Himalayan salt: the benefits and harms of a fashionable food product. What is useful pink Himalayan salt, is it harmful?


Natural Himalayan salt is a valuable food product. If rock salt is really mined in Pakistan, its composition is unique.

What is Himalayan salt

The pinkish crystalline salt mined in the Pakistani province of Punjab is of particular origin. It was formed over 600 million years ago in unique natural conditions. The sea salt of the ancient ocean of Tethys mixed with the lava of the volcanoes that form the Himalayas. It was lava that gave the product a pinkish tint and an amazing composition that no other salt crystals found on Earth have anymore.

The benefits of Himalayan salt are explained by the concentration of its minerals:

• calcium;

• iodine;

• magnesium;

• bromine;

• strontium;

• sulfuric acid salts;

• borate.

In total, scientists found 84 minerals in the composition of the Himalayan salt, the total amount of which reaches almost 15 percent. The rest is sodium chloride, a common table salt.

However, the lower content of this component, which is not very good for health, is explained not only by the mineral composition, but also by the difference in the structure of the crystal lattice. In Himalayan salt, unlike table salt, crystals have a larger size.

The benefits of Himalayan salt

A limited quantity of product is obtained at a salt field in Pakistan. The amount of product extracted annually from mines reaches 325 thousand tons.

Since volcanic salt lies far from the manifestations of industrial civilization, it remains pristine pure. Even sea salt, which is considered very useful due to its high salinity, is extracted from polluted oceans.

However, the benefits of Himalayan salt are not limited to purity. The product has a beneficial effect on human health in general:

• provides cells with an optimal amount of fluid, regulating water-salt metabolism;

• supports the normal exchange of cations (chlorine, organic acids) and anions (sodium, potassium), that is, it ensures optimal electrolyte balance;

• facilitates the absorption of minerals and vitamins from food;

• supports normal thyroid function due to the high content of natural iodine;

• normalizes important health indicators such as hormonal levels, blood pressure and blood sugar;

• helps to cleanse cells of toxins;

• improves bowel function, slightly weakens and has a diuretic effect;

• maintains a normal level of body acidity (pH balance);

• prevents osteoporosis, which is especially important for women;

• strengthens nerves, makes sleep calm, minimizes the effects of stress;

Using Himalayan salt, you can stimulate the process of losing weight due to a persistent decrease in tissue swelling. Compare: ordinary rock salt, on the contrary, retains water and makes it difficult to lose weight.

Of course, pink salt from the Himalayas cannot be considered a medicine, but you need to know and use its properties beneficial to the body. for example, with a tendency to constipation or the formation of kidney stones, you can replace ordinary table salt with pink Himalayan salt. There will be no harm from such a replacement, and the state of health will change for the better.

In the Himalayan salt there are many natural minerals and trace elements that the body needs for the coordinated work of all its systems. Salting food with this particular type of salt can strengthen bones, nerves, muscles, and immune defense.

Harm of Himalayan salt

Today on sale you can find four types of salt: ordinary table salt, it is also iodized, sea and Himalayan. As for the first type, a lot has been said about the harm of this product. It is no coincidence that ordinary salt is called white death. The fact is that it is not completely absorbed by the body, being deposited in joints and tissues and leading to the development of various diseases.

Little good can be said about iodized salt. Yes, it is considered more useful and desirable for regions poor in the content of natural iodine in food and air. But the fact is that iodine in such a salt is synthetic, and its assimilation by the body is, rather, a pleasant self-deception. Otherwise, iodized salt acts on the body in the same way as ordinary salt. It retains water, disrupts the water-salt balance, provokes arthritis and hypertension, the formation of stones in the gall bladder and kidneys.

Sea salt, of course, is more useful, because it contains valuable trace elements and minerals: iodine, potassium, zinc, iron. However, if such salt is evaporated from dirty sea water (and it is almost impossible to give guarantees that this is not so), then it may contain toxic substances.

As for pure Himalayan salt, the harm from it can be associated with exceeding the permissible dosage and the occurrence of allergies. Do not forget that this is also a salt in which sodium chloride is the main substance. Salting food with such salt is necessary in even smaller amounts compared to white table salt.

Safe doha sodium chloride is considered 4 grams per day. But this is together with the food that a person consumes during the day. So in the pure form of Himalayan salt in the diet should be no more than 0.5-1 grams per day. Excess is fraught with edema, a decrease in the amount of calcium, and eating disorders.

Do not use the product if it is diagnosed:

• tuberculosis;

• acute inflammatory disease of internal organs and systems;

• problems with blood clotting.

If you are using Himalayan salt for the first time, be sure to follow the reaction of the body. Allergies can occur in different ways, but more often - in the form of a rash, swelling, itching. If this happened, then pink salt is not your option, you can not use it.

How to use Himalayan salt

The unique natural salt can be used not only as a wonderful food product with unusual properties. Yes, you can fill her salads, first and second courses, make pickles. But in addition to cooking, Himalayan salt is used in alternative medicine and cosmetology.

Pink salt is used in medical practice in the form of baths, compresses, inhalations for the following purposes:

• body decomposition and relaxation, neurological diseases (baths);

• accelerated tissue regeneration in ulcers and inflammations (compresses);

• easier breathing during acute respiratory viral infections (inhalation).

As a means of home cosmetology, Himalayan salt is used in the form of wraps, as part of masks and scrubs. The effect of the use of such products is excellent: the pores are cleansed, the skin rejuvenates, swelling disappears, and a healthy complexion returns.

Pink salt salt lamas are good as an additional means of purifying air in a living room from fungi, germs, bacteria, and ionization. It is believed that such a lamp restores positive energy in the house and is generally beneficial for health.

Himalayan salt is more expensive than usual. But it will pay off handsomely. It makes our food not only tasty, but also very healthy: heals, helps to cure some ailments, strengthens the immune system.


Watch the video: Salt: Healthy or Toxic? (July 2024).