Unique red vegetable: the benefits of hot pepper. Is hot pepper capable of harming the body: rules for use


One and the same kind of hot red pepper has many different names - someone calls it chili, someone knows it as a bitter or chilli variety.

But from this its essence does not change: the product remains a seasoning common in cooking, which is endowed with many useful properties.

Features of the chemical composition, use and benefits of hot pepper

The predominant severity of the fetus appears due to the presence of such an alkaloid substance as capsaicin. Its share is up to 2% of the dry weight of pepper. In sweet varieties, this substance is practically absent. The higher the content of capsaicin, the more pronounced the so-called hot pepper. Therefore, sometimes just by touching a vegetable, you can still feel an unpleasant burning sensation on the skin for a long time.

The composition of pepper also includes the following substances:

• vitamins A, E, PP, group B;

• Vitamin C - the vegetable surpasses even lemon in the content of ascorbic acid;

• carotenes;

• carbohydrates;

• fatty oils.

Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, vitamin E improves skin elasticity and improves its condition. The benefits for the body are observed in the use of not only the pulp of pepper, but also its seeds, which are also saturated with essential trace elements.

The uniqueness of the composition of hot red pepper determines its taste characteristics and special treated properties.

Purpose and benefits of hot pepper

The burning vegetable is distinguished by such features:

1. Thanks to numerous studies, it was possible to establish the usefulness of the capsaicin substance to accelerate hair growth. A few drops of juice, added to any hair product, will help increase blood circulation in the scalp and will stimulate hair follicles to germinate.

2. The vegetable has analgesic properties and induces the body to produce endorphins - hormones that absorb stress and pain.

3. Thanks to the same endorphins, the prevention of atherosclerosis occurs due to increased circulation of the myocardium. Hormones are involved in the processes of thermoregulation.

4. Both positive and negative effects of pepper on appetite are noticed. When a small amount is consumed, appetite is excited, and at significant doses, the substance capsaicin enters into action, drowning the body's natural desire to eat food.

5. Product juice reduces high blood pressure. Given the possible side effects, it will be acceptable to take only a few drops of the drug. An important fact is that during the heat treatment of the pulp the useful properties of pepper will disappear, therefore hypertensive patients need to be treated exclusively with freshly squeezed juice.

6. Peppers can be a great way to fight depression. To do this, prepare freshly squeezed juice of sweet pepper with the addition of dry seasoning of burning vegetable. Just a couple of throats significantly improves mood and makes the picture of the perception of the outside world positive.

7. Hot pepper juice is an excellent dietary elixir. Just a few drops of a drink added to diet vegetable juice can make metabolic processes function actively. Replace the juice if desired with a seasoning. In any form, applicable hot peppers will allow the body to burn 50 kcal more.

8. Hot pepper distinguished itself in the antitumor therapy industry. Again, the substance capsaicin comes to the fore. It can inhibit the synthesis of chemical energy in cancerous cells by blocking mitochondrial DNA, which leads to their further death. For the prevention and control of cancer, you need to prepare pepper tincture and use the mixture three times a day.

9. Ready-made alcohol tincture, which is not uncommon in any pharmacy, is an excellent warming substance for external use. Such a drug is used for the first suspicion of a cold, radiculitis as a grinding of the back and feet. For the action of the product to be effective, an additional warming factor is needed.

10. Hot pepper is used as a laxative due to the effect on the walls of the large intestine, as well as flatulence.

Use of the fetus: the benefits of hot pepper for external use

The positive qualities of hot pepper are also actively used in cosmetology:

• It is part of ready-made hair care products, and is also an ingredient in home recipes. Through irritation of the scalp provides a rush of blood to the hair follicles;

• is a component of anti-cellulite products - accelerates the breakdown of fats. It has an effect on fats both from the inside of the body (cocktails, diet foods) and from the outside (body wraps, scrubs).

Any procedure with hot pepper is best done with gloves to avoid skin burns.

Contraindications and harm of hot pepper

In addition to the positive aspects, hot peppers also have negative qualities. Like any other product, pepper can cause an allergic reaction in people with individual intolerance to vegetables. The use of the fetus is contraindicated:

1. People who have severe forms of expression of cardiovascular diseases, for example, angina pectoris, arrhythmia. Hot peppers can be included in the diet of such people only in minimal doses, and you should also carefully monitor the body's reaction to the product. Pepper in large doses can provoke a heart attack.

2. Seasoning is harmful for those who have diseases of the digestive tract, in particular, gastritis, ulcers and other injuries of the mucous membranes. In these cases, eating pepper is strictly not recommended.

3. Do not use pepper as an external product if the skin has open injuries: wounds, scratches, cuts.

4. The amount of pepper consumed during pregnancy and lactation should be limited.

5. Avoid getting pepper on the mucous membranes of the body. At best, the vegetable will cause irritation; at worst, a severe burn.

6. Completely healthy people, without any contraindications, should not abuse the use of hot vegetables because of the high activity of its components.

Use and possible harm of hot pepper to the body

When eating hot pepper, certain side effects may occur:

• increased sweating;

• discomfort and burning in the stomach - signs of excessive irritation of the organ mucosa;

• the development of gastritis with chaotic and excessive inclusion of chili in the diet;

• allergic reaction;

• increased action of drugs taken at this moment due to the properties of blood thinning.

To avoid possible negative consequences, you should always remember about the measure. An overdose of any useful and safest product entails a number of unpleasant consequences, and in the case of hot pepper, the risk is even less worth it.


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