Melancholic and work: what profession to choose for people with a similar type of character


Melancholy people are sensitive people, very vulnerable, they are characterized by increased anxiety, although the latter is outwardly noticeably weak. In the collective, such a person is closed, uncommunicative. Nevertheless, with those units with which melancholy people communicate, they have a fairly strong trusting relationship.

Alone, the melancholy is comfortable, long conversations on the contrary are tiring. Criticism and failure of melancholy perceived very painfully. In work he will prove to be executive, thorough, attentive. We will talk about which professions it is better to choose a melancholy.

The advantages of temperament melancholic:

  1. A responsibility. Duty for him above all. Therefore, if a melancholic took on something, he will come out of his skin, just to fulfill his promise.
  2. Sympathy. These people are not able to play feelings. They sincerely worry about relatives and friends, sympathize in grief just for strangers, sincerely rejoice at the successes of others.
  3. Fidelity. Devotion is a character trait that cannot be taken away from a melancholic. this applies to both work and relationships.

The attitude is what will help the melancholic in training. Organize your time and space and only then begin to study. As you know, a melancholic cannot work efficiently if something distracts him. It can be either extraneous noise, or uncomfortable clothes, atmosphere, even your own thoughts can prevent the melancholic from learning the material properly.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the most important details, and then on the basis of the most important one, begin to knit a logical chain.

And the most important thing is self-confidence. When preparing for the exam, do not think about all kinds of troubles, dysfunctional scenarios.

Responsibility is what a melancholic worker appreciates. Impossible, laying on his shoulders, can be seen fulfilled. Only the reason for this is not a desire to rise on the career ladder, but an innate sense of duty. And this person is satisfied with what he has, on the contrary he is afraid of changes, even if they are for the better. But if he understands that he will not be able to cope with the task, he will most likely refuse to take it right away.

Melancholy love to work. It is hard to imagine what could have happened with a melancholy person if it were not for the opportunity to do what you love. They themselves understand this well. But work must be chosen strictly the one that you like. Otherwise, melancholy quickly get tired, it brings them continuous grief and failure.

Consider the basic requirements for the type of activity in which a melancholic could fully express himself.

  1. The profession should be quiet, calm, the situation should not change, otherwise the melancholic will not be able to concentrate. Responsibilities are better to be more or less limited. People with a similar temperament find it easier to concentrate and plunge into one project than to perform work of different kinds.
  2. Rstressful work will not work at all people with a melancholy type of character. Therefore, such activities as a dispatcher, cashier, advertising or insurance agent, that is, which are accompanied by running around, scurrying people, including scandalous, should be excluded.
  3. Preference is best given to activities in which you can work alone. Work at home is also suitable. The atmosphere should be calm, cozy, where there are no fussing, dissatisfied people. It will be better if communication with superiors is only on the Internet.

Own space in work for a melancholic is an important criterion. Such people have a great philosophical worldview, so creative professions are quite suitable for them. Theatrical and artistic critics from the melancholic people are pretty good. It is not easy to communicate with the surrounding melancholic natures, but they are overwhelmed with feelings, they want to share. Art is perfect for this.

Research, statistics will also help to show their qualities to these people. Many people consider accounting calculations to be boring monotonous work. But this is not about a melancholy loving occupation, on which you can concentrate, and not mentally rebuild from one to another. So, then we will consider the professions themselves.

  1. Librarian. People work here in a quiet calm environment where you can relax, enjoy solitude. Communication with people is not so frequent, and here you can still find your favorite books at hand. In a word, the atmosphere for people with a similar temperament is ideal.
  2. Writer. There are many writers among people with a melancholy character. Loneliness is accompanied by constant analysis, which translates into text. A melancholic is not distinguished by the presence of a huge number of friends, and he does not like to share feelings with those some. But in the lines he can express his feelings and attitude towards the world and everything that happens in it.
  3. Programmer. These people know how to see and focus on details, tinker in small elements, design, screw, which helps him that he often has to work alone. He can see any tiny damage.
  4. Designer. It is possible to work at home, which will help a person concentrate. With his ability to concentrate and create a spectacular project, a melancholic can bring him good income.
  5. Copywriter. It is difficult for a melancholic to communicate lively, but in this case he meets a customer on the Internet. Also, people of this type have well-developed written language, because the written can be easily erased, rewritten. These qualities will help to earn quite well. And, of course, another plus is work at home.
  6. Veterinarian. One of the pluses is that you don’t have to communicate with patients. Nevertheless, stressful situations, mainly in the initial stage of activity, cannot be avoided. After all, you still have to communicate with the owners of the animals, but they are quite moody.
  7. Nurse. In this profession will have to perform specific duties. The doctor will make serious decisions. There are no instructions to be fulfilled in a short time, therefore, if there is a craving for such a profession, a melancholic can safely master it.


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