Curd bagels with 4 ingredients - everything ingenious is simple! Step-by-step author's recipe for friable bagels with cottage cheese


Want to learn how to easily and quickly prepare cottage cheese bagels and please your family with delicious pastries? Then check out our step by step recipe.

Delicious pastries do not always mean something complicated from a bunch of ingredients. Curd bagels confirm this. These bagels can be safely called an express option, when you want something tasty and sweet.

How to cook curd bagels, we will describe below in great detail and with step-by-step photographs. And for starters, let’s say that any cottage cheese is suitable for this baking - fatty, sleepy fat, homemade, shop. You will also need butter or good margarine for baking. Such bagels are good on their own, but you can also add a filling to them. For example, sprinkle bagels with sugar and cinnamon, add chopped nuts, jam.


Cottage cheese - 200 g

Butter - 200 g

Flour - 200 g

Yolks - 2 pcs.


Sugar is not indicated in the ingredients, but you can add it either to the dough itself or sprinkle bagels on top of them. There is already your choice. Perhaps you are making bagels from a curd sweet mass, then sugar will not be appropriate.

So, bagel oil must be softened, and for this, remove it from the refrigerator earlier and let it warm to room temperature. In a bowl, combine the flour, cottage cheese and butter cut into pieces.

Hands rub the mass of cottage cheese, flour and butter. Homogeneous mass does not work right away. When the pieces of oil are no longer felt, add the yolks to the dough.

Now the dough can be placed on the table, adding flour as needed. But if you have dry cottage cheese, flour may not be needed anymore. The result should be a smooth ball of dough. We send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

After half an hour we take out the dough and divide it into 2-3 parts. Each roll in a round cake. Cut it into 8 or 12 parts. We twist each part from the edge to the center. It turns out a small pretty bagel. The size of the bagels depends on the width of the sector.

We spread all the bagels on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake them for 25-30 minutes at 210 degrees. Focus on the rosy bagels.

Cool the finished bagels and serve in the bite with jam. Enjoy your meal.

Servings Per Container - 6

Cooking time - 1 hour 20 minutes

Per 100 g:

Squirrels - 9.26

Fats - 30.92

Carbohydrates - 24.34

Kcal - 412.31
