Why dream of measuring a dress that fits, small or large? The main interpretations of different dream books - why dream about measuring a dress


In a dream, you can be busy with any of your favorite things. In a dream, you can afford all those things that until recently you forbade yourself.

Why dream of measuring a dress? What does such a dream mean.

Why dream about measuring a dress - the main interpretation

The dream in which you see yourself trying on a dress does not bode well for you. You will not become the owner of something new and incredible in reality - as the dream book says. You just make yourself trouble and trouble. A dream foreshadows you a lot of trouble, empty deeds, which you will implement without enthusiasm. Try to gather strength and not lose heart after such a dream.

The dream in which you try on a dress, but it is great on you - says that you will take on too many obligations. You will carry out a lot of tasks and instructions of the authorities, but you will not be able to do anything. The secret is that you spent too much time in leisure and in doing your own business, and not at work. Now it's time to work hard. Try to comply with all the instructions of the authorities and not hit the face in the dirt.

It may also mean that you too actively began to control the will of the partner. They began to take too much on themselves.

In order to fully interpret the dream - it is worth paying attention to such details:

• Where did the dress appear in your dream;

• What was its style;

• What color was the dress;

• Did you like the dress;

• Who else appeared in your dream.

If in a dream you choose a new dress for yourself for a long time and with pleasure - in reality you will be confused because of the new incredible opportunities that life will provide you. This will be a true gift of fate, which you accept with gratitude. Try not to worry, and not to doubt whether you are worthy of this gift.

If a married woman tries on a dress in front of the mirror, such a dream may mean that she has a rival. If she tries on a bright and very beautiful dress - the rival is also a bright and chic woman. It will be difficult to fight with her.

If a married woman measures a gray, nondescript dress - such a rival will be and you should not worry. It is important to stay calm in any situation. If a married woman measures a dress in front of a mirror, and it is all in holes, a crisis sets in her relationship with her husband. Too much has been lost; too much has not been said.

If the dress she is trying on is completely dirty, her friends are traitors. They fit into personal life and prevent it from developing. The thing is that gossip and gossip around relationships can lead to big quarrels.

It is also important to pay attention to the coloring of the dress, which the woman tries on:

• A white wedding dress that a woman tries on may indicate a new boyfriend;

• Measure a white dress in a dream - soon to get very sick;

• Black dress - for the sad news;

• Red dress - to quarrels and possible quarrels;

• Burgundy dress - to flirt and passion;

• Purple dress promises jealousy and distrust;

• Yellow - to disagreement and parting;

• Measure the green dress in a dream - to the fulfillment of desires.

It is also important to remember exactly where you tried on the dress. If you did this at home, then you will not have significant changes in your life. You will be calm about everything that happens. Even if you get into trouble, you can quickly put everything in its place.

If you try on a bright dress in sequins at home - such a dream means that you will be tired of the grayness of being and you will want to improve your material and moral condition. To do this, you will make every effort to diversify your life. Your loved ones will react to such your impulse with joy.

The dream in which you measure an old dress speaks of a return to past thoughts and problems. Try not to get hung up on old thoughts and worries. Your losses that you experienced long ago should not affect your future life. Try to remember the past only with wisdom and the desire to change something in the future.

The dream in which you measure the old dress, and it squeezes you - your past will not allow you to develop the future. You may be reminded of your old debts that you had to repay a long time ago. But you all tried to delay the moment of return. Now you have to finally pay off your debts completely.

If you try on a new dress at work - such a dream means that soon you will face troubles in the financial sphere. If you were planning a new start, a new project, if you were planning a change of residence - it is important to calculate all the nuances. Otherwise, your decision will lead to your bankruptcy.

If you dream that you are trying on a dress that is not finished - you still can not finish the important thing. Now life will give you such an opportunity. It is time to recognize the significance of what is happening in your life. If you do this, in the future everything will work out for you.

If there are several such cases, it is important to remember who else appeared in your dream. Perhaps this person will help you figure out the situation. Do not worry if you do not succeed right away. After waiting a bit, you will get an important result.

Why dream of measuring a dress according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that to measure a dress in a dream is to want to change a partner. This desire can be so strong that a woman will even be ready to break the old connection and not return to this issue in the future.

If a woman tries on a red dress - she craves a passionate relationship that would diversify her boring and diverse life. The only problem may be that she will have to build relationships with another man. And she may not be ready to let go of those relationships that have long been in her life.

If a woman dreams of trying on a black dress, she will mourn over past relationships. If she herself understands that this is superfluous in her life, she is better off drawing conclusions and letting go of the situation. A dream in which a woman tries on a tattered, dirty dress - says that she is waiting for quarrels and disagreements with a man, she will receive mental trauma.

Dream Interpretation advises to avoid fundamental topics, clarification of relations. Now it is important to maintain peace in the family. If such a dream is dreamed of by a lonely girl, she can’t reconcile herself with what was once in her personal life. And he can’t begin to live on. This is very important in order to begin to build full-fledged relations in the future.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is trying on a white dress - it’s time for her to take care of herself and just relax. Now life will give her such opportunities. If she dreams that she is measuring a black dress, she needs to take care of her health. An exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

Why dream about measuring a dress according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that if a woman tries on a dress in a dream that she would never wear in reality, and she likes it - such a dream means that she is lying to herself. She denies herself the joys of life and now is the time to change this situation.

Trying on a black dress in front of a mirror - mourning for lost opportunities. If you dream that you are trying on a huge number of different dresses and can not choose the one that suits you, such a dream means that you will be lost in a huge number of possibilities and options.

Why dream of measuring dress for other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that measuring a golden dress is an incredible opportunity that you must try not to miss. Otherwise, you will lose too much and will not be able to restore justice in an important matter for you.

In Aesop's dream book it is said, if a girl who cannot get married can measure a white dress in a dream, she will not reach the altar for a long time. Perhaps her wrong choice in the past led to such consequences.

Measure the dress in a dream, but see the reflection of another woman in the mirror - to the appearance of a rival who will not allow you to live in peace. Measure and buy a gorgeous dress - get the result from your favorite business and rejoice for a long time at what happened in the end.

If in a dream you measure a dress with polka dots - in your life there will be a lot of small efforts that will not give you the opportunity to do the main thing. It is worth reviewing your regime and leaving a place in it for yourself. For your beloved business and for compulsory affairs that are urgent. Otherwise, you will miss important events.


Watch the video: Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Dreams and Numbers (June 2024).