The benefits and harms of coffee for men: pros and cons. Is coffee harmful to a man or is there any benefit?


The modern world is full of opportunities, money and stress, and the modern man seeks to use all opportunities, earn more money while avoiding stress. For this reason, to keep themselves in good shape, about 90% of adult men consume caffeinated drinks.

The most popular is coffee. But, as with any stimulants, some problems may appear when abused. So what is useful and why coffee can be harmful for a man?

How does coffee affect a man?

First you need to decide what is usually called the word "coffee". This is a drink brewed from roasted and ground coffee tree beans.

The main active ingredients are two alkaloids: caffeine and theobromine. Caffeine begins to act immediately and lasts 20-25 minutes. It narrows the vessels of all organs except the kidneys.

In all organs, blood pressure rises, and in the kidneys it decreases. After 25-30 minutes, the action of caffeine passes and theobromine begins to act (approximately 60 minutes). Its effect is the opposite - everywhere the vessels dilate, and in the kidneys narrow.

Therefore, coffee should be washed down with a glass of water to prevent violations of the water-salt metabolism. All soluble, granular products from cans, sachets, etc., and so on are not really coffee, but just coffee-flavored drinks that contain only theobromine do not give a "bouncy", and therefore you feel sleepy after such coffee.

One cup of coffee contains:

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of daily intake.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 6%.

Manganese and potassium: 3%.

Magnesium and niacin (B3): 2%.

The mechanism of action and effects of caffeine

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant like nicotine, cocaine, cathinone, ephedrine and others. It enhances the action of the cardiovascular system, improves mood, mental and physical performance, improves memory, alertness, tones up, relieves drowsiness, and increases urination. In general, it causes effects similar to adrenaline, due to blocking of adenosines - inhibitory neurotransmitters in the brain, and the accumulation of norepinephrine and dopamine, which leads to increased firing of neurons.

Caffeine is the most commonly used psychoactive substance in the world.

But you need to understand that caffeine is a kind of legal drug, that is, it can be addictive when consumed in excess of 1000 mg / day, psychological and physical dependence is theism. The addiction is expressed in the fact that at the beginning a serving of coffee can charge with vigor for the whole night, and over time the same amount of drink will last for 1-2 hours. Then a sharp decrease in productivity and the need to increase dosage or rest. Caffeine withdrawal may result in general lethargy, apathy, drowsiness, and bruising.

The positive effects of coffee on men's health

Men who drink coffee are more sexually active than those who drink other drinks such as teas, milk, or plain water. At normal dosages of up to 300 mg of caffeine per day (1-2 cups of coffee), it has only a positive effect according to the above effects.

More for a man, this means:

· Increased vigilance while driving. Drivers keep speed better and feel more confident. It is important to understand that this applies only to brewed coffee in which caffeine is present.

Instant (theobromine) coffee causes the exact opposite effect!

· A 26% reduction in the risk of kidney stones due to increased urination.

· A 44% reduction in the risk of developing liver cancer.

· Reducing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's.

170-375 mg of caffeine (2-3 cups) per day can improve sex life. It is noted that the use of coffee reduces erectile dysfunction by 42%. True, this does not apply to diabetics. The biological mechanism is that caffeine causes a number of pharmacological effects, the relaxation of the arteries of the penis cavity and the cavernous smooth muscle that lines the cavernous spaces, thereby increasing blood flow in the penis.

· Coffee is an aphrodisiac - Stimulates parts of the brain that signal sexual arousal. Even the smell itself can cause reflex stimulation.

· Increased sperm activity and a chance to conceive a child.

· Coffee has nothing to do with prostate cancer.

Advice! It is best for men to drink coffee after a hearty dinner or during a morning meal. So the drink will positively affect potency. You should not drink coffee before sex because stimulation of CVS in combination with physical activity can lead to heart problems, and vasoconstriction to minor erectile dysfunctions.

Caffeine damage from coffee abuse

Two or three cups of coffee are considered to be the limit. Larger amounts with regular use are addictive and addictive. In combination with the stresses associated with work, family, finances, environmental factors, social obligations, etc., caffeine addiction creates a very unhealthy cocktail, which can indirectly affect potency.

· Stress hormone rises, especially cortisol. This greatly weakens the immune system. Refusing caffeine at such a moment will cause withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal), but hormones, heart rate and pressure will be restored.

· Depreciation of the nervous and immune systems. Extreme, prolonged workloads cause a deterioration in the work of the psyche, its disorders, as well as problems with the immune system.

· High cortisol with increased appetite and cravings for fatty foods cause obesity, which is an additional risk factor for heart disease.

· Coffee abuse with stress is a good condition for a heart attack. In chronic stressful situations, coffee is not a healthy drink for the heart.

· Large doses of caffeine can cause anxiety, sleep disturbance, obstruct the flow of blood into the brain, impair mental ability.

· There is an increased risk of respiratory cancer in men (not women!).

· Over time, sperm count and sperm count decrease.

Decaffeinated coffee It can also be harmful, as it contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood.

Drinking coffee for more than four to five cups per day is very dangerous, as it causes tremors, irritability, insomnia, nausea, and stomach pain. In addition, in addition to caffeine and theobromine, grains contain plant hormones similar to estrogen. Naturally, in large doses from this, the strength of a man gradually dies away. In addition, coffee increases acidity, which may mean leaching calcium from bones and decreasing skeleton strength.

The bottom line is that from one cup of coffee there will never be a negative impact. But you should never joke with him. A safe dose of brewed, natural coffee up to 3 cups per day. You need to understand that a large amount of coffee consumed will undoubtedly affect the body as a whole, and potency in particular. Adhere to your norm, evaluate your abilities soberly, and you will receive only positive effects and emotions from coffee.


Watch the video: Your Brain On Coffee (July 2024).