Foot Care: How to Prevent Odor. Why do legs smell bad?


This phenomenon is familiar to everyone. Most of us have friends or relatives who, having come to visit, and having thrown off their shoes, fill the room with an indescribable aroma. Even the most unpretentious people can become ill, and the atmosphere of communication will be ruined. The pair of legs is to blame for this, not yours of course. So why do legs have a stronger smell? Moreover, the neighbor’s legs always smell stronger.

Why legs smell bad

With more than 25,000 glands secreting sweat, each leg is the most odorous part of the body. During the day, each of the legs can produce up to 200 grams of sweat. Sweat consists mainly of water and salt, so it does not have its own distinctive smell. This is the body's reaction to overheating and the ability to cool the body. Bad bacteria are caused by bacteria that live on our skin and feed on sweat. The waste products of these bacteria are a source of a strong and unpleasant odor.

It is perfectly normal to have bacteria on the skin, and usually they do not produce a strong odor. There are sweat glands in various parts of the human body, but they do not produce a smell comparable to the legs. Even armpits that produce sweat no less than legs can claim second place in this race. First place, with a strong margin, behind the legs.

It's all about our socks and shoes. The sweat secreted by the legs cannot evaporate quickly, it concentrates on our skin and in our socks. Bacteria love this dark, moist, yummy lower leg. They arrange a feast of their stomach and begin to multiply rapidly, producing an insane amount of waste. And all this happens in a small enclosed space. When your guest takes off his shoes, the result of a feast of bacteria penetrates and reaches your nose. Further reaction is well known to all.

How to reduce bad smell

There are two main ways. You can reduce the amount of bacteria on your legs. You can reduce the amount of sweat on your feet and shoes.

Lowering bacteria levels is actually a matter of cleanliness. To control bacteria, wash your feet regularly. Preferably antibacterial soap. Change socks more often. It is recommended to have several pairs of seasonal shoes. Wear them daily changing. One of the pairs will be constantly aired. For foot care, use creams with antibacterial additives. Such creams are offered, for example, by Israeli cosmetics Evenel.

To reduce the amount of sweat that collects in your shoes, you should:

Wear cotton socks or other absorbent fabrics that absorb sweat well. To prevent bacteria from feeding, change socks several times a day. Shoes have design features that allow you to ventilate the shoe cavity. Apply deodorants and sweat control creams.

It is also useful to carry out salt baths for the feet several times a week, as the Dead Sea salt has an antibacterial effect. After taking a bath, you do not need to rinse your feet with clean water. Just pat them dry with a towel - the salt remaining on the skin will prevent the growth of bacteria.

If your smells bad and the above measures do not help, you should consult a doctor. There are a number of prescription drugs that kill bacteria.


Watch the video: Smelly Feet Natural Home Remedies. How to Get Rid of Stinky Feet & Foot Odor. . Foot Care Tips. (July 2024).