Are there many reasons to have a baby? Reasons to have a baby in people of different ages and sex


In connection with the new laws on the regulation of childbearing, the demographic situation in our country began to gradually improve. Why does the desire of people to give birth to children depend? In different age periods, the motives that drive people in this matter can vary greatly.

We will analyze the main reasons for having children in people of twenty, thirty and forty years of age. Consider also the difference in the motives for having children in people of different sexes.

Reasons to have a baby in people under 25

In this age period, the bulk of modern young people do not think much about the motives that prompted him to start a family and have a child.

1. Most often the baby appears spontaneously. Despite the presence of various methods of protection, young girls just become pregnant. The baby is kept out of fear of surgery, or simply the period is too long for medical intervention. They get used to pregnancy, and after giving birth, most young mothers no longer have a soul in their baby.

2. Some of the young parents consciously seek to have babies at this age, in order to raise children to kindergarten age, and then no longer distracted from building a career.

3. A small proportion of young parents believe that children have to give birth while the parents are young and healthy. It is not in vain that they say that with age, additional risks for the pathology of the fetus appear.

4. In low-income young families, people pay attention to various government benefits, financial assistance, various subsidies and programs through which the state stimulates childbirth. Some have a second child in order to expand their living space and live in more acceptable conditions.

Reasons to give birth to a child in people from 25 to 35 years old

It is this age that prevails among young people who decide to have a baby. What motives drive these people?

1. At this age, a person feels full of strength and energy for conception, bearing, giving birth and raising children. Parents realize that pulling with the conception of a child is not worth it.

2. Relations with a partner are already ongoing. People have been married for several years. They trust each other and feel confident enough to decide to have children.

3. Future parents have financial stability. Those people who seek to provide a better future for their children, only at this age begin to think about their own child.

Reasons to have a baby in people 35 and older

Most often, this period is characterized by the birth of second and subsequent children. However, there are times when a woman at this age gives birth to a baby for the first time.

1. Those parents who have entered into late marriages and have not yet had children tend to get on the last train in order not to be left alone in old age.

2. Sometimes, the cause of the late appearance of children are profound health problems. For example, when a woman for a decade tried to conceive a child and she did not succeed. In the end, she decides on IVF, and luck smiles at her.

3. Some of the parents whose older children have long grown up, dream again to feel the joy of having a baby. They decide on another child in order to relive the old feelings from the perspective of more mature people who otherwise perceive parenthood.

Reasons for the birth of children in men

1. Most often, a man seeks to give birth to a child from his beloved woman. He wants to surround her with attention and care, to create a full-fledged family for her. Therefore, he has children for the sake of his woman.

2. Men, for the most part, can have little effect on a woman’s decision to give birth to a child from him. If a young man is not carefully protected, then sooner or later, he may face such a problem as an unwanted pregnancy. In this case, the decision whether to leave the child or have an abortion is always ultimately made by the woman. If she decides to leave the child, then the man, one way or another, becomes a biological father. Although he always has the opportunity not to acknowledge his paternity.

3. Men participate in the birth of children with the aim of continuing their race, leaving behind some kind of legacy. For them, having children is tantamount to contributing to their own immortality.

4. Through the birth and upbringing of children, a man realizes his ambitions. A man wants to be recognized as an accomplished, successful person who has excelled in all areas of his life.

Reasons for the birth of children in women

1. A woman seeks the birth of children more often to realize her maternal instinct. Sooner or later, most women understand that it is vital for them to send their tenderness, care, love to someone. Of course, there are always childfree who do not want to face the problems associated with the birth and upbringing of children. But even they give birth to small dogs or other domestic animals in order to make up for this need to take care of someone more defenseless.

2. For some women, the reason to give birth to a child is the desire to keep a loved one. Perhaps someone is thus trying to marry a young man. Others believe that with the birth of a new child, family conflicts will disappear and the husband will stop looking at other women. One way or another, most often such motives only lead to the collapse of relationships and to the suffering of children.

3. Many women give birth to children for the reason that everyone does. The society puts a lot of pressure on the girls, telling them about the need to become a mother until the reproductive age has passed. Therefore, even the absence of a permanent partner does not stop expectant mothers in their decision. They say about such women that they give birth to children “for themselves”.

The motives by which people give birth to children are very diverse. But when a baby is born, parents change in many ways and most often forget about all the reasons that led them to give birth to a child. After all, caring for a defenseless baby becomes a top priority in their life.


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