Using face masks with hydrogen peroxide at home. The best masks with hydrogen peroxide: recipes


Hydrogen peroxide is a rather effective cosmetic product. Use it for the face with great care, otherwise the effect may be the opposite of the expected.

Rules for the preparation of face masks with hydrogen peroxide

Concentrated hydrogen peroxide can cause severe skin burns, so for cosmetic masks, a few drops of a 3% peroxide solution are added to a tonic or other neutral base. The interval between the use of masks should be several days.

Particular caution should be exercised when working with perhydrol, the concentration of which is 35%: it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. In pharmacies, you can also find hydropyrite tablets. 1 tablet is dissolved in 20 ml of water, this must be done immediately before preparing the mask.

Masks with peroxide are not recommended to be kept on the skin for more than 15 minutes. If the skin is dry and flaky, this should be reduced.

When combating acne and inflammation, it is allowed to apply undiluted hydrogen peroxide to problem points with a cotton swab. After the liquid has dried, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times. After the treatment is completed, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the skin with warm water without using soap.

A few hours after the procedure, it is necessary to refrain from exposure to direct sunlight.

Hydrogen Peroxide Scrub Masks

These products are mainly used for oily skin. They require careful application so as not to damage the epidermis. It is not recommended for use by adolescents, as well as persons with thin skin. Before use, it is recommended to steam the skin in a shower or bath. Slight redness and a burning sensation are allowed.

Oat and soda

Shredded oatmeal and soda are mixed in equal proportions, add ½ proportion of peroxide. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and a gentle massage is performed using a cotton pad. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes. The mixture is washed off with plenty of warm water.

With sea salt

Moisten a cotton pad in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, dip in sea salt powder and thoroughly wipe your face in a circular motion, paying special attention to the places of accumulation of black dots. After the procedure, washing with hot water is required. Sea salt can be replaced with soda or calcium powders.

Masks with hydrogen peroxide for oily and problem skin

The main objective of such masks is not only the fight against closed and inflamed pores, but also the elimination of excess oily skin, which leads to greasy pores.


In 15 g of wet, natural yeast, a teaspoon of peroxide is added. If possible, add 2-3 drops of grape seed oil. The finished mixture is spotted on problem areas. After drying, the operation can be repeated. Then the composition is thoroughly washed off.


A small amount of talcum powder is mixed with peroxide until a homogeneous mass is obtained. As in the previous case, it is applied pointwise.


Powder streptocide and talc in equal proportions is diluted with hydrogen peroxide, applied for 15 minutes to the skin of the face, and then washed off.


Heat 1 tablespoon of honey to a temperature of 40 degrees, add a teaspoon of aloe juice and 2-3 drops of peroxide. The mask is applied to the face and neck for 15 minutes. With regular use, the mask gives the skin a velvety and matte finish.


The mixture is prepared from a teaspoon of rice flour, ½ teaspoon of peroxide and 10 drops of alcohol tincture of calendula. The mask is kept for 15 minutes, then washed off.

Camphor ammonia

In a tablespoon of shaving cream add 5 ml of ammonia and camphor alcohol, as well as 4 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The mixture is applied for 10-15 minutes on the face, excluding the infraorbital region.

Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Masks

Freckles, age spots, traces of acne, uneven complexion - you can get rid of these symptoms yourself with the help of masks.

Cottage cheese

Mix 50 g of ordinary cottage cheese with yolk and add 5 drops of peroxide. To avoid overdrying the skin, you can add a teaspoon of honey or cream to the mixture. The mask is applied to the face and neck, withstand 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water, after a while apply a nourishing cream.


It is used only for oily or normal skin. In 15 g of raw yeast, 5 drops of peroxide are added. The finished mixture by consistency should resemble thick sour cream. It is applied to the face, excluding the infraorbital regions, for 15 minutes, and then washed off.


The mask is suitable for those who are always in a hurry - you can use it even in the morning. In 3 tablespoons of unsweetened oatmeal cooked in milk, add 5 drops of peroxide. After application, it is permissible to leave the mixture on the face for 20-30 minutes.

With white clay

The mask requires a visit to the pharmacy to purchase all the components. 40 g of white clay is mixed with 10 g of zinc oxide and diluted with water to a paste-like consistency. A teaspoon of peroxide is added to the resulting mixture. Professional cosmetologists recommend adding a few drops of tea tree oil to the composition - this component will have an additional stimulating and tonic effect. The mask is applied for 5-10 minutes, it is recommended to use no more than 1 time in 5-7 days.

Hydrogen Peroxide Anti-Aging Masks

These masks require course application. They even out complexion, have a healing effect on all skin layers, improve blood microcirculation. The frequency of use of masks is 1 time in 7-10 days, the course lasts 2 months. Then you need to take a break for the same period.

With body

The dry powder of the giardia is diluted with peroxide. The mixture is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off.

Potato oat

2 tablespoons of finely grated raw potatoes, 1 teaspoon of chopped oat bran or flour and ½ teaspoon of peroxide are mixed, applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. After rinsing, the skin is treated with moisturizers.

From pharmacy components

It will take 5 g of the following ingredients: cosmetic clay, borax, magnesia. 3 g of talcum powder, 1 teaspoon of water and ½ teaspoon of peroxide are added to the mixture. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes. After washing off, intensive skin hydration is required.

The secret to safe and effective use of hydrogen peroxide face masks

• Before using a mask with unfamiliar components, be sure to conduct an allergy test. To do this, a small amount of the prepared mixture is applied to the inner side of the elbow bend for 5 minutes. A sharp reddening of the skin, burning, discomfort may indicate an allergy. In this case, you will have to refuse to use the mask.

• After washing off the mask, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a decoction of chamomile. This will help prevent irritation and also prevent overdrying.

• If a burning sensation appears after applying the mask, the mixture must be washed off immediately.

• It is not recommended to apply peroxide masks to the skin around the eyes and lips. In these areas, the skin is most prone to burns. If a burn does occur, the affected area must be washed with running water. For washing, do not use a washcloth or gauze, so as not to create additional damage. To neutralize the effects, you can wipe with a weak solution of lemon.

• Do not disrupt the formulation of masks: excessive enthusiasm for hydrogen peroxide can lead to premature aging of the skin.

• It is recommended to take breaks in the use of peroxide. This will not allow the skin to get used to the effect.

The effect of peroxide is noticeable after one procedure. The only contraindication is individual intolerance, which is extremely rare. Masks with hydrogen peroxide are quite simple to manufacture and use. It is this fact that determines their high popularity.


Watch the video: How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide and Aspirin to Fade Age Spots, Dark Spots and Dull Skin (July 2024).