the skin of the whole body.
  • Prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and existing smoothes.
  • For lips, the cream will become a good balm, softening them, filling them with vitamins and protecting them from cold air currents.
  • Relieves acne.

Using the medical drug Radevit, a month later a significant difference is visible. The appearance of the skin becomes fresh because the cream fills the skin with nutrients and necessary for a healthy epidermis with moisture. Rough hands become soft, lips tender. Acne, wounds, cracks heal quickly, wrinkles are smoothed out. Skin gets a healthy shade and freshness.


Radevit has a regenerating face cream due to its selected composition with useful, natural ingredients. The ointment is rich in vitamins. A, E, D, contributing to the health of the skin:

  • A - has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. 10 mg of vitamin helps the skin to renew, the process of photoaging slows down. The cream makes up for the lack of this vitamin in people over 35 years old, in whom it begins to be produced in smaller quantities.
  • E - is a natural antioxidant. It is this vitamin that prevents aging and protects the skin from external factors. The skin remains hydrated for a long time, as the vitamin accumulates in it and binds water molecules. As part of its 5 mg.
  • D - protects the natural immunity of the epithelium. Vitamin does not let in harmful bacteria, relieves inflammation, prevents skin drying out. In the ointment 50 mg.

In addition to vitamins, Radevit cream contains components for thickening the consistency: glycerin, vaseline, alcohol, butylhydroxyanisole, ethanol 95%, butylhydroxytoluene, water.

Indications and contraindications

Radevit is considered to be a medicinal cosmetic, therefore the package contains instructions for use.

Indications for use of Radevit cream:

  • dermatitis, dermatosis;
  • skinning of the skin and its increased dryness;
  • diffuse keratoma;
  • eczema and psoriasis;
  • seborrhea;
  • diffuse atopic dermatitis;
  • cracks;
  • uninfected wounds;
  • erosion and ulcers;
  • burns;
  • prevention of inflammation and allergic reactions after treatment with local corticosteroids.


  • hypervitaminosis of one of the vitamins;
  • individual intolerance of individual components;
  • taking retinoids;
  • exacerbation of skin inflammations.

We advise you to contact a dermatologist before using pregnant women. Each case is unique and needs a specialist opinion.

Cream Radevit should be applied with extreme caution in the summer. It is advisable to stay indoors for at least two hours after use. The properties of the cream attract ultraviolet rays, and pigment spots may occur on the skin.

The rules of applying cream Radevit

The effect of using the ointment will be visible with systematic use. The drug is recommended to be applied with a thin layer to the skin twice a day:

  • Ointment can cover the lips. The cracks will heal, and the protective layer of Radevita will not allow the lips to become chapped. Blot the lips with a paper napkin to remove excess;
  • For any type of burn, apply ointment twice a day to the affected areas and once before bedtime. Regeneration at night is faster;
  • If you use Radevit as a wrinkle treatment, then apply it in the morning and before bedtime. It is not recommended to apply the cream on the eyelids, there may be leakage and tearing. Improves the result, if before that you had a course of peels with fruit acids;
  • If you have deep wounds, cracks or very flaky skin, then buy special dressings at the pharmacy to help the skin recover. We advise you to pre-treat wounds with an antiseptic;
  • In the case of acne, acne, reddish smudges, apply ointment on a cotton swab and apply a dot to the damaged area of ​​skin. Radevit helps to form a new layer of skin, so it is recommended to apply it to adolescents who have a rich secretion of sebaceous glands.

Side effects

The drug is usually well received by the body, regardless of age. However, any cosmetic and therapeutic means side effects:

  • If a person has a hypersensitivity of the skin, then allergy may occur, manifesting itself in different ways: skin rash, urticaria, swelling and hyperemia of the epidermis, in rare cases, Quincke edema, anaphylactic shock may occur. In this case, consult with a specialist and pick up another analogue;
  • If your skin has acute inflammation, then the use of the cream will increase itching and redness;
  • For pregnant women, medication is prescribed at the discretion of the dermatologist.

Opinions of cosmetologists

Radevit can appoint not only people with medical education, but also cosmetologists. The cream is popular among the population, receiving numerous positive reviews. Opinions about the drug and there are specialists.

Irina Bakhina, 45 years old:

Radevit is one of the best budget creams to keep skin toned. The cream has a balanced composition and ingredients that women need after 40 years. Pharmacy cosmetics are more effective than mass-market class because of the greater concentration of natural substances in the composition.

Elena Skulkina, 37 years old:

The skin of cosmetologists also requires appropriate care, nourishment and treatment. For some time I suffered from allergic reactions, until I bought Radevit cream at the pharmacy. After the course of treatment, I got rid of skin irritations. Now I recommend this inexpensive but high-quality product to my clients.

Olga Savosvalova, 41:

Radevit is a worthy analog of expensive anti-age series. The cream has a soft texture that nourishes and smooths the skin. The cream is saturated with such nutrients as vitamins A, E, D, glycerin, butylhydroxyanisol, ethanol 95% and butylhydroxytoluene. This is a good medicinal cosmetic.

Maria Volkovskaya, 50 years old:

The ointment has anti-wrinkle properties, which is why I advise my clients to start applying it to thirty-five. The action of Radevita, unfortunately, worsens during the menstrual cycle and practically does not give any effect to women who have reached menopausal age.

Svetlana Popova, 38 years old:

From the age of 35, it’s time for a woman to think about preventing skin "wilting" and the appearance of wrinkles, because with increasing age, our skin loses the right amount of components that provide beauty and health. Cream Radevit manifests not only medicinal properties, but also cosmetic. Vitamins A, E, D - the most important for mature skin, helping to retain moisture and nutrients in the epidermis.

Vasilisa Strelikova, 26 years old:

She suffered from pink acne until she discovered Radevit. The inflammation quickly passed, the itching was eliminated. Also, the cream normalizes sebum production. Now advise my clients.


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