Is it worth eating sandwiches for breakfast? How to make really healthy sandwiches for breakfast


We have long suspected that sandwiches for breakfast are not as simple as they seem.

On the one hand, it is fast, easy and often budget-friendly, you can literally assemble from what is at hand. For example, make a cold sandwich with leftover meat from dinner.

But on the other hand, milk cereals, omelettes and other egg dishes, pancakes, granola are considered traditional breakfast dishes ... And sandwiches resemble fast-food that is hotly condemned today.

So is it worth starting the morning with them?

Nutritionists say that it is during these hours that the body is configured to store energy from carbohydrates (bun), to benefit from fats (butter) and proteins (cheese, ham).

Digestive enzymes are also actively being produced, and therefore, even after a hearty breakfast, there should normally be no discomfort in the stomach.

Sandwiches are sweet (for example, with chocolate paste, jam) in addition, “wake up” the brain and give a good mood.

In short, the morning for sandwiches is the best time.

And so that the pleasure and benefit are complete, a few secrets will be useful on how to cook the best sandwiches in the world:

• so as not to get tired of plain butter, in the freezer, you should keep its supply with chopped fresh herbs;

• bread in a hot (in the oven) sandwich will not get wet from wet products if laid on a lettuce leaf;

• Cottage cheese paste can be replaced with ground soft cheese (for example, feta cheese or ricotta).

We believe that such breakfasts are a worthy choice in which the pleasure, benefit and saving of your time are harmoniously balanced.

Due to the fact that any bread becomes much more useful in dried form, lovers of sandwiches can be recommended to get a toaster or roaster.

And finally, a knife with a wavy blade comes in handy - with it butter, paste and much more will beautifully lie on a bread slice.


Watch the video: 13 Healthy Sandwich Recipes For Weight Loss (July 2024).