A set of effective exercises for training oblique muscles of the abdomen. How to achieve the perfect abs: simple exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen


Every modern woman at least once wondered how to make her stomach flat. For this purpose, special exercises have been developed.

In the article we will talk in detail about the most effective exercises on the oblique muscles of the abdomen. We will touch upon the issue of “aspen waist”, which is relevant for all women, and explain how to do the exercises on the oblique muscles, while keeping the waist thin.

Training oblique abdominal muscles: the most common mistakes when doing exercises

For many women, either stereotypes or their own fallacies prevent them from achieving the perfect result of their efforts. Now we will talk about the most common and common mistakes in the process of creating ideal abdominal muscles.

So, among women there are two of the most common misconceptions:

The first error. Its essence lies in the thought of many women that they will easily achieve an ideal figure by daily doing one or two exercises on the press.

The truth is that such actions will only overload the muscles of the abdomen, but they will not pull it in and not pump it up.


In order for the tummy to be beautiful and flat, you need to perform a whole range of exercises and in no case do it daily. Muscles need rest and time to recover. The ideal routine is training for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 days.

The second misconception. The essence of this mistake is fully revealed in an outdated stereotype - I sit on a rigid diet, do not eat at all, as a result - an ideal figure.

Dear women! By such actions you simply torture your body. Thus, an ideal figure cannot be achieved. You just pull along a whole cart of diseases.


In order to achieve a perfect waist, eating three times a day is a must. The only condition is moderate portions and healthy food. A very important condition in this difficult matter is the rejection of bad habits. Remember that alcohol and smoking not only help to gain unwanted kilograms, but also do great harm to your entire body.

Oblique exercises: action description

We present you the simplest and most useful exercises for oblique abdominal muscles. They are the best assistants in working on a thin waist. Photos of exercises for oblique muscles will serve as a good example of the correct implementation of the complex.


Before you begin to exercise, be sure to warm up. If you start training without warming up, the risk of muscle injury is significantly increased. Being in a similar situation, you will forget about sports for a long time.

The following exercises are well suited as a warm-up:

• Jogging on the street or on a treadmill;

• Jumping rope;

• Scrolling hoop;

• Different tilts of the body, head, and so on.

A good quality workout involves performing the above exercises in a complex. This video will help you warm up quickly and correctly.

After doing the warm-up, you can start the basic exercises for the thin waist and flat stomach.

The first exercise is Cyclist or Twisting

As you may have guessed, this exercise got its name due to the imitation of the movements that a person reproduces when riding a bicycle.

The starting position for this exercise is as follows:

• Lie on the floor with your back down;

• Bend your legs at the knee;

• Wrap your hands behind your head, but do not connect them.

The correct sequence of actions when performing the exercise "Cyclist":

1. Lift the body and try to touch the tip of the right elbow of the left knee, while twisting your body;

2. After completing the previous action, repeat the same thing, but only with the left elbow and right knee;

3. Make such movements for about one minute. The desired number of approaches is two.


It is important to know that the knee should also move towards the elbow. It should be located approximately 45 degrees to the floor surface.

You cannot rush when doing this exercise. By such actions you only facilitate your work, and therefore worsen the result. Move smoothly and at a moderate pace, working well on the abdominal muscles.

Second Exercise - Side Bar

This exercise removes excess centimeters from the sides well. Its main condition is the tension of the oblique muscles of the abdomen with full support on the forearm.

The correct starting position should be as follows:

• Sit lying on your right side on a hard surface;

• Straighten your legs and lay them on top of each other;

• Place your right hand behind your head;

• Lift your body on your forearm, fully moving your weight to this part of the body.

The following describes the correct execution of the Side Bar exercise:

1. From the starting position, try to reach as far as possible with the right elbow to the left and immediately return to the original position;

2. Repeat the exercise about 10-15 times, eventually turning over to the other side.


When performing this exercise, it is very important to keep the abdominal muscles in tension. The more tense they are, the sooner and better the desired result will be.

The third exercise - "Russian Twist"

This exercise is designed for quality work of the chest and all the muscles of the press.

Accept the following starting position:

• Sit down on the floor;

• Close your hands in front of you;

• Bend your legs at the knee and lift;

• Watch for straightness of the back, do not stoop.

Perform the exercise as described below:

1. In the initial position, tighten the abs muscles as much as possible and turn the chest to the right;

2. Return to the starting position and repeat the same, only with the left side. The desired number of turns - 15, approaches - one.


When performing this exercise, an error with amplitude is often made. Do not rotate your body with large amplitude. She must be moderate. Remember that this exercise does not involve kicking. In proper execution, the legs should be stationary.

Exercise Four - The Pendulum

To complete the exercise correctly, accept the following starting position:

• You need to lie on a hard surface on your back;

• Press legs tightly against each other and lift them up, forming a right angle with the floor surface;

• Hands should be straight and extended to the sides. In this exercise, the hands serve only as a support for balance.

The correct implementation of the exercise "Pendulum" requires compliance with the following actions:

1. Make a deep slope of both legs to the right side - almost to the floor, but without touching its surface. Hold your legs in this position for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position;

2. Repeat the above step, leaning in the other direction. The total number of repetitions is 10-15 times in one approach.


This exercise can be complicated. Thus, you will improve the final result. To do this, hold the gymnastic ball with your feet, as shown in the picture, and perform the same actions.

Fifth exercise - "Mill"

When performing this exercise, the hands from the side resemble the sweep of the mill blades. That is why it received such a name.

The starting position for the exercise "Mill" is as follows:

• The legs should be spread slightly wider than the shoulders;

• Hands straighten and spread apart on different sides;

• Keep your posture straight.

The following describes the correct implementation of this exercise:

1. Begin tilting, alternating hand touches: touch with your fingertips the right hand of the left sock and the left hand of the right sock. Try not to bend your knees;

2. Repeat the exercise a total of 25 times in 2-3 sets.


When performing the "Mills", be sure to monitor the motionlessness of the pelvis. This is the most important condition of the exercise. Only the abdominal muscles should work here.

The work of the oblique muscles of the abdomen: what makes the waist square?

Many women turn to pumping obliques for the sake of getting a thin waist. Indeed, all exercises that contribute to the work of this area can be used to reduce your waist. However, not everyone knows how to do it right.

In order not to get a square waist from performing the above exercises, carefully study our tips:

• Do not overload the muscles. Remember that the more you swing them, the faster you lose the curves of the waist. Try to perform the above exercises in combination with exercises on a stationary bike, treadmill, and so on;

• When performing any bends to the sides, do not use dumbbells or any other weighting agents;

• Exclude barbell exercises. They very heavily load the spine and in no way affect the decrease in the waist.

As mentioned above, the whole range of exercises to maintain the tone of the oblique muscles of the abdomen is best combined with a healthy lifestyle. In order for the final result to be really good, review your diet.


Watch the video: Strengthen Your Core in 5 Minutes (June 2024).