Runny nose in children - treatment at home: drops, inhalations, rinsing. What should be the treatment for the common cold in children at home


Runny nose is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Such a pathology is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms and is quite common. It is important to start timely treatment so that complications do not occur.

Causes of the common cold in children

First of all, rhinitis appears in children with a weakened immune system. In such children, the body cannot fight pathogens on its own.

The main causes of the common cold are:

· Subcooling and a sharp temperature drop;

· The effect of allergens;

· Infectious diseases of the sense of smell;

· Colds that are accompanied by a viral infection;

· Adverse climatic conditions.

A runny nose can also occur due to a nose injury or a foreign body entering the passage. Typically, this pathology is provoked by viruses that cause SARS. Transmission occurs by airborne droplets. If symptoms are detected in a timely manner, it is possible to treat a runny nose in children at home.

Surgical treatment of the common cold in children at home

With this pathology, thermal procedures are very effective.

There are several procedures that actively combat the symptoms:

1. Warming up the legs. This procedure is indicated only for those children whose body temperature is not elevated. For proper manipulation, it is necessary to heat the water to an optimum comfortable temperature, pour a tablespoon of mustard powder and the same amount of sea salt. Lower your legs into a basin and cover with a terry towel. Thanks to this, the temperature will not cool. The treatment time is 20 minutes. After passing this time, the legs should be well rubbed and terry socks put on top. Relief may occur after one procedure, if the symptoms were not pronounced. It is important to measure the temperature of the child before warming, otherwise the situation can be complicated.

2. Steaming the nose and maxillary cavities. This procedure is effective in the first manifestations of rhinitis. To carry out the manipulation, it is necessary to boil two potatoes, and then wrap with a towel. This will help prevent burns. After attach to the maxillary sinuses. Remove potatoes after it cools down. After this procedure, you can not go out. The baby must comply with strict bed rest.

3. When warming, you can use not potatoes, but hard-boiled eggs. Heated salt is no less effective. Salt must be heated in a pan, put in small bags and applied to the maxillary sinuses. Fold the fabric in several layers. You can use a bath towel. This will help prevent burns.

Treatment for the common cold with inhalation

Manipulations must be carried out already at the first symptoms of the disease. This will contribute to the rapid recovery of the baby. Hot steam warms the nasopharynx and expands the pores. It promotes the ingestion of useful medicines, as it makes the mucus more fluid.

For sessions, you can apply:

· Eucalyptus or fir drying oil;

· Decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, linden, juniper, sage;

· Baking soda solution;

Boiled potatoes;


· Pine buds.

To perform manipulations, you must use a pot or kettle. Pour water into a container and bring to a boil. Add grass to it and boil for 6-7 minutes. After allowing the drug to cool slightly, so the steam will not burn.

At the time of the session, the baby should alternately inhale with his nose and mouth. In time, it should last 8-10 minutes. After this, wipe the baby well, put on warm clothes and provide bed rest. Place two pillows under your head. This will contribute to the rapid separation of mucus. It will not accumulate in the nasal passages.

Treatment of the common cold in children at home with the help of inhalation is prohibited at the elevated temperature or poor general condition of the child. It is important to avoid drafts after all actions. Before the session, be sure to ventilate the room.

Drops from the common cold using traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of the common cold in children at home is possible with the help of self-prepared drops. They will help eliminate the inflammatory process, relieve swelling of the mucosa, and clear nasal passages of mucus. There are many recipes for drops:

1. Agave juice. This plant is likely to be in every home. To prepare medicinal drops, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the plant and mix it with liquid honey in equal proportions. A couple of times a day instill 2 drops of medicine in each passage. Be sure to make sure that there is no allergy to the beekeeping product before using this product.

2. Honey with onion juice. To prepare the drops, grate the onions. 2 tablespoons of the resulting slurry pour a quarter cup of warm water. Allow the product to stand for about half an hour. After all, mix well, filter and add half a teaspoon of honey. Knead everything again and begin treatment.

3. Beetroot juice. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Leave to infuse for several hours, then dilute with water in equal proportions. In the nose, instill 2 drops a couple of times a day. Thanks to the tool, you can get rid of accumulated pus. You need to be careful, as some have a burning sensation. If such discomfort appears, it is recommended to moisten cotton swabs in the juice and insert into the nasal passages for half an hour.

4. Beetroot juice with honey. Melt a half teaspoon of honey in a tablespoon of liquid. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable juice. Mix the whole mass thoroughly. Instill 3 drops a couple of times a day in each nasal passage.

5. Vegetable oil with onion juice. Treating a runny nose in children at home with this recipe will help eliminate dryness in the nasal passages. To prepare oil drops, it is necessary to boil the vegetable oil over low heat, but do not bring to a boil. In half a glass of varnish, pour half the onion. Pre chop it very finely. The drug should be infused for 7 hours. After filtering and instill in each nostril a few drops.

6. Eucalyptus Oil Drops. Such drops more gently affect the mucous membrane. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour one tablespoon of the crushed plant into a half glass of oil. Boil the whole mass over low heat for 5-6 minutes. Leave to insist for a couple of hours, then filter and drip a couple of drops in the nose.

Rinse nose

Treating a cold in children at home also involves flushing the nasal cavity. This procedure actively eliminates bacteria and viruses from the nasal mucosa. For manipulations usually use solutions of salt or sea water. Effective decoctions of sage or chamomile.

During the procedure, the baby should lean forward, draw in the prepared solution with his nose and release it through his mouth. Repeat all actions 5-6 times throughout the day. After the manipulations, you do not need to immediately drop drops, since there is an abundant separation of mucus.

When treating a cold in children up to a year, first remove the mucus from the nose with a rubber bulb. Then drip the nose with saline, wait a certain period of time and again remove the separated mucus with a pear. Perform such manipulations several times.

It is strictly forbidden to rinse the nose with a syringe or pear. Due to the increased pressure, the discharge penetrates the Eustachian tube. This becomes the cause of the inflammatory process in the middle ear. At the same time, it is very easy to damage the mucous membrane with sharp movements.

With a runny nose, drinking plenty of fluids is very important. Drinking fluids lowers intoxication. Together with it, all harmful microorganisms are excreted. You can drink not just water, but also drinks from herbs and fruits. The vitamins contained in such drinks enhance local immunity.

If only the first symptoms of the common cold appear, it is necessary to begin to cure it. Be sure to consult your doctor before using any prescription. Otherwise, complications may occur.


Watch the video: Nasal Cleansing - Mayo Clinic (July 2024).