But will there be harm from eating duck eggs? All about the properties, benefits and harms of duck eggs, the features of their preparation


A product like duck eggs is not commonly consumed. The way of life of these birds and their eating habits do not allow them to become more popular. Duck eggs have an unusual consistency, an unusual taste, their surface is often contaminated, so there is a risk of infection by their pathogenic bacteria, which consumers are afraid of. But they also have many properties that turn this product not only into useful, but in some cases simply necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The benefits of a duck egg

Nutritionists argue that this product should be included in the diet. We will understand why, what is the use of a duck egg.

The egg includes all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body to function properly. Compared to a chicken egg, duck is larger in size, its fat content is higher, therefore, nutritionists advise them for use to people with weakened immune systems, suffering from dystrophy and simply to those who perform heavy physical work daily.

Thanks to the minerals contained in it, teeth and skeleton can be strengthened, and folic acid will help the hematopoiesis system function normally. Men also need it for sperm production, and women when planning pregnancy and blood disease.

Also speaking about the benefits of a duck egg, it is necessary to say about such trace elements in it as selenium, vitamin B12, which plays a huge role in the central nervous system, is a substance that counteracts the development of anemia, as well as zinc, which helps skin cells to renew, support the immune system. system, improve brain function and mood.

Duck Egg Harm

What could be harmful in duck eggs. In principle, nothing, if you use them no more than twice a week and give a sufficiently long heat treatment, rinse thoroughly before cooking, since the eggs of this bird are more susceptible to infection with salmonella. They also have a specific smell, which is why many refuse to eat them in food, rather this is an amateur product.

Also, those who consume them should remember that duck eggs are digested longer than others, so you should not eat them before bedtime, because heaviness in the stomach does not accompany healthy sleep. It is for this reason that children under six years of age are not advised to give duck eggs.

Duck eggs are also contraindicated for people with individual intolerance, as well as for people with excess weight.

Is it harmful to eat duck eggs for pregnant and lactating women

Experts do not advise pregnant women to use duck eggs, since there is a high risk of infection, since diseases of ducks, for example, salmonella, can be transmitted to the developing testicle. Of course, if you use this product, there is no guarantee that you will fall ill, but it is better to refuse chicken eggs during the period of gestation.

And now about the period of breastfeeding. Regarding the use of duck eggs in this period, it is better to wait a bit. The fact is that they can cause allergies in your child. In general, experts recommend starting the use of eggs for nursing mothers with quail.

Duck eggs in cooking

In addition to the fact that duck eggs are not very popular today, they are often used in cooking. Often, some are confused by the unusual smell of an egg, others - the increased elasticity of the cooked product (compared to chicken). But when cooking for example baking, the increased viscosity of the protein gives the dough, especially the biscuit, a delicate texture, as it becomes more elastic and oily. Eggs can also be added to salads, and the yolk can be used to make noodles.

In the production of mayonnaise, minced meat, paste, sauce, duck eggs are welcome.

But the eggs, called Songhuadan, are perfectly combined in use with ginger and soy vinegar.

The use of duck eggs in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of duck eggs did not go unnoticed in cosmetology. Raw duck eggs are good for both skin and hair. The latter they are able to give new strength, rid the skin of acne and other troubles.

They are especially good for oily skin, because due to the contained substances they can have such an effect as:

Narrow pores;

· Remove shine;

· Moan and dry the skin.

It is best to add white clay to such masks, keep on your face until the mask is completely dry, and rinse with cool water.

If you have a combined skin type, a duck egg will be most beneficial if you mix potato grated on it.

Dry skin types will benefit from masks made only from duck yolk. Maintain them for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Effective is the use of duck eggs and hair care. Mixtures prepared on the basis of this product will become a real conditioner for them. They nourish the hair, enrich it with the necessary substances. If such masks are used constantly, the hair will grow stronger, become stronger, loss, if any, will stop.

How to cook and save duck eggs

The food industry can use duck eggs only if they can be heat-treated at high temperature. So they must be cooked for at least 13 minutes, if the egg is larger, then it must be kept in boiling water for 15 minutes until fully cooked. But regarding the cooking of the eggs of this bird, you need to know and keep such rules:

· Eggs before throwing into the pan should be thoroughly washed in running water, preferably with the use of soda or laundry soap;

· Duck protein is somewhat unusual because it is harder than chicken. You can achieve it so that it becomes softer if you allow the eggs to warm up to room temperature before placing the pot on the stove.

But it is better to store eggs in the refrigerator not on the side compartment, but on the main one. Place them in the container with the sharp side down. A boiled egg is stored for no more than three days.

For a long time, fresh should not lie either. Best used immediately after purchase. You should not use such a product more than twice a week, therefore, you need to purchase in small batches.

Important! Remember, the shelf life of a duck egg cannot exceed seven days. To test its suitability, it is enough to place the egg in water and see if it rises to the surface. Otherwise, this product is stale.

Of course, despite the short shelf life, it is best if you eat eggs from your homestead, because you can only vouch for your bird both in terms of feeding and in terms of keeping. But not everyone has such an opportunity. In this case, the most reliable way is to buy eggs directly from the farmer. They are also sold in specialized stores, on farmer's markets.

As you can see, duck eggs will not do harm if you overdo it, cook and save it according to the above instructions. But the benefits of them can be obtained much more.


Watch the video: What Do Ducks Eat: Interesting Facts About Duck Feeding; Can You Feed Ducks Bread? (July 2024).