Niacin as part of makeup products. Rules for the use of nicotinic acid at home for facial skin


As you know, nicotinic acid has quite a few useful properties, which contribute to the nutrition and removal of various toxins from the skin. A huge number of products incorporate this vitamin PP, for example: potatoes, some types of cereals, beets, mushrooms, liver, etc.

Niacin is an important part of facial skin care. We can say that it eliminates a huge number of problems, because this vitamin is useful not only for the face, but also for many organs.

One of its important functions is to prepare the body for the intake of other beneficial vitamins and substances, which later will be perfectly absorbed due to nicotinic acid.

Why does nicotinic acid have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face?

Vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on the entire skin of the face, helps it stay in tone and saturates with a huge amount of various beneficial substances. Let's get acquainted with other useful properties of this acid:

1) promotes the expansion of the walls of blood vessels

2) improves blood circulation throughout the body

3) relieves of various rashes, inflammations, blackheads

4) does not dry the skin and does not destroy the water balance in the body, so that the skin looks healthy

5) improves skin structure

6) smooths wrinkles

In the event of a lack of vitamin PP, a person develops itching, various rashes and redness appear, the skin becomes dry, in rare cases, certain skin diseases may appear.

To prevent such troubles, it is necessary not only to eat vitamin PP in food, but also have an external effect on the skin of the face.

A few tips for using vitamin PP for personal care.

The skin needs regular and proper care, therefore, nowadays, in the composition of cosmetics, vitamin PP has begun to appear more and more often, which, of course, is a huge plus. Also, you can do this makeup yourself.

How to use nicotinic acid for the face

To do this, you need to buy nicotinic acid and just add it to any cream that you can use daily (the proportions should be in the instructions).

A lot of this acid is also found in various types of tea and tinctures, which can be prepared independently (from sage, rosehip).

Vitamin PP in pharmacies is extremely cheap and is sold without any prescription. The main thing is to drink pills based on the desired course.

Some rules for taking nicotinic acid:

1) Before starting the course, you need to consult a doctor in order to avoid any allergic reactions of your body.

2) Be sure to adhere to the course and pay attention to the instructions for use.

3) In the first days, the result will not be visible, some time should pass, so do not write off to extend the course.

4) A primary skin reaction to the drug is possible (sharp redness), but it will pass.

5) Do not allow children to use nicotinic acid

The effect of acid on the skin

As previously stated, acid has a huge number of beneficial properties. It opens the pores and helps to remove various impurities, oxygen begins to flow into the skin. Also, swelling and fatigue of the skin go away.

Vitamin PP helps to remove various skin pigments, such as: sun spots (seasonal), the vitamin can slightly remove their color and make them paler.

In addition to all this, this vitamin is also useful for hair, so it is useful to make various masks with this acid.

But do not forget that this vitamin should not be taken separately, without any additives. The main role also lies in your diet, so you should adhere to proper nutrition and consume various vitamins, the main thing is to be fully aware and have knowledge on their use.


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