Imperial appetizer for the winter - original and beautiful! Options for the preparation of royal snacks for the winter with eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage and beans


It's time to prepare all kinds of salads and snacks for winter use. If you don’t know the recipes, but want to cook something new, our tips will come in handy. Royal snacks for the winter - they are called so for their rich taste and mouth-watering aroma. And just something, only vegetables in the ingredients!

But what delicious dishes are obtained. Appetizers according to our recipes can be eaten just with a bite of rye bread - you can’t drag them by the ears!

Royal appetizer for the winter - general principles of preparation

There are a lot of recipes for the royal appetizer for the winter. The most popular are those in which there is such a vegetable as eggplant. It must be washed, dried, cut off the edges and for a while lowered into salted water. So the bitterness is removed. Then the vegetable is boiled, stewed or even fried.

Tomatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, cabbage, garlic, pepper and beans are added to eggplant for appetizers. Be sure to make sure that only high-quality and fresh vegetables participate in the cooking. The shelf life of the workpieces will depend on this.

In recipes, you can experiment by adding or removing certain ingredients. If this is not the main component, then it will not affect the taste of the dish too much. Sauces for snacks can be selected at your discretion. The same goes for processing and slicing vegetables.

Before laying out the blank, the jars must be sterilized. This can be done over the steam of the kettle, in the oven, or simply doused with boiling water. It is better to boil the lids for cans. You can also sterilize by spreading the snack on clean jars and dropping them halfway into the water. Boil everything together for a little over a quarter of an hour.

Royal appetizer for winter with eggplant


• kilogram of eggplant;

• 4-5 cloves of garlic;

• 700 g of sweet pepper (different in color);

• 700 ml of tomato juice;

• a bunch of parsley;

• 40 g of granulated sugar;

• 40 g of coarse salt;

• 100 g of acetic acid;

• 150 ml of sunflower oil.

Cooking Method:

1. Sort, rinse and peel selected vegetables and greens from all the excess.

2. Cut the eggplant into thin slices. Put in a pan to extinguish the king’s appetizer and sprinkle with salt. Set aside for now.

3. Push the garlic cloves through a special press or grind in a puree with a blender. Sweet pepper cut into large slices. Coarsely chop the greens.

4. Put garlic, pepper and pour tomato juice in the saucepan for eggplant. By the way, instead of juice, you can use tomato puree or ripe red tomatoes chopped at home.

5. Fill the vegetable mixture with sugar, butter and salt. Put the stew and stir at the same time so that the eggplants at the bottom do not start to burn.

6. Stew until vegetables are soft. After that add acetic acid and mix.

7. After a few minutes, lay out the snack on the banks and clean for the winter.

Royal winter appetizer of fried eggplant


• kilogram of eggplant;

• kilogram of sweet multi-colored pepper;

• kilogram of tomatoes;

• 800 g onion turnip;

• 100 g of any young greens;

• 150 ml of sunflower oil;

• salt to taste;

• 50 ml of table vinegar 9%;

• 5-6 g ground pepper.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse and peel the vegetables from the list of ingredients.

2. Cut eggplant into round specimens. Fry them in oil on both sides until golden brown. Previously eggplant can be breaded in sifted flour.

3. Sweet pepper cut into large slices, and onion rings. Bake vegetables in the oven or on the grill.

4. Grind greens and tomatoes in mashed potatoes by any method. Mix with salt, pepper and vinegar. Boil in a saucepan until boiling, and then a few more minutes.

5. In sterilized jars lay layers of fried pepper, tomato puree, pepper with onion, mashed again. So spread the whole snack. Cover immediately. Sterilize jars for about 15 minutes (for half-liter containers). Then plug and let cool. Keep cool at a fixed temperature.

Royal appetizer for winter from eggplant in tomato


• kilogram of eggplant;

• a pound of onion turnips;

• kilogram of pepper;

• two kilograms of red ripe tomatoes;

• 50 g of sugar;

• 30 g of salt;

• 2 tbsp. l table vinegar 9%;

• a glass of sunflower oil.

Cooking Method:

1. To make a royal appetizer of eggplant in tomato, first you need to sort, wash and clean all the vegetables selected for the recipe.

2. Cut the eggplant into large pieces, 3x3 cm in size or slightly larger.

3. Cut the pepper into slices, and then into cubes.

4. Chop the onion into half rings.

5. Tomatoes scroll through a meat grinder or chopped in mashed potatoes using a blender.

6. Put onion and pepper in a pan for cooking snacks. Pour in oil. Season with salt and sugar. Simmer a couple of minutes. Pour in tomato puree. Stir and simmer for about half an hour.

7. Then add the eggplant and vinegar. Stir and simmer for 4-5 minutes.

8. Put the appetizer in pre-prepared sterilized jars, seal and put them away for cooling and storage.

Spicy royal appetizer for winter from eggplant with cabbage


• kilogram of eggplant;

• 300 g of cabbage;

• one carrot;

• one chili pepper;

• 2-3 cloves of garlic;

• to taste coarse salt without additives;

• 100 ml of sunflower oil;

• 10 g sugar;

• 3 tbsp. l table vinegar 9%.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse and peel the vegetables selected for the recipe. Chili peppers should be cleaned with gloves to prevent burns.

2. Cut eggplant into large pieces. First, round fragments 4-5 cm thick, then another 8 parts. Put slices in a pan, pour water, add a little salt (pinch enough). Boil for 3-4 minutes. Then put on an iron sieve and leave the whole broth to drain. You can pin down pieces of blue to make the broth come out faster.

3. Cut the cabbage into several parts so that it is convenient to chop it finely. Chop. Put all the cabbage straws in a frying pan heated with oil. Simmer while the lid is closed on low heat.

4. Carrots, hot chili peppers and garlic, cut into small slices and transfer to a blender cup. Grind in mashed potatoes. Add to cabbage. Stir and simmer together.

5. After 7-10 minutes, add salt and sugar to the pan. If desired, you can put any spices. When the cabbage is ready, add vinegar and mix.

6. So, in clean cans treated with boiling steam, lay the eggplant and cabbage-vegetable mixture in layers. After that, tightly close the cans and put them into storage, first in a warm place, and after cooling, cool.

Royal winter appetizer with beans


• 480 g of beans;

• a pound of sweet pepper;

• kilogram of tomatoes;

• 300 g turnip onions;

• 2-3 carrots;

• one chili pepper;

• 50 g of coarse salt without additives;

• a bunch of parsley;

• a glass of sunflower oil;

• salt to taste;

• 2-3 peas of black pepper;

• 30 ml of table vinegar 9%.

Cooking Method:

1. Soak the beans for several hours. You can leave it in a cup of water for the night. Then rinse and cook until half cooked.

2. Rinse whole peppers, tomatoes, carrots, onions and parsley. Peel selected vegetables. To process chili, you need to wear rubber gloves. Or use a fork to hold the pepper and not touch it.

3. Cut the pepper and carrots into small cubes. Cut tomatoes and onions into thin slices.

4. Put all the vegetables in the pan, except greens. Introduce oil, peppercorns and salt. Put the stew on the stove.

5. After a couple of minutes, mix and add almost ready beans (without broth).

6. Stew further, stirring every few minutes.

7. Finely chop the parsley and add to the royal snack. Stir and simmer until vegetables and beans are cooked. After that, introduce vinegar and mix well.

8. Arrange the hot appetizer over the hot processed jars. Close with lids and store.

Royal appetizer for the winter tomato


• 950 g ripe tomatoes;

• 600 g of sweet pepper;

• 300 g turnip onions;

• 300 g carrots;

• 100 g of sunflower oil;

• salt to taste;

• 15 g of sugar;

• to taste spices;

• 2 tbsp. l table vinegar 9%.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse vegetables for the recipe in running water and peel. In tomatoes, cut the place for attachment of the stem. Remove the seeds from the pepper. Peel the onion and carrots with a small knife.

2. Cut the vegetables. Carrots and peppers thin straws. Onion half rings. A tomato slices. Put all chopped foods in a pan. Put on moderate heat and pour in sunflower oil.

3. Stew for a couple of minutes. Season with salt, spices and sugar. To stir.

4. Continue stewing until vegetables are ready. This is a taste check.

5. Add vinegar, stir. After a couple of minutes, lay out on sterilized jars, cover with sterilized lids. All cans should be left in a warm blanket to cool to room temperature.

Royal appetizer for the winter - tricks and useful tips

• To leave the bitterness from the eggplant, you can simply chop it and fill it with salt for a few minutes. Released liquid should be drained.

• Eggplant in recipes can be replaced with zucchini or zucchini.

• Vinegar in dishes can be used by anyone. Suitable: wine, table or apple.

• If fried eggplant is used in the recipe, then after cooking it is better to put them on paper towels, so excess fat will go away.

• In the winter snack, you can add any seasoning you like if you wish.

• Close cans with lids immediately, while everything is getting bitter.


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