Why dream of washing floors in your home or in someone else's, in a church, in a morgue? Basic Interpretations - Why Do You Dream of Washing Floors


In a dream, a person can dream of a variety of events.

But why dream of washing floors? How to interpret such a dream? It’s worth sorting out.

Why dream of washing floors - the main interpretation

Sex in a dream symbolizes the support of a person, shows whether he stands well on his feet. It’s important when interpreting the dream in which you dreamed about gender, explain all its characters:

• The floor in which room you dreamed about;

• Was he too dirty;

• Who else was in your dream;

• What emotions did you experience in your dream?

If you dreamed that you were washing the floor - such a dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, if you enjoy this activity, your life will give you a chance to wash all the negative from the past and present. You can clean your life from the accumulated household garbage, you can say goodbye to those people who prevent you from moving on through life.

If you dislike this matter in a dream, you should reconsider your attitude to everything that happens in your life. You may be too critical of other people's actions. To notice other people's flaws and not to notice advantages. You accumulate negativity in your own life and do not want to get rid of it.

If you dream that you are washing the floor in your kitchen - such a dream means that you should be wary of guests with negative intentions. These people will come to your home with the desire to harm you. In the near future, try to host only those people in whom you are really sure.

If you dream that you are forced to mop the floor in the common entrance - such a dream promises you general condemnation and censure. If you dream that you are washing the floor in the general entrance, and someone is constantly dirtying it specially - take a look at the one who does it. This person and in reality will try to ruin your life.

If you don’t recognize him, it means that a stranger will try to ruin your reputation. He will attack you morally, having no arguments against you, but his arguments will become weighty for others. The dream book advises to be attentive to all your actions. Do not allow yourself too much either in deeds or in statements.

If you wash the floor at your work and still cannot stop. You rub the floor to shine and do it ad infinitum - you are afraid to lose your business reputation and therefore try to show your best at work. The dream book advises not to sacrifice yourself for the sake of professional activity. You still have a lot of important things to do besides work. Your work and unnecessary efforts will not be appreciated.

If you dream that the floor at your workplace is black, covered in soot and dirt - such a dream may mean that the situation at your workplace is very negative. The dream book advises you to avoid quarrels and squabbles in the workplace. Try not to take sides, do not take anything to heart in the near future. Chaos and disorder will occur in your workplace.

This situation is beneficial to one of your colleagues. Dream Interpretation advises not to waste your strength and health, your nerves in order to prove something to someone. Try to do your job efficiently - this will be enough to secure the support of your bosses.

If you dream that you mop the floors in the mall, you lack emotions and entertainment. You would really love to go shopping. But the dream book warns you of unnecessary spending. After such a dream, you will be pulled to spend money that you have not superfluous. Try to minimize costs.

If you wash the floors in a dream in the church - it’s time for you to cleanse your soul from sins. You should not be afraid to repent and ask for forgiveness from loved ones. You need to take the first step yourself towards reconciliation. Even if you were stabbed by a loved one, such a dream advises you to forgive him.

If you wash the floor in the morgue in your sleep - this is a pretty favorable sign. It means that you can get away from everyday routine, you can start doing something completely different, which will bring you significant income.

To see a dream in which you wash the floor, and it begins to crack before your eyes - your plans will be destroyed. You cannot rely on loved ones, you have to ask for help on the side. In the near future, troubles and problems may also fall on you, it will be quite difficult for you to resist. Try not to lose heart, because troubles can pester you for quite some time.

Why dream of washing floors on Freud’s dream book

If in a dream you carefully wash the floors in your house - you want to hide the truth from your partner. It disturbs you that having recognized her, he may break off communication with you. Do not so diligently hide your shortcomings and secrets. The dream book advises in the future not to make such mistakes.

If you dream that you have been trying hard and hard to clean the floor in the bedroom, but you can’t do it, the dirt comes from nowhere - try to look at your surroundings. Someone is constantly pouring dirt on you and your relationship. Someone is discussing and condemning you, and this person will not stop doing this. Try to minimize communication even with relatives in the near future.

If you dream that your beloved has gotten dirty on the floor and you have to wash it after him - such a dream means that in a relationship you will start quarrels and quarrels. The initiator of this situation will be your chosen one. He has accumulated complaints and grievances against you. He will try his best to prick you with a word, he will try to ruin your life. But the motive of his actions will be not selfishness, but inner pain. The dream book advises you to understand the feelings and emotions of the partner and yours.

If you dream that a partner is cleaning floors throughout the house, he sincerely wants to build a relationship with you. He wants to give you his love and make your life with him unforgettable. To do this, he will do his best to forget all the troubles that arose between you.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she washes the black floor from dirt, and he eventually becomes snow-white, she will have a truce with someone with whom she has long been in a quarrel. Also, this dream promises her the joy of motherhood and well-being in childbirth.

Why dream of washing floors in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book, if you wash the floor in a dream, this is a very negative sign. Most likely, you will not only be in trouble, you will also get very sick. The disease will not give you the opportunity to work and do household chores.

If you dream that you wash the floor of blood in a dream, such a dream means that you have to find out a relationship with some stranger for a long time. You will not be able to defend your point of view. All the time you have to make excuses and prove your case. The dream book advises to complete the matter, so as not to lose your reputation.

Why dream of washing the floors, if at the same time your phone rang? Such a dream suggests that in reality you will not be able to complete an important business due to constant domestic problems. Try to retire for work and business, do not mix important matters and family, household issues.

Why dream of washing floors on other dream books

The Summer Dream Book says that washing wooden floors in a dream is to peace and tranquility. You will finally find the meaning of your life in a lesson for the soul. If after you washed the floor in a dream, it becomes slippery - be careful in reality to the little things. Try not to miss important details. If you have to make a deal, try to approach this issue very carefully.

The Women's Dream Book says that if you wash the floor in a dream, such a dream portends success in your work. You will be able to take a high position. But do not argue with the authorities. You need to achieve everything with the help of diplomacy and cunning.

If you dream that you are washing the floor, and it begins to crack under your feet - such a dream means that soon your ill-wishers will begin an active war with you. Try not to lose heart and not be afraid of their attacks. Any of their deeds will ultimately benefit you. The main thing is to remain faithful to your principles and follow your goal.

No matter how negative the dream may seem, no matter how some of its events frighten you, in real life everything can happen differently. It is important to clearly distinguish between dreams and real events. Then, thanks to the tips of dreams, you will be able to resolve your most difficult life situations, and earn income.
