High-yielding Gourmet Grapes: Description and Varieties of the Hybrid. The subtleties of planting grapes "Gourmet" and care for the variety


Gourmet grapes is a universal variety of domestic selection, which is successfully grown in any region of the country. He takes root not only in the southern, but also in the northern regions. Why the variety is remarkable, how to grow it correctly - you will learn about this from the publication.

How did the Gourmet grape appear: the history of the variety and its characteristics

The hybrid variety was bred by amateur breeder Kraynov by crossing the well-known grape varieties Kishmish and Talisman. Initially, the variety was called Novocherkassky Red, but was later renamed. In 2006, Gourmet grapes were recognized as promising for further cultivation. The breeder brought several more varieties of this grape:

· "Gourmet early";

· "Graceful";

· "Rainbow";

· "Gourmet";

· "Torch".

Hybrids are similar to each other only with a unique muscat taste. By maturity and color of berries - these are completely different varieties.

Gourmet grapes is a universal early variety, which is suitable not only for wine production, but also for fresh consumption. This is a table grape with excellent taste.

Bushes of medium vigor, shoots mature well before the onset of frost, and cuttings easily take root in a new place. The yield of the hybrid at a height, from one bush it is possible to collect up to 8 kg of berries, but you can not do without pollinating varieties. Gourmet flowers are predominantly female, require cross-pollination. Flowering varieties do not fall in June, the ripening period of berries is about 120 days. In the southern regions, crops are harvested in early August, in the northern regions will have to wait.

Grapes of this variety are distinguished by good keeping quality. The brushes retain their presentation and taste until spring, but they must be removed completely matured, since they cannot ripen during storage.

Another advantage of the variety is its good immunity. The bush is rarely affected by gray rot or mildew, practically does not suffer from anthracnosis. In the southern regions, grapes are grown without shelter, the variety painlessly tolerates a drop in temperature to -23 ° C. In the North, the vine is planted in a greenhouse or sheltered for the winter.

Description of Gourmet Grapes

The variety gives large brushes, the weight of which is from 500 g to 1500 kg. The clusters are dense, the berries are located close to each other. The shape of the berries is oval, the mass of one is more than 8 grams, the color is pink. The grapes are fleshy, juicy, with crispy flesh, does not contain seeds. The peel on the fruits is dense, which allows them to be stored for a long time, but is almost not noticeable when eating.

Bunches withstand transportation, storage, are not damaged by insects and do not burst due to high humidity. When stored indoors, the temperature is maintained up to + 5 ° C.

Advantages of Gourmet grapes and disadvantages of the variety

The hybrid has many advantages:

· High productivity;

Good immunity;

· Frost resistance;

· Unpretentiousness in leaving;

· Heavy weight of brushes;

· Long shelf life of the crop.

There are practically no drawbacks. The only minus is the peeling of berries and loss of taste, but this can be avoided. It is enough to ration the ovaries and not overload the bush with a crop.

Features of planting grapes "Gourmet" and growing varieties

Grapes are a photophilous culture, and crop yields and disease resistance are reduced by a lack of lighting. Take the brightest place in the garden under the landing. Ideally, the vineyard should be lit throughout the day, do not plant cuttings in the aisles of trees.

In addition, the place should be elevated with a deep bed of groundwater, otherwise the root system may rot. Fertile soil is preferable for planting, you need to take care of this in advance. The bed is dug with the addition of complex fertilizers.

Planting is carried out in warm weather, when the threat of frost passes so that the cuttings do not freeze. Between them I maintain a distance of up to 3 m. The holes are enriched with humus, covered with a film or mulched.

Cutting grapes "Gourmet"

The variety is well propagated by cuttings. Own bushes take root better in a new place. Cuttings are harvested during spring pruning. Then the ends are dipped in paraffin and stored in the cellar, after wrapping the planting material in a wet cloth. Store cuttings until warm.

As soon as the weather settles, the cuttings are pulled out and prepared for planting. The upper tip is cut to the kidney itself, and the lower edge is pierced in several places for successful root formation. Prepared cuttings can withstand three days in water, adding growth stimulants to it. They can be replaced with regular honey or sugar syrup. Prepare it this way: in two liters of water dilute 2 tbsp. l honey (sugar).

For planting cuttings, plastic containers or small containers with fertile moisture-intensive soil are used. After planting, the cuttings are cleaned in a bright room with a temperature not exceeding + 18 ° C. Seedlings are watered regularly as the soil dries. After 3-4 weeks, the buds swell and leaves begin to develop, which indicates successful rooting. Young plants are transplanted into the soil not earlier than May, when the soil warms up to 15 ° C.

Advice! Do not plant young plants in place of old for three years. Grapes, as they grow, pulls out all the nutrients from the soil, so it takes time to restore it.

How to care for Gourmet grapes

Hybrid grapes are considered unpretentious, but this does not mean that it absolutely does not need care. No one canceled the standard procedures.

Organization of watering and feeding

Immediately after planting, young animals are abundantly watered and mulch the soil around. Plants take root for about two months, if arid weather sets in at that time, then watering is carried out regularly, the soil is kept moist. In addition, after each watering, loosening is necessary for better oxygen access to the roots.

Adult bushes are watered as necessary, in the southern regions the soil is constantly mulched to maintain an optimal microclimate. In the second half of summer, when the berries begin to sing, watering is reduced. If this is not done, then the grapes will be watery, not gain sugar content.

In order for the bush to bear fruit stably, it is necessary to apply top dressing. Grapes respond well to root and foliar top dressing. In the spring, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used, which are applied under the bush. Do it before flowering. After flowering, iron, zinc and manganese are added to the nutrient mixture. These top dressings can be carried out on a leaf. Autumn top dressing is aimed at enriching the soil and its restoration. For this purpose, the bushes are abundantly mulched with humus, manure and other organics.

Bush pruning

The vine ripens for 2/3 of the shoot, this is enough to form a bush. Pruning is carried out in the spring before the start of sap flow. Fruiting vines are cut to 6-8 buds. The purpose of pruning is to free the bush from branches that died during the winter. No more than 35 eyes are left on an adult plant.

Disease and Pest Prevention

The "Gourmet" grape variety is considered hardy, but preventive spraying will not hinder it.

From pests and diseases, biological preparations are used that do not harm the plant.

Processing is repeated after precipitation, as biological products are washed from the surface of the leaves.


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