Lent: how to observe it in the family. What an Orthodox person needs to know about behavior and nutrition during Lent


Many have the impression that Lent is simply a rejection of meat food ... that’s all. In fact, this is not entirely true. More precisely, not at all like that!

The king set an example ...

Senior family members acted positively on the younger ones and did not allow them any liberties these days. The king set an example: he himself and the adult members of the family did not eat absolutely no food in the first three days.

They did not miss a single service and attended the church every day. There was no reception, not to mention balls, these days: the palace seemed to be empty. And only on Wednesday at the end of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, did the Emperor drink a sweet compote and send it to the boyars.

From Thursday to Saturday, he again refrained from eating, and on Saturday he received communion.

Nationals also strictly observed fasting and even attached to him children who have reached the age of two. But if the child was weakened, and even more so sick, the mother should fast for him.

Not all believers, no matter how strong in spirit they were, gladly endured food restrictions, but the guests of Russia were given especially hard fasting. Here is what Archdeacon Pavel Aleppsky, a Syrian who came to the capital with Patriarch Makarii, writes: “During the fast we had to endure suffering, imitating the Russians against our own will, especially in food.

We could not eat any food, only boiled peas and beans. This was a smear on the water and without oil, and besides it there was nothing else ... "

Days when family rallies

Nevertheless, many Orthodox Christians used the blessed time of fasting and without much difficulty switched to the correct diet.

About the same atmosphere prevailed in the houses as in the Temple: no idle talk and amusement, regular prayers with belt and earth bows. ... These days rallied the families in which the elders set an example for the younger ones and everyone was merciful and patient to each other. to a friend.

Among believers, it was customary to take a vow to perform a good deed and spiritual achievement. For example, during fasting, parents were not annoyed at each other or at children, children tried to behave quietly and calmly.

They also made a vow not to condemn anyone or to lead empty talk with anyone. ... And in our time, calls for such a “spiritual exercise” do not lose relevance: the Church Fathers claim that their fulfillment is even more pleasing to the Lord than abstinence from meat.

Time to work on yourself

Sometimes it is incredibly difficult to suppress the anger in yourself of a negligent son or subordinate, but the time of the Great and other posts is ideal in order to start working on yourself and take the first step.

First you need to try to "swallow" the angry words, closing your mouth to the lock, and then think about softening the heart and the mercy of the soul.

In modern language, one must learn not only to restrain negative emotions, but also to prevent them from penetrating the heart and soul.

Remember some episodes from the life of the saints: a much more terrible thing happened to them, but they did not become hardened, but endured the trials steadily and patiently.

Many have the habit of "plucking evil" on people who have nothing to do with their spoiled mood; and it’s also convenient to start a fight with her on fasting days.

We recall once again that in all days of fasting, marital relations are undesirable, but the Church, in order to preserve the family, makes concessions to married couples. For, according to John Chrysostom, "the one who accepts abstinence, going against the male insistence, will not be deprived of the reward for abstinence, but will also be in strict responsibility for male adultery! Why? Because she denies her husband legal intercourse, overthrows man into the abyss of profligacy. "

How to spend leisure time

Many modern believers are interested in what the Church says about watching television these days.

It is advisable for a mature and holy-worshiping person to watch only news and religious programs, however, if younger members of the family want to watch, for example, cartoons, they should not be hindered.

Otherwise, quarrels and discords are not excluded, which, as we already know, is completely unacceptable these days.

In the end, the child, as they say, from a young nails can begin to negatively relate to "harmful" parents, and to religion in general.

Much more reasonable are those older family members who gradually reveal to children the high meaning of fasting, so that they eventually come to the thought of the need to observe it.

Just as a fast who, on a visit, should not condemn the fast-food guests, so it is impossible to condemn the owners who watch entertainment on television.

You need to make it a rule to read spiritual books that are of great educational importance, so such readings are especially useful in the family circle.

Incomprehensible words need children to clarify and maintain their interest in this kind of literature.

A good tradition is a joint discussion of individual chapters. Well, of course, you need to attend not only Saturday and Sunday, but also everyday services, because the special properties of the liturgical system of fasting are revealed only to them.

Every Orthodox should choose a time and attend at least some everyday services, taking with them family members.


Watch the video: Fr. Anthony Messeh - What is God Like? (June 2024).