Monogamous men according to the Chinese horoscope


At all times, especially romantic and beautiful was found the love that a person is able to give in life only once, to a single partner. Such feelings have their own characteristics and they are a rare pearl in our world. But fortunately, in the science of astrology of the East, there is knowledge about which symbols of the Chinese horoscope are most likely to meet men who can love one woman forever.



The representative of this sign simply believes in love and is ready to wait for this magical feeling for many years. Naturally, he may be seduced by a frivolous relationship, but he will never play with the feelings of a partner and honestly outline her boundaries of what he can give emotionally. But having met the only Bull dives in love, as in a whirlpool with his head ...

On his initiative, events are developing rapidly. He is infinitely gullible and not at all jealous where another man would have metal thunder and lightning.

He easily makes concessions and finds the whims of the chosen one charming. His ideas about romance are quite traditional and exclude all sorts of folly, but on the other hand, they remain the same after twenty years of marriage. A bull expresses love through actions, not beautiful words. This is a really sensitive, forgiving partner. But it is also worth noting that the Bull, who turned out to be monogamous, ceases to notice the whole world except for a woman. Family, friendly ties are weakening, and even his children, he will love less than her.



The peculiarity of this symbol is that until a certain time, he does not realize that he is a one-man woman. But once, for example, if his woman is in danger, there is a threat of a break in relations or the couple experiences an exciting romantic moment - he experiences a kind of emotional lightning strike and from that moment on his world changes. Opening up in his feelings, the Tiger is ready to accept any response from his beloved. And depending on him, to become the happiest person on Earth or to be demoted to an eternal friend who will never lose hope that he will be appreciated.

Only true love, by the way, inspires the Tiger to exploits - in self-development, career - decisively in everything. He is ready to become a different person if this makes her happy.

True, love also enhances the emotionality of the symbol. So you can quarrel with him. But purely for nothing and easily - he simply is not able to really offend his beloved. Summing up the results of this symbol, one can also say that in a relationship he is more inclined to give than to receive and this is where he finds his calling and reward.


The Dragon

The brilliant Dragon loves his only one even before he meets her. In his imagination, from his youth, the image of the ideal woman is being formed. Because of this, by the way, not very good relations can develop with everyone who does not correspond to the image. They just do not let him get bored while he waits for true love ... And it is worth noting, by the way, that the Dragon is extremely aggressive towards the previous partners of his beloved. He ardently, quickly gives vent to feelings and positions himself as a conqueror, which cannot be denied.

Often Monogamous Dragon tries to remake a woman to his ideals and often this becomes an occasion for protracted disagreements between spouses. But in general, he is flexible and compliant.

He remembers well what qualities helped him to fall in love with a woman and for years carefully preserves and develops them. Partly because at heart he is afraid of being abandoned for the sake of, in theory, a more winning party. If Dragon’s feelings are really hurt by treason or rupture, this monogamous person will never be able to recover from the blow and give the new partner at least a particle of the warmth in which, like in the rays of the summer sun, his true love bathed.



He simply lives his life without exchanging casual contacts and from the outside it may seem that he is not interested in relations in principle ... But once the Dog feels his heart is beating faster from true love, it changes. Gallant, caring and moderately jealous, he tries to conquer the chosen one not only with passion, but also with logic - he will be a good spouse and father of their children.

The dog believes that together with his beloved - they can do everything in the world. But to be with this one-man love, a woman must meet some of his requirements - otherwise, he prefers to remain unhappy, but with his own principles.

In particular, this pair should not have secrets and all disputes will be settled by negotiations, and not by pressure from one of the parties. Compromises are possible, but no one sacrifices part of the individual to love. We can say that this symbol is distinguished by the most rational approach to love, as to a scientific, mathematical formula that can be deduced - and there is happiness. And the symbol devotes a lot of time to fulfill the dreams of the chosen one. Moreover, not grandiose, for example, a red ferrari, but something cute and creating romance ... For example, a Dog can learn for her to draw on a foam latte or give lilies of the valley every year for the first of January.



Often his only becomes the first girl with whom young Boar has a relationship. He can also look at the chosen one for months and years, content with the role of a friend and modeling in a rich imagination whether they fit together. When the mind and heart agree “yes,” he begins the assault. He has no doubt that he is the most worthy contender, the only one who is able to protect, cherish and cherish.

Monogamous Kaban, by the way, often wants to see his couple as a housewife, isolated from the whole world, living only for him alone. This symbol is often jealous and uncompromising in the fact that all-all spouses should be divided in half.

He will gladly give the woman the right to manage the general budget, but in everyday life he will desire submission and assuming the role of guardian of the hearth. But realizing that a woman is not a toy, the Wild Boar ardently supports the chosen one in creative self-realization and is happy to believe that she is her muse.


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