Stones mascots for the Zodiac sign Scorpio


Each of the signs of the zodiacal circle correspond to specific stones amulets. Therefore, when choosing a mineral as a talisman, you should be extremely careful. After all, the stones patronizing one sign can bring misfortune to the representatives of another. Special attention is given to minerals suitable as a talisman for Scorpios, as well as gems, which representatives of this sign should be avoided.

Description of the zodiac sign Scorpio

Scorpio (Latin for Scorpio) - the eighth sector of the zodiacal circle, the second (fixed) sign of the element of Water. The patron of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac - Pluto. This celestial body personifies transformation and constant change, so Scorpios, like no other, strike with a variety of characters and features, as if borrowed from other elements.

The metals of this zodiac sign are steel and silver. It is advisable that all stones chosen as talismans for Scorpions be enclosed in a metal frame of a light color. Thus, the charm will gain the most power.

Astrologers distinguish 3 types of Scorpions:

  • "Poisonous" - angry and vindictive. Representatives of this type are not able to forgive insults and insults. To keep evil on the offender such people can for years, but, revenge, will not receive satisfaction. Poisonous scorpions themselves often suffer from their own cruelty and aggression;
  • Noble - the most reasonable and fair of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Noble Scorpions are altruistic and have extremely high intelligence. From them the most fair judges and the most fair politicians turn out. The noble Scorpio will not stumble even from the fear of death from its principles;
  • "Gray lizards" - the weakest species of Scorpion, but also the most vile. Pathologically shy and suspicious "Lizards" are extremely touchy and vindictive. They do not plot against the overt and sham offenders, however, in any convenient situation, they strike the sly.

The main disadvantages of all Scorpios are selfishness and the desire for self-destruction. Representatives of this sign often get hung up on themselves and their own problems, raising them almost into a personal cult. This adversely affects all aspects of life.

Scorpions differ by gender. Men of this mark - extremely cunning and possess such willpower that it is almost impossible to break them. They are witty, have high intelligence and the most delicate sense of humor. Moreover, scorpion men cannot be called insensitive, although their emotions are usually restrained and moderate.

With regard to decision-making, Scorpio men are completely devoid of dependence on the opinions of others. They may ask someone for advice, but they will still do it their own way. If you stand in the way of a Scorpion male, he can “sting” badly, even if the person is dear to him. With this drawback, the representative of this zodiac sign is quite difficult to fight.

Scorpion Women outwardly seem to be purely feminine: defenseless, weak, in need of support. In fact, they are extremely strong. In addition, thanks to their innate energy, Scorpio women can subjugate anyone, even the man of their mark. They are extremely cautious, their intuition is well developed. In the feelings of women, Scorpios do not know the measures - they selflessly love and passionately hate. Moreover, quite often these opposing feelings are felt by the representative of this sign towards the same person.

To make it easier for Scorpio men and women to reveal the positive aspects of their characters and to suppress the negative, you should choose the right stone-talisman.

Stones-mascots by date of birth

One of the most important criteria by which a stone is chosen as a guardian for Scorpio is the date of birth. The considered sign of the zodiac reigns from October 24 to November 22. This time interval, respectively, is divided into shorter periods - decades:

  • The first decade, the early period - from October 24 to November 3;
  • Second decade, middle period - November 4-13;
  • The third decade, late period - November 14-22.

Each of the above decades corresponds to a certain set of stones and minerals suitable for Scorpios as a talisman.

From October 24 to November 3

Early, "poisonous" Scorpions stubborn and domineering. In some cases, they may even seem inconsiderate and ruthless. However, in fact, the first to suffer from such manifestations of their nature are the Scorpions themselves.

To soften the unsightly side of the essence of the representative of the first decade will help hard and durable stones.

Diamond helps to improve the thinking process, helps Scorpios of the first decade to get rid of dark and destructive thoughts. Diamonds also charge their carriers with positive energy, allowing you to enjoy life.

Amethyst - this talisman absorbs negative energy in itself, therefore, periodically it should be cleaned of negative. To do this, it is enough to give the stone some time to rest in a dark, well-ventilated place. It is preferable to wear a talisman in the form of a ring or ring. Jewelry for men should be worn on the right hand, women - on the left.

Rhinestone - a talisman that holds excessive aggression and assertiveness. Reveals the energy of creativity, allows you to know yourself better.

The strength of the character of early Scorpions is usually exorbitant and unchecked. Therefore, they should always carry a softening talisman with them.

From November 4 to 13

Second decade - time of birth noble scorpions. They are brave, decisive and generous, they know how to achieve their own. However, any failure is perceived by representatives of this sign is extremely painful, because in any unsightly situation, these people tend to blame only themselves.

In terms of self-criticism, the noble Scorpios are merciless and unprincipled, which can lead to nervous breakdown and depression. The following talismans will help to find inner harmony:

Turquoise - this stone has a sedative effect on the self-critical Scorpion, helping him to cope with negative thoughts. It also protects its owner from damage, sorcery slander and other negative interventions in its energy field.

Cat's eye - a talisman that helps to overcome obstacles and make decisive Scorpio, who doubts in his abilities. This stone makes representatives of this sign attractive in the eyes of others.

Coil - a talisman that helps to find a way out in difficult life situations. Charges the owner with positive energy, expels unnecessary thoughts and forces to act. Wearing a serpentine Scorpio of the second decade is recommended in a bracelet or in the form of large beads.

Tourmaline - a stone, which is recommended to wear when in the life of Scorpio abrupt changes are expected. For example, moving to a new city, admission to study and so on. Tourmaline protects from doubt, helps to find the right solution in a disputable situation.

The main feature of the charms of this period is that the future carrier should make the choice of the talisman independently. Otherwise, the stone may not be suitable.

From November 14 to 22

Late Scorpios - most often those same "Gray Lizards". The peculiarity of the representatives of the third decade is excessive sensitivity and sensitivity, combined with quiet revenge. In this case, the late Scorpios are often extremely talented in terms of art, amorous and pleasant to talk to.

To help the Scorpios of the last decade to deal with sensitivity and vindictiveness, they should prefer as talismans:

Beryl,giving confidence to the later Scorpios, as well as softening nature and allowing them to forgive the obvious and imaginary offenders. Representatives of this zodiac sign as a mascot are recommended stones of yellow color.

Alexandrite - healing mineral cleansing the chakras and freeing the aura of the carrier from the negative effects of sorcery libel. Promotes the development of creativity, brings a feeling of happiness and tranquility.

Heliodorus ("Golden beryl") - A special stone that stimulates the activity of the brain. Protects the wearer from accidental evil eye, obvious sorcerous slander and damage. Softens the complex nature of Scorpio in the last decade.

These talismans will help late Scorpios to cope with the peculiarities of their unusually complex inner world, as well as to abandon senseless revenge for petty offenses.

Stones for men

Stones intended as talismans for scorpion men have concentrated and powerful energy that can harm a more delicate woman in terms of energy. Therefore, minerals should also be selected depending on the gender of the future carrier.

Mascots of Scorpio Male The following stones are:

Dark topaz - this talisman will be needed by a very young, inexperienced representative of this zodiac sign. Dark topaz helps a man to become wiser and more tolerant. This is especially true of young Scorpions who dream of a career in politics or finance.

Beryl eliminates any shades of negative energy accumulated in the subconscious of the carrier, causes the man to need to take care of others. The action of this talisman significantly softens the excessively hard nature of the early scorpions, making them more compliant and tender, without depriving the primordial power of character.

Ruby - the most suitable stone talisman for Scorpion men, regardless of the decade of birth. This precious mineral has a therapeutic effect under severe stress, freeing the wearer from the effects of a stressful situation. For carriers of ruby ​​in a short time all the main physical indicators increase - agility, strength, speed, endurance, therefore this talisman is recommended to athletes on an ongoing basis. Also, the ruby ​​energy allows the wearer to believe in their own strength, which is very important for Scorpio men, who are extremely self-critical.

Black and dark red tourmaline - will help the representative of this sign to relax. Scorpio man always goes to the goal, no matter what the obstacles. There is a negative side to this, since, even having received the desired, the representatives of this sign cannot relax. In this case, the talisman will also help in the form of an elegant dark-colored tourmaline. Thanks to this stone, a man can get pleasure from the reached peaks.

Men's stones, talismans often worn in the form of rings. The suspensions or pendants listed above minerals in men's jewelry are rare, but in bracelets are sometimes found.

Stones for women

As a talisman for the fair sex, you should choose stones of a softer natural energy. The main property of such minerals is to maintain the emotional balance, beauty and youth of the host.

Suitable talismans for female scorpion The following stones are:

Light topaz - an ideal talisman for a woman who dreams of preserving beauty and youth for many years. Also, the constant wearing of this stone in a frame made of any light metal helps a Scorpio woman to develop intuition and learn to calculate in advance the actions of the people around her. This will allow the lady in love not to succumb to the provocations of skilled manipulators. In addition, the energy of topaz allows a Scorpio woman to fight skepticism, which is peculiar to her by nature and often interferes with the lady herself.

Sapphire - a talisman that will help leave all the grievances in the past and live on. After all, women Scorpios, regardless of the decade of birth, are very sensitive and vulnerable, so any offense can permanently knock them out of a rut. To avoid this, it is recommended to choose sapphire as a permanent mascot. In addition, this stone helps the fair sex to cope with depression and apathy, suppresses flashes of rage and softens the unyielding nature of its bearer.

Amethyst also extremely helpful. For a Scorpio woman, this stone is a powerful emotional deterrent. In this case, the stone has a positive effect on the memory of the bearer, as well as on the development of her analytical thinking. An excellent talisman for scorpion women, occupying the post of investigators or private detectives. However, it should be noted that if an amethyst is enclosed in a frame of any other metal than silver, he will lose his power.

Garnet - a stone of love and romantic affection, making a Scorpio woman simply irresistible in the eyes of men. The talisman also contributes to the development of attention and the prevention of respiratory diseases, including viral ones.

Common Stonework for men and women, Scorpions, regardless of the decade of birth, are carnelian and hematite.

Cornelian helps cautious Scorpios to relax and allow themselves to fall in love. At the same time, the energy of the stone contributes to the containment of strong emotions, which only a lover of Scorpio is capable of.

Hematite - mascot to enhance the sexual energy carrier. It should be worn by those who lack attention from the opposite sex. However, hematite is also useful in family relationships - it allows the wearer to achieve harmony in relationships with family and friends. Also this stone removes the jealousy that almost all Scorpios are prone to.

Choosing your stone

The choice of stone talisman for Scorpio is quite wide. But how to choose among the suitable minerals that which is right for you? Follow the basic tips:

  • Best of all, if you choose the talisman for yourself. It will be easier to study the energy of the stone on the spot;
  • When buying a mineral do not rush. Carefully consider all the stones, choose some pleasant ones in your opinion;
  • Take the minerals in hand, hold each of them for some time. If you feel an insistent desire to never touch this stone, then you should not acquire it;
  • If you hold the mineral in your hands and feel that it is pleasant for you to touch it, that you want to admire it and constantly carry it with you, then you can safely purchase it. This is your personal talisman.

Important! In any case, deformed and muddy stones are not recommended as talismans. Such a state may indicate that the stone is charged with negative energy. This gem is not just not able to become a quality amulet, but can harm its carrier.

What stones should be avoided?

As in the case of other signs of the zodiac, not all stones are suitable as a talisman for Scorpio. And if some minerals simply play the role of useless decoration, others can be dangerous at the energy level.

A person born under the sign of Scorpio, The following stones should be avoided:

  • Agatha, as it parasitizes the energy field of a representative of this sign, without giving anything in return;
  • Pearls, able to turn the life of an active Scorpion into a routine;
  • Amber, which is the same parasitic stone as agate. The Scorpion that owns them becomes less purposeful, depressed and completely loses faith in himself;
  • Onyxthat reinforces the negative aspects of the nature of its carrier and repels friends and well-wishers from it;
  • Emerald, which deprives Scorpions of natural charm, plunges into a state of depression and perpetual dissatisfaction with themselves.

Important! Despite the recommendations for the first decade, in some cases diamonds may suppress the will of some members of this zodiac sign. Therefore, about the use of this stone as a talisman for a particular person, it is better to consult with an experienced astrologer.


Watch the video: I Dressed According To My Zodiac Sign For A Week (July 2024).