What kind of couple are you? Types of couples that exist in the modern world


People for many thousands of years have been trying to uncover the secret of the relationship between a man and a woman. However, the mystery of love is still unsolved. But there is one interesting theory created by the Slavs, which states that in our society there are three types of pairs: karmic, spiritual and kindred.

Let's look at how these pairs differ. Perhaps in some form we recognize ourselves and our relationships.

1. Spiritual

Another name for such pairs is cosmic. Such people are ready to go along the intended path from beginning to end. In ancient times, such people were called gods. They are also called halves, but this definition is not the best, because initially people are not divided into halves - each is a holistic person.

Such people are companions of each other - together they walk through life along a predetermined road, bypassing all obstacles. They equally represent the goal towards which they are striding.

These are, as it were, two lines heading to a common point. They not only love each other, but also strive to fulfill the desires that unite them. It doesn’t matter to such people that their interests, financial situation, external data do not coincide.

They are not united by the outside world - they are united by the Law, in other words, spiritual aspirations, which they have the same. They are like the wings of a bird flying up.

There are relatively few such people in our world. But if such a marriage is registered, then it is for many years, practically forever. As for external data, they usually do not match. These people are completely different from each other. There is a science of socionics that divides people into types, and according to this science such people are called dual. For example, a woman can be a calm teacher of Russian language of short stature, and a man can be a tall rapper musician. However, they are completely satisfied with everything, and they live happily in their family nest, always open to guests. And despite the fact that they give the impression of completely different people.

2. Related

These are people united by strong friendship, the Slavs called them peacemen. They have common interests or work on the same job. For example, both of them can get involved in esoterics, engage in entrepreneurial activity or grow vegetables in the country - there are many different options.

They communicate with interest at present, but they have different plans for the future. In our world there are quite a lot of such couples.

For example, they are both interested in swimming, and on the basis of this hobby they created a family. This is very good, but often after a while it turns out that they both wanted to get a family nest, only one dreamed of living space in the metropolis, and the other wanted to buy a house in the village. Often these people cannot reach a compromise. This is a cause of disagreement. The saddest thing is that disagreements arise when people have already acquired offspring. They complain that their life is stuck. But you need to understand that life itself cannot spoil relations - they deteriorate due to the fact that initially they were built incorrectly.

However, it is worth noting that if you have not accumulated "debts" to the opposite sex, then you will definitely meet a person with whom you will live quite peacefully. But at the same time you will constantly feel a certain earthliness. You will not be given the chance to feel like bird wings. It is for this reason that such people live together for a long time, while looking “on the side”.

3. Karmic

Such people are united by one suffering. It seems that one can see its reflection in the eyes of the other. They see in their soul mate their own suffering - debilitating problems, irritability, flaws, etc. We can say that they are enemies. However, the word “enemy” in this case does not imply anything negative, because in ancient times it was believed that the enemy is a person pushing us to the sun shining inside us.

Such people connect because they have the same programs. For example, he hates women, and his companion cannot stand his mother. Or both of these people do not want to take responsibility for their own lives. Their goal is to unite in order to get rid of suffering. When they achieve this goal, they usually diverge, since nothing else unites them.

Such pairs exist to correct the “falsehoods” of the previous incarnation. Two souls begin to teach each other.

If in the previous incarnation they did not pass any test, then a similar person will again burst into their world, so that again there is a chance to change everything.

Such people cut off everything that is superfluous from us - something that does not allow us to find our only life partner. And therefore, such relationships are the most difficult for both. They, like a mad tornado, burst into the mind and soul and, figuratively speaking, incinerate us. People are tormented by debilitating suspicions, suffering and betrayals ... On the one hand, I want to continue the relationship, and on the other - to break up forever. These are seconds of happiness and years of torment. You think that the next day will be happier, but it does not bring relief.

You will immediately understand that the relationship is karmic, according to these words: “I can’t live without him, although I feel bad with him.” Why is this happening? There is an opinion that this way a person returns past debts, finds balance. A similar "game" can go on for several incarnations. However, if people choose the path of understanding and grace, then change will not take long. And you need to understand that in such relationships both suffer. Then comes mutual forgiveness and divorce. There are quite a few such relationships in the world. Indeed, for billions of people, karma is being worked out acceleratedly - such is the period now ... There is a cleansing of all unnecessary. And the whole globe enters the next level of consciousness.


Watch the video: Zodiac Signs That Make Perfect Couples (June 2024).