Is it possible to grow hair 3 cm per month? Best Hair Growth Products


Spectacular appearance and luxurious silk curls are things that are practically inseparable. Healthy well-groomed hair has always served as a decoration for any look and is an indicator of sophistication and a certain aristocracy. Long chic hair also testifies to considerable labor costs, because our curls are sensitive to the slightest changes in weather, climate, stress conditions, the general background of the body’s health. For some, it is not difficult to grow lush curls, but if your hair is rather capricious and grow very slowly, various means and growth activators can help. Consider below the most popular, best hair growth products.

The causes of loss or slow growth can be very different - from external influences to hereditary factors. A trichologist will help determine the exact cause and prescribe the correct treatment. To prevent, strengthen hair roots and accelerate growth, you can use the most popular line of cosmetics from well-known and trusted manufacturers.

Rene Furterer Forticea

This line of products of the French cosmetic company Rene Furterer includes shampoo and medicinal serums. Their formulas are developed by professionals, taking into account various causes of hair loss - a reaction to stressful conditions or chronic diseases. These cosmetics are best for enhancing hair growth and anti baldness.

Shampoo is intended for frequent use, effectively cleanses the hair along the entire length, strengthens the roots. The composition of the product includes special microcapsules, the shell of which consists of an extract of seaweed, and the contents are of essential oils of rosemary, lavender and orange. The result of regular use is noticeable after 2-3 weeks. The effectiveness of the product justifies a rather high price - 2000 rubles.

Serum RF80 - one of the most effective and best hair growth products, designed for people whose hair loss is associated with stress, pregnancy, the use of drugs, poor nutrition, etc. Serum effectively saturates hair follicles with vitamins, micro and macro elements, minerals. The product contains essential oils, extracts of medicinal plants, methionine, panthenol. The manufacturer guarantees the restoration of hair density and growth acceleration. Serum is rubbed into the scalp 2 times a week. For 1 course, 2 packs of ampoules of 12 pieces are needed, the price is 8000 rubles.

Triphasic serum is used for chronic hair loss (baldness). The composition includes:

• extract of pfaffia and pumpkin seed;

• essential oils;

• vitamin complex.

The course of treatment will require 2 packs of ampoules of 6000 rubles each.

DUKRAY line, France

The line consists of therapeutic shampoos, lotions, sprays and vitamin supplements, which can be used individually or in combination.

Shampoo "ANAFAZ" promotes blood flow to the hair follicles, stimulates enhanced hair growth thanks to active ingredients:

• a complex of vitamins B5, B6, B8;

• tocopherol nicotinate - a nicotinic acid ester that combines vitamins E and B3, provides increased microcirculation of the blood in the scalp;

• Ruscus plant extract.

A 400 ml bottle costs 1100 rubles.

Lotion "Creastim" It has an effective effect on stressful hair loss. The composition includes the necessary amino acids (aspartic acid, lysine, tyrosine, valine), creatine, complex B vitamins.

Neoptide Lotion Designed to get rid of chronic hair loss. This is due to the active components (neoruscin, nicotinamide, the biological complex GP4G), which lengthen the hair growth phase and prevent chronic hair loss.

Both lotions are produced in the form of a spray of 30 ml, the price of 1 course is 3000 rubles.

Anacaps tri-Activ dietary supplement contains components necessary for improving hair quality: methionine, lecithin, cystine, iron, vitamins PP, E, B6, B8, primrose oil, beeswax. Capsules are intended for oral administration for 3 months, but it is necessary that the trichologist confirms the indication. If the vitamin balance of the body is normal, an overabundance of vitamins can have negative effects on other organs.

These tools are professional, quite expensive and effective. But a number of pharmacy products have no less effectiveness. The best pharmacy products for hair growth help restore blood circulation and supply the follicles with the necessary elements, without which a healthy appearance and active growth of the scalp are impossible.


A popular local application, effective for the prevention and treatment of baldness in women and men. The drug contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, the supply of roots with vitamins, nutrients, enriches with oxygen. Hair after application is strengthened, looks healthy, radiant, voluminous.

Minoxidil is an affordable remedy for long-term use. A noticeable effect occurs not earlier than after 3 months.

Dimexide in the composition of hair masks

This drug has the ability to enhance the action of vitamins, penetrate deeper into the deeper layers of the skin, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the drugs with which Dimexidum is used. Therefore, it is an indispensable element of all vitamin masks and is effectively combined with fat-soluble vitamins E, A, group B, as it itself has a slightly oily structure.

Vegetable oils

Warm vegetable oils in the form of masks or compresses very effectively supply the hair roots, strengthening them, enhancing growth, eliminating dryness and brittleness. Castor oil, burdock, linseed, and cottonseed oil - all of them improve the hair structure, are one of the best means for growth. The only, but very significant drawback is the high fat content and masks with their use are difficult to wash off from the hair.

If the problem of hair loss or growth retardation is associated with chronic diseases of the digestive system, nervous or other health problems, then first of all it is necessary to treat the problem organs. Otherwise, none of the most potent remedies will bring the desired effect.


Watch the video: OVERNIGHT HAIR GROWTH! - 1 INCH - 12 hours! EfikZara Growth Hacks (July 2024).