Oven fish casserole - a masterpiece of simple products! Options of fish casseroles in the oven with rice, potatoes, cabbage, vegetable mixture


Casseroles are sweet and savory, with meat and mushrooms, with raisins and vegetables, but one of the very interesting options is with fish.

Such dishes are prepared simply, they turn out to be very tasty, hearty and healthy. It's time for us to try some interesting casserole!

Oven fish casserole - general cooking principles

Fish can be different, but all of it will fit for casseroles, with the exception of bony species, which are difficult to use in mixed dishes. We need fillet or minced meat, which can be safely combined with other ingredients. Sometimes they use canned fish, which is very convenient.

What is put in the casseroles:

• potatoes;

• cabbage of different types;

• rice;

• eggs;

• cheese, sour cream, cream.

Products are seasoned with different spices. Lay in a greased form in layers or just mix everything. On top of the dish is sprinkled with cheese. But there are recipes with fillings based on eggs, dairy products. The dish is brought to readiness usually in the oven, it allows you to get a delicious crust.

Raw Potato Oven Fish Casserole

The recipe for the simplest fish casserole in the oven, for the preparation of which you can use any filet.


• 6-7 potatoes;

• 0.5 kg of fish fillet;

• 3 tbsp. l lemon juice;

• 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 120 g of cheese;

• spices;

• 2 onion heads.


1. Cut the fish fillet into small pieces, salt, pepper, drizzle with lemon juice, mix.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise to it, mix well and divide in half.

3. Onions simply cut into thin rings or strips, you can half rings. The size of the pieces does not matter, but they should be thin.

4. Grate the cheese coarsely, separate half, remove. It will be needed at the end of baking.

5. Spread half the potatoes in a greased form, pour on top a quarter of the cheese, that is, half of the remaining part. Sprinkle lightly so that it holds the layers of the casserole.

6. Now there is a fish, put chopped onion on it and again sprinkle with cheese.

7. Put the potatoes, grease with the mayonnaise that remains.

8. Put the casserole in the oven, cook for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.

9. Take out the form, fill the remaining half of the cheese.

10. Return the casserole to the oven, bring the dish to full readiness.

Boiled potato and saury fish casserole in the oven

For this fish casserole from the oven you will need canned fish. Commonly used saury in its juice.


• 6 boiled potatoes;

• 2 banks of saury;

• 1 raw egg;

• spices;

• 1 onion;

• 4 tbsp. l breadcrumbs;

• 50 g of hard cheese;

• butter.


1. Fry the chopped onion in oil. If it is small or just love onions, then take two pieces.

2. Open the canned fish, remove the liquid, break the pieces and combine with the onion.

3. Add raw egg to the filling, mix well.

4. Peel boiled potatoes, grate coarsely, add salt.

5. Lubricate the form, sprinkle with two spoons of breadcrumbs.

6. Put half of the grated potatoes into a mold, flatten the layer and lay the fish mass with the egg.

7. Cover with the second part of the potato. Align so that the thickness of the dish is the same everywhere.

8. Mix the grated cheese and a couple of spoons of breadcrumbs, you can use chopped salted crackers. Cover the top of the casserole.

9. Put in the oven, bake for 15-18 minutes until golden brown with cheese and crackers.

Oven fish casserole with rice

Oven fish casserole in the oven is a very satisfying dish that can be prepared in two options. Any fish will do: hake, pollock, it tastes good with fresh pink salmon and mackerel.


• 1 tbsp. rice;

• 400 g of fish;

• 1 egg;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 1 onion;

• butter, crackers, spices.


1. Rice for this dish needs to be boiled. We fill the washed cereal in boiling water, boil until soft, we recline in a colander. Let all the excess water drain.

2. Cut the onion, pass it in oil until transparent, you do not need to cook for a long time.

3. Cut the fish into small cubes, combine with the onion.

4. Add half the grated cheese and a raw egg to the rice, season with spices.

5. Lubricate the form, sprinkle with crackers.

6. You can even mix all the ingredients, put in the form, then sprinkle with the remaining cheese and bake until tender.

7. Either put a layer of rice, the filling on it and again rice. We also fill with cheese on top, bake until cooked. The temperature is around 200, the time is 20-25 minutes.

Minced fish and potato casserole in the oven

Another casserole with fish and potatoes, but mincemeat is used here. You can buy it in a store, but it’s better to cook it yourself from fish, it will be much tastier. Potatoes are taken raw. Sour cream for greasing layers can be replaced with mayonnaise.


• 2 onions;

• 0.3 kg of minced meat;

• 4 potatoes;

• oil, spices;

• 3 tbsp. l sour cream;

• 100 g of cheese;

• a raw egg.


1. Peel onions, chop finely, fry a little and combine with minced fish. Season the filling to taste with spices, be sure to salt, you can add a clove of garlic, herbs.

2. Mix sour cream with egg, beat well.

3. Peel the potatoes. Raw tubers grate on an ordinary kitchen coarse grater, split in half. Put one part in a greased form, season with spices.

4. Lubricate the potatoes with the third part of the sour cream sauce with the egg.

5. Top with minced fish with fried onions.

6. Cover with the second part of the potato, grease with sour cream.

7. Cover the mold with foil, cook the casserole for half an hour at 180 degrees.

8. Remove the foil, cover the dish with grated cheese, put it back into the oven.

9. Increase the temperature to 200 degrees. Cooking the fish casserole for another 20 minutes.

Oven fish casserole with cauliflower

To prepare such a casserole, it is best to use red fish, pink salmon is ideal, it turns out elegantly with more fat orts, for example, with salmon.


• 550 g of cauliflower;

• 350 g of fish fillet;

• 150 ml cream 10-15%;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 80 g of cheese;

• spices, oil.


1. Put the saucepan on the stove, pour water, salt.

2. Break the cabbage into inflorescences, pour in salted boiling water, cook exactly five minutes. This time will be enough. To keep the inflorescences white, you can add a little lemon juice or acid when boiling in water.

3. We throw the cabbage into a colander, let the water drain.

4. Cut the fish into cubes or cubes, which are approximately equal in size to the cabbage inflorescences. Sprinkle with spices, salt.

5. Prepare the form. You can simply grease, but if you wish, sprinkle with crackers as well, the crust on the casserole will be better.

6. Arrange inflorescences and fish mixed.

7. Beat eggs, add cream, chopped garlic, salt.

8. Rub the cheese very finely, sprinkle half, add the rest to the cream. Mix.

9. Put the sauce on top of the decomposed products.

10. Sprinkle with dry cheese chips on top.

11. Cook the casserole for 25 minutes at 190 degrees. If the cheese crust begins to burn prematurely, you can grease it with fresh cream or cover it with foil.

Oven fish casserole with frozen vegetables

To prepare such a fish casserole, you need a frozen vegetable mixture, for example, from beans, peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower.


• 400 g of vegetables;

• 400 g of fish fillet;

• 0.2 liters of cream;

• 2 eggs;

• 10 g of oil;

• spices;

• 0.3 lemons.


1. Rinse the fish, dry with napkins, cut into pieces of 20 grams, sprinkle with lemon, season with spices.

2. Lubricate the form with butter, spread the fillet.

3. If the vegetables do not have an ice crust, then you can not defrost them in advance. Just pour over the fish, level the layer.

4. Mix the cream with eggs, season with spices, whisk until smooth.

5. Pour the mixture with the prepared mixture, put in the oven to bake for 35 minutes. If the vegetables had a lot of moisture, you can leave another 10 minutes. Temperature 200.

Oven fish casserole with zucchini and potatoes

Raw vegetables are used for this casserole. You will also need any white fish fillet, you can take absolutely any at your discretion.


• 3 potatoes;

• 2 small zucchini;

• 400 g of fish fillet;

• spices, garlic;

• 120 g sour cream;

• 150 g of cheese.


1. Cut potatoes into circles, place on a greased baking sheet.

2. Mix sour cream with one clove of garlic, salt and pepper to taste, you can add a little soy sauce, dry herbs, in general, dress the sauce at our discretion. Lubricate the potatoes.

3. Rub the cheese, divide into two parts.

4. Sprinkle the potatoes with cheese.

5. We cut Phil, add spices and a little sauce into it, one spoon is enough. Mix and lay on top of the potatoes.

6. Now go sliced ​​zucchini. We make an even layer and grease them with sour cream.

7. Put the dish in the oven, cook for half an hour at 200 degrees.

8. Take out, fall asleep with cheese and hold for about another fifteen minutes.

Oven Fish Casserole - Tips & Tricks

• Easily and quickly clean fish from scales using boiling water. You need to quickly flush the carcass from the kettle on both sides. Then we take a knife and easily scrap off the scales.

• If the river fish smells of mud, you can soak the slices in water with lemon juice or in a cooled broth of citrus peels.

• The smell of fish will quickly leave your hands, cutlery, cutting board, if you wipe them with a fresh slice of lemon.

• So that the cheese crust does not burn before the fish casserole is cooked, you need to sprinkle the dish in the middle of cooking or cover the form with foil, parchment, wet paper.


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