When dreams and on what days a prophetic dream comes true


Dreams are a mysterious, not fully understood component of our life. They have been studying dreams for a very long time, paying special attention to prophetic dreams. This phenomenon is confirmed by scientific methods, however, the reasons for the occurrence of prophetic dreams are not exactly proven. Scientists have found that most often predicted are accidents, illnesses, disasters - any negative events. These predictions make up 80%, and positive ones, for example, weddings, childbirth, financial well-being - only 20% of the total number of subjects.

Psychics, magicians, sorcerers, fortune-tellers believe that there is a separation between ordinary dreams and things. Not all dreams come true, it happens that a person sees what he wants to get or achieve, and this is just an emotional mood, not a prophetic dream.

It has long been known that prophetic dreams dream on special days, at different times of the day. If you understand it well, you can learn to decipher them, which will help to manage the situation a little.

What are prophetic dreams

It would seem like a prophetic dream or ordinary, but there are several types of dreams that share in content, importance, depending on certain conditions.

It is important to know what happens:

  • Dreams-visions. In such cases, a person may dream of dead relatives or living far away living, are images of Christ and various Saints. Dreams-visions are true regardless of the time of day or days of the week. Such dreams are, in a way, prophecies. A similar phenomenon is extremely rare.
  • Fortune telling dreams. Everything is quite simple here, we wanted to see something specific so that it would come true. The goal is not to see a prophetic dream, but to make the wish come true. It may dream exactly what is needed, according to the content of sleep, it will become clear whether the desired will come true or not. To make a prophetic dream, it is necessary to conduct a ceremony, for example, to read a prayer or a conspiracy.
  • Dreams of signs. This is a type of prophetic dream that should not be taken literally. In order to solve the mystery of dream signs, you must have knowledge of the language of dreams, symbols and their meanings.
  • Artificial. If you conduct a special ritual, you can call a prophetic dream that helps manage future events, make small adjustments.

Separately, it is worth talking about bodily dreams, they are also called "empty". This is a big part of our dreams. We see what happens to us every day, re-experience problematic or positive situations, memories from the past come to us. It happens that nightmares dream.

Corporal dreams do not carry any information load, they are easy to forget, do not attach special importance to them.

When prophetic dreams come true

Prophetic dream is a controversial concept in itself; it can be difficult to distinguish from an ordinary bodily dream. It makes no sense to solve a dream that will never come true. Let's try to figure out when prophetic dreams may occur.


Experienced by time and time, experts came to the conclusion that prophetic dreams often dream on special holidays. For example, during the Holy Week, January 7-19, you can see your deceased relatives helping us figure out the future, unravel fate. If you decide to fortune at Christmas time, do it with extreme caution - this is the time when Jesus was not born yet, unclean power uses its power to its fullest. They may tell you the truth, but the cost for a hint can be very different. If consecutive divination is held, participants are encouraged to repent of their deeds.

On any church holidays, prophetic dreams may occur. However, they come true on the same day, before lunch.

A prophetic dream can also be seen on a typical day - the 3rd of each month. At the same time, it is important to remember that on the night of the 25th day of the month, one always has a bodily, that is, an empty dream.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

Perhaps everyone knows that a dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. It is true, however, it is not always possible to remember this dream. This night we are told fate.

Friday is a special day; on Good Friday Christ was crucified. You cannot start important things on this day; they can turn out to be a big setback for you.

There are so-called nominal Fridays or Great. These days dream prophetic and prophetic dreams. Here are some of them: the first Friday of the first week of Great Lent, the third Friday on the eve of Palm Day, the fifth on the eve of the Trinity. These Fridays are called nominal because each has a special meaning, refers to certain events described in the Bible, from which it got its name.

Dreams by day of the week

We dealt with dreams from Thursday to Friday, now it’s the turn of other days of the week. We talked about fortune-telling dreams, the right day is from Sunday to Monday. In this case, a bodily empty dream may also be dreamed. There are several days when there are always empty dreams: from Monday to Tuesday, from Wednesday to Thursday, from Friday to Saturday. When the chance is great that what will come true will come true: from Tuesday to Wednesday, from Thursday to Friday (term - up to three years), from Saturday to Sunday (before lunch). From Sunday to Monday, the dreamer may receive a warning.

If a dream-vision has come to you, it will come true regardless of the day of the week. Such a dream is true. If you dream of the same characters at regular intervals - these are prophetic dreams, pay attention to them, perhaps they will send you a warning.

Dreams by time of day

Much depends on this factor, for example, morning dreams - the most accurate and true. They come true most often. It is believed that in the morning during sleep, the soul moves away from the body, it forgets about daily worries, images of the other world, revealing its secrets, are presented to a person.

Daytime sleep, as a rule, is always empty, unless you have a dream-vision, which we spoke about above. In the afternoon, as a rule, we recall in a dream our past, worry about problems, or images of pleasant events that we would like to achieve come to us. There is no question of any clue from the higher powers.

An evening or night's sleep can be either prophetic or empty. Deciphering such dreams is the most difficult. It is believed that at this time the soul soars next to the body, not all images are true.

How to understand that prophetic dream

This question is perhaps one of the most important. Usually, we understand that a dream howled after a time, when it comes true, we recall the dream.

If you could immediately know whether a prophetic dream or not, we would have the opportunity to immediately do something, try to make adjustments.

To try to unravel the symbols and signs suggesting upcoming events, dream books and dream interpretation systems were created. If you had a dream, first determine whether it is prophetic or not according to the instructions above. Then you can check with the dream book, read what our dream means and, if possible, take action.

!!! When trying to interpret the prophetic dream, we kind of enter into dialogue with higher powers !!!

In the past, only initiates could use dream books and dream interpretation systems. Now this information is widely available, however, some interpretations are taken literally "from the ceiling". Do not unconditionally believe what is written in books or on the Internet. If you dreamed of something important and extremely exciting to you, it is better to consult a specialist.

How to remember a prophetic dream

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to remember a dream, some never remember what they dreamed. However, in order to decrypt the message, it is necessary to remember it clearly.

Immediately after waking up, write down everything you saw - so you can use the dream book and get the correct interpretation.

There are superstitious ways of remembering dreams that have come to us from ancient times:

  • a stone is placed under the head, it can be a very small pebble hidden under a pillow;
  • after waking up, you need to clamp the corner of the pillow with your teeth;
  • as soon as you wake up do not look at the window and fire;
  • you can’t sleep on your stomach;
  • best to sleep on your side.

So that the prophetic dream that you saw is exactly fulfilled, do not tell anyone about it. This sign is akin to the fulfillment of desires - when we make up something, no one should know about it.

When trying to solve a prophetic dream, keep in mind that the interpretation depends on many factors: personality, life experience, mental state of the dreamer. It is necessary to compare what he saw in a dream with real life situations, plans for the future. For example, the same symbol promises different things to a married woman or young girl, child, or adult.

The main thing, to understand, prophetic dreams is just a warning, the appearance of the opportunity to make adjustments. Remember, we ourselves are the creators of our destiny and we can influence its variants even without prophetic dreams.


Watch the video: A Prophetic Dream - Sometimes dreams come true 720p HD (July 2024).