Walnut leaf: dummy or medicine? The use of walnut leaves in folk medicine


Walnut has long been known for its healing powers. It tones, strengthens, fights inflammation, and is famous not only for its taste, but also for its high content of nutrients. The kernel of the nut, bark, leaves, wood - this storehouse of health can be used, and using components to achieve completely different goals. For example, to strengthen the stomach, you need to boil green shells in milk, or you can go in the footsteps of the Greeks and remove the hair on your legs.

Walnut Leaves: Beneficial Features

A drug that can be plucked on a tree, isn’t it wonderful? Indeed, few people know that in addition to the nutritious qualities of a nut, there are many more functions that help to keep health in good shape. And helpers are a whole company of vitamins:

1) Vitamin E is responsible for the regeneration of body cells;

2) Vitamin B1 deficiency of this vitamin causes irritability and loss of strength, since it is a natural energetic;

3) vitamin C increases immunity, resistance to stress;

4) vitamin P slows down the heart rate, affects the strength and elasticity of the walls of the capillaries, reduces blood pressure.

Most concentrated in all parts of the nut, vitamins in June. When the fetus has already ripened, it has fully formed, but is only just beginning to ripen. Leaves should be collected and dried in late May - early June, when they are young and their use falls under the highest point of effectiveness.

The healing effect of the leaves is compared with the healing of the fruits themselves. Juice from leaves has a powerful neutralization of parasitic pathogens. That is why the nut was noticed in folk medicine. The leaves are interesting in composition, for example, they include flavonoids (substances that help the organs to function), essential oils, substances that interact positively with the body, ascorbic acid, coffee, tannins and phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria, for example, yuglon.

Due to its composition, walnut leaves have such useful properties:

• neutralization of bacteria;

• strengthening immunity;

• healing effect;

• improving metabolism and blood coagulation;

• destruction of worms;

• treatment of viral diseases;

• anti-inflammatory effect.

Walnut leaves give strength to a depleted body and act preventively. In addition, they regulate blood glucose, cope with skin inflammations and are widely used in the treatment of diseases.

This is a little helper fighting disease for us. A striking effect is observed with such of them:

• diabetes;

• sclerosis;

• stomach diseases;

• insomnia;

• atherosclerosis;

• gout;

• nervous diseases;

• kidney disease;

• deficient anemia;

• hemorrhoids;

• stomach ulcer;

• liver disease;

• dysbiosis;

• vitamin deficiency.

It is believed that this is not the whole list of diseases with which nuts can compete.

Walnut leaves: healing properties for skin diseases, recipes for use

Walnut leaf can be prepared in many ways., use inside and use in external washing. It helps with purulent inflammations, eczema, furunculosis and other skin diseases: juice from fresh leaves, medicinal baths, ointment as well, but its effect extends to non-healing wounds for a long time.

We always try to look good and we monitor the skin with zeal. It is better to treat skin ailments with leaves made in the form of lotions, ointments, baths and washing, as external use is more effective in these cases.


It is best to use the infusion and decoction in case of purulent wounds, acne, weeping lichen. To do this, soak a cotton pad in the infusion and wipe the affected skin. When acne is washed every day, thus, ulcers and scars will not form, thus, acne will fall, moreover, the skin will become smooth and velvety.


15 g chopped leaves are poured 100 g of refined sunflower oil, infused, often stirring seven days. The next step is heating in a boiling water bath for three hours and filtering through cheesecloth. Then the process of boiling continues for at least half an hour, later mixing with 15 gr. beeswax and stir so that the infusion is completely cooled.

Healing baths

If you are in the mood for this treatment procedure, you need to wash your hair and take a shower. Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water and add two, three cups of dried useful raw materials, or add crushed sheets.


Brew a strong infusion, soak a gauze swab in it and fix it on a clean area of ​​the skin, while not squeezing it and leaving it for a short time.

When wrapping and compresses, pour 250 g of boiling water per liter. leaves and insist for about fifteen minutes.

Walnut leaves: medicinal properties for diabetes, recipes for use

Walnut leaves are an aid in the fight against diabetes, as decoctions act by lowering blood sugar. They deal more effectively with diabetes in the initial stage. Also, walnut leaves prevent the development of complications (damage to the oral cavity, lower extremities) in type 2 diabetes mellitus, normalize acidity, and protect the digestive organs from problems. Leaves act on positive changes in metabolism, its normalization and absorption of glucose. Ultimately, the condition of the body improves, and hidden resources are released that tend to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible. For diabetes, it is recommended to use infusions from leaves.


To properly prepare the infusion, you need one tablespoon of walnut leaves, pouring 200 ml of boiling water, infused until cool, then filtered. Take three times a day for the third part of a glass.

If the patient’s fluid intake is limited, the prescription changes its structure. Four tablespoons of chopped leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for thirty minutes, filtered and three times a day to keep up with a tablespoon.

Walnut leaves: medicinal properties for heart diseases, recipes for use

Experts say that walnut leaves have a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system. Vessels very soon get used to environmental changes thanks to this product, because vascular reactivity rises and apparently a positive effect on blood pressure. Everyone has had a pain or heart ache at least once in their life, but instead of pills that affect the liver, you can make an infusion of walnut leaves and regulate the work of the heart. Vitamins A and E strengthen vessels, help to avoid cholesterol plaques.


In this recipe of leaves you need less, one teaspoon of all, mix it with a glass of hot water and insist for half an hour. Strain, select everything unnecessarily and leave the infusion itself, and drink a tablespoon of food five times a day before meals. If the disease is not as simple as we would like, you need to increase the dose and take two spoons with the time of infusion per hour. Each patient chooses the order of use for himself.

It is easy to recover from walnut leaves; they have a tonic effect on the entire body. Although the drink is bitter in taste and not at all attractive, its healing effect is much more pleasant.

Walnut Leaves: Contraindications

Walnut leaves in folk medicine seem to be a powerful healer of many diseases. But do not relax, because each drug has its own contraindications, and the leaves are no exception. However, the danger lies in the way of their direct use, because the leaves of the nut contain alkaloids (poisons), which in no case should be consumed in an abnormal amount, otherwise harm to health cannot be avoided.

Individual intolerance and an allergic reaction are the first reasons why leaves are categorically not recommended. The following can be called:

• increased blood coagulability;

• thrombophlebitis;

• acute intestinal diseases;

• neurodermatitis;

• pancreatitis.


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