The third eye of the signs of the zodiac: whom do stars endow with astral vision?


There are special people in the world who are endowed with astral vision called the third eye. They have a close binder with the sixth chakra, and its place is defined on the bridge of the nose. The happy owner of the third eye has the opportunity to look into other worlds, is able to control subtle matters, distribute energy and develop its intuitiveness.

And the third eye is nothing but the center of clairvoyance and the sixth sense. This means that a person who possesses such a gift becomes the main link to access certain information. Astrology has identified only a few signs that can boast of their natural supernormal abilities.


These signs have a great sense of money. And with regard to numbers or sums, they are able to guess without the slightest deviation and error. They vividly feel the science of numerology and are always repelled only from certain meanings. These representatives will never bet on a win-win option.

In business, this flair helps them a lot, because they are able to hear a bargain a mile away. All their actions are based on impulsivity, but this does not stop them from recognizing signs of fate and getting the desired result for it. Intuition practically never fails them, and, like the fact that they can read the necessary code of information.


Signs are philosophical in their intuition, and they chose a scientific approach for it. At the level of their subconscious, they collect and track all the necessary information. From all that they collect, they draw appropriate conclusions and analyzes. Representatives very subtly feel the emotions and experiences of other people, therefore, without the slightest mistake they can catch minor mood swings.

Their developed memory helps to accumulate the necessary information and compare it with the sensation. With their astral vision, they can see the future and predict dangerous events. They will not be able to intervene in some action at the energy level, but they can very well predict something from what they saw. All information comes to them in the form of chaotic pictures, which they add up into one whole story.


These representatives have a well-developed intuitive feeling. They can not only rely on him, but also be guided. It seems that the sign is able to easily solve problems, bypassing them. But all these beliefs have developed due to the fact that representatives in almost everything are lucky. Therefore, we can assume that all problems bypass the sign, and good luck follows in its footsteps and comes on its heels. But they can not only attract her to themselves, but also to other people with the help of their magical abilities.

The third eye opens in case they need to feel the person or give him useful information. And everything should not be contrary to their desires. If representatives try to hide something or do not want to share information, then there are serious reasons for this. Very often, heavenly bodies contribute to it, sending their hint or guide to action in the form of images.


These signs are highly sensitive, therefore they are able to recognize the fluctuations in the energy of any person. And they can see through a person and read his thoughts. Therefore, it is not difficult for them to predict what a person will do now and what thoughts he will begin to be guided by. This allows representatives to avoid some problems. And they can not only read thoughts, but also put them in people's heads.

They manipulate the environment only in the most necessary cases. They often listen to their subconscious and feel the sensations of other representatives. From all this, they create a picture of reality, which they inform their opponent about. But in order for them to quickly recover and gain energy, they need a long, calm rest.


Watch the video: Nectar of Devotion - 21 - Qualities of Sri Krsna (July 2024).