Are there soul mates?


Each person at least once in his life had the feeling that he had met someone who knows eternity, who is his spiritual twin. Communicating with such a person, we are amazed to catch ourselves thinking that we know in advance what we’ll think about, what our interlocutor will say, and how we will look at him from the inside and feel an inexplicable, close connection. In this case, we are talking about meeting a soul mate.

So what is this “meeting with a soul mate" phenomenon? How to understand that a person met him?

Famous artist Richard Webster studied soul mates. He argued that a soul mate is a person with whom another person happens to meet in each of his new incarnations. These people are connected by an inextricable thread.

Meeting each other in new incarnations, they help each other to comprehend new, higher knowledge, it becomes even one level higher. In each new life, soul mates have specific tasks for each other and, until these tasks are resolved, two people connected by an inextricable thread will meet.

How to understand that a person has found a soul mate

Esotericists are of the opinion that each of us in life has a specific task, the highest goal, because of which we have become part of this world. When the period comes for the solution of this problem, people begin to surround us, events, phenomena that contribute to finding answers to their questions.

By what signs can we understand that it is time to fulfill our highest destiny, that a man has found half of his soul?

It is a fact that soul mates in various bodily incarnations left an indelible mark on our destiny. With one of them we were connected by bonds of friendship, love, and with someone with blood. Soul mates are spiritual twins. They often may have the same desires, aspirations, ideas, attitudes, character traits, etc.

  • A person experiences an inexplicable, unconscious attraction to a soul mate.
  • He often notices that a soul mate appears again and again in his life. (Esotericists and psychologists say: this will continue until a person in a given life fulfills the task that confronts him. Then the kindred soul, having fulfilled his highest spiritual duty before him in this incarnation, will disappear from his life).
  • Soul mates do not need words to communicate, share with each other. Sometimes they voice the desires and thoughts of their soul mate before they are pronounced.
  • Soul mates unknowingly copy each other (gestures, intonation, facial expressions, gait, etc.).

When a person finds a soul mate, he feels as if he has found his own "I", returned to himself, merged, reunited with his own being.

He experiences complete unity and harmony with those whom he may practically not know. Another sensation testifying to a meeting with a soul mate is the completion of one's “I”.

The kindred half possesses qualities and features that are not in a person, just as a person has such qualities that are not in his soulmate. For example, a person is afraid of heights, and a soul mate does not experience any negative emotions associated with heights.

How to find a soul mate

Some people mistakenly assume that a soul mate comes to us in the image of our beloved. Such a probability is not excluded, but, in addition to the image of a lover, a soul mate can take advantage of many others, which at first glance seem strange, alien, ridiculous images.

Someone becomes, in one embodiment or another, a mother, father, someone a brother or a blood sister, and someone a close friend or closest neighbor, a train companion, a mentor at work, an Internet comrade, etc.

Before the appearance of his soul mate in a person’s life, he almost always encounters signs that are sent to him from above.

You must be able to listen to your own feelings, look deep into the heart and listen to intuition in order to recognize these signs in time. For example, a person may dream of an image in which a kindred soul appears before him, long before meeting him or immediately before a fatal encounter. In this case, at the sight of a kindred spirit, he may have a sensation called deja vu.

People, as a rule, do not pay due attention to this feeling, but esotericists advise to “stop” and think. Deja vu is never accidental. This sensation always indicates that grandiose events unfold in the life and fate of a person during a given period.

Misconceptions related to soul mates

To find a soul mate, you need to know what misconceptions prevent a person from doing this and become a real barrier to his path?

  1. The soul mate is on her own, she does not need to be looked for, as soon as this meeting occurs, ideal relationships begin, on which one does not need to work.

It is worth remembering that souls, like body, mind, need to develop, to be in motion. The kindred half will be with the person exactly until he satisfies his need for development to a certain level, beyond which she cannot go. Nature requires dedication and equivalent exchange. Harmonious and truly kindred relationships will be in which both kindred spirits invest the best that they have.

  1. A person can have only one soul mate.

At different levels of being and consciousness, different kindred spirits may appear in a person’s life, each of which has a purpose to be close until a certain moment. Then a person, finding himself at a different level, receives new tasks and goals, therefore, he may have a completely different kindred spirit.

Life is an endless search for yourself, your soul, a search for meaning and answers. The kindred half is not the end result of the search, but a companion, a like-minded person, a spiritual mentor, an addition that leads to unity, first of all, with oneself. That is why it is so important to be able to recognize a soul mate and walk with it correctly until the roads change.


Watch the video: The Science of Soulmates (July 2024).