The essence and principles of the Six Petals diet: a daily menu. Creating a 6-petal diet menu: unique recipes


The Six Petals Diet is named so because of a duration of 6 days, each of which is a type of mono-diet: fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese and fruit.

Eating according to the principles of separate nutrition, a person sends into the body only one-component foods in which carbohydrates do not mix with proteins, and as a result, the process of splitting fats is launched.

Every day, the body will draw energy from its own reserves due to the uniform nutrition, and due to the short-term diet, it will not enter the energy-saving mode, which is facilitated by most long-term mono-diets.

Fish and vegetable days in the Six Petals diet: daily menu

The first day - fish mono-diet

All day you need to eat fish cooked in any dietary way. This can be stewing, cooking, steaming or grilling, baking. The same cooking methods will apply to other dishes. Fish should be chosen lean, it is allowed to include fish soup or broth on the menu. Salt is allowed in minimal quantities.

• 1 reception - boiled sea bass or horse mackerel. A pinch of salt and herbs is allowed;

• 2 meals - any kind of fish baked without adding oil. It is allowed to sprinkle with lemon juice and add a little fresh herbs;

• 3 methods - an ear based on vegetable broth, but without vegetables. Only yushka and fish;

• 4 reception - low-fat fish steamed with spices;

• 5 reception - boiled fish without salt and spices.

With attacks of hunger, it is allowed to drink tea without sugar and a yushka from a decoction of fish.

The second day - vegetable mono-diet

This day is also called carbohydrate. It is allowed to eat any vegetables in a boiled, stewed and raw form. You can even eat potatoes, but in moderation. On this day, you can use freshly prepared juices from vegetables with the addition of greens, salt, seasonings, as well as unsweetened tea.

1. Breakfast - a classic salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

2. Lunch - stuffed peppers. Only they need to be stuffed not with meat, but with stewed cabbage in tomato sauce brought to half-preparedness, then sent to the oven.

3. For lunch, vegetable stew with seasonings. On the first dish is eggplant soup. Additional ingredients for the dish are carrots, tomatoes, onions. Soup is preparing for 7 minutes.

4. Afternoon snack - grated boiled beets with garlic for garlic flavor.

5. Dinner - steamed whole vegetables.

6. Second dinner - pumpkin sliced ​​in small slices and baked in the oven.

Chicken and Grain Days in the Six-Petal Diet: Daily Menu

Third day - chicken mono-diet

The menu will mainly consist of skinless chicken breast cooked using various acceptable methods. Unsweetened tea and low-fat chicken broth are allowed between meals.

1. Breakfast - a piece of boiled chicken breast.

2. Second breakfast - steamed fillet cutlets with spices.

3. Lunch - chicken soup with herbs, salt and seasonings.

4. Afternoon snack - baked breast in foil.

5. Dinner - grilled chicken.

Fourth day - cereal mono-diet

On a cereal day, eating any kind of cereal is allowed. You need to cook dishes on the water, you can add salt, greens. Also allowed:

• germinated grains;

• bran;

• seeds;

• grain bread.

You need to drink water or kvass without sugar during the day.

• 1 meal - buckwheat porridge with spices;

• 2 meal - wheat porridge (choose germinated cereal);

• 3 meal - oatmeal and a handful of seeds or nuts - 50 g;

• 4 meals - boiled rice without steaming;

• 5 meal - porridge kernel and greens.

Curd and fruit days of the Six Petal diet: a daily menu

Fifth day - curd mono-diet

Curd day involves the use of a product of not more than 5% fat. You can drink milk from drinks.

1. Breakfast - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of 2 tablespoons of yogurt without additives.

2. Second breakfast - cottage cheese casserole.

3. Lunch - again cottage cheese and a glass of milk.

4. Afternoon snack - fat-free cottage cheese in its pure form.

5. Dinner - cheese and cheese dumplings. The cheese must be melted to a viscous state, rolled into balls, inside which the cottage cheese is placed. Ready balls need to be boiled in milk for several minutes.

The sixth final day - fruit food

The final day is the stage of saturation of the body with minerals and vitamins. You need to eat any fruit fresh or baked. You can drink herbal drinks, fresh fruit juices, but they must be natural.

1. Morning - coffee and two baked red apples.

2. Day - a banana.

3. Lunch - 200 g of berries - strawberries or cherries.

4. Evening - grapes and pineapple.

5. For dinner - green apples.

Recipes for the Six Petals diet, daily menu

Fancy recipes for every day:

1. On fish day you can cook pollock fillet. To do this, pass the fillet through a meat grinder, season with spices, dill and parsley. Mix to a homogeneous mass, then roll balls from it, which can either be baked or boiled.

2. Cold soup for a vegetable day - prepared from tomato (you can take 2 to get a more liquid mass), herbs, onions, sweet pepper, garlic. Beat everything in a blender.

3. Juicy bird - in the ducklings you need to lay onions, slices of chicken with seasoning, tomato in layers. Simmer for about 2 hours over low heat. There is only meat.

4. Buckwheat Chops. Ready porridge needs to be cooled and crushed with a blender. Add 1 onion and herbs - beat again. To shape the mass of cutlets and steam.

5. Gadazelili dish for a curd day. It will take half a kilogram of suluguni, it should be cut into pieces and put in hot milk. When the mass acquires a viscous consistency, then you need to get it, give it the form of a cake, sprinkle with mint and pour non-fat yogurt without additives.

6. Fruit smoothie. In a blender you need to mix a banana, apple, kiwi or any other set of ripe fruits. The resulting drink is a pleasure to drink through a tube.


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