Radish: with what to combine it in salads, than to season


For some reason, a bad person is called a "radish." It is somehow insulting to become so beloved and the very first vegetable on our table. Perhaps they do not pay due attention to it or simply do not know how to use it correctly. What to combine with radishes, which sauces to use for dressing?

Light vegetable salads with radishes

Most often, vegetable salads are prepared from radishes. They are suitable for dishes of cereals, meat, pasta, potatoes. This is the easiest and most win-win way to brighten an everyday table and enrich it with vitamins.

What vegetables are combined with radish:

  • cucumbers
  • white cabbage, red cabbage, Beijing;
  • bell pepper;
  • Tomatoes

You can add chopped radish to Korean carrots or cabbage, mix with assorted lettuce, pour lemon juice, pepper. In a minute, a bowl with a bright and fragrant snack will flaunt on the table.

Hearty Salads with Radishes

Vegetable salads are a storehouse of vitamins, but it’s hard to surprise anyone. Another thing is satisfying options with the addition of a variety of ingredients. Of course, cooking will take a little longer, but the result is worth it.

What to add to the salad:

  • The eggs. An unconditional ingredient that blends perfectly with radish. You can simply boil the eggs, make pancakes in a pan or fry an omelet, collect the roll with a salad of radishes as a filling.
  • Chicken, meat, offal. For some reason, they are rarely added to radish salads, but in vain. This is the easiest way to make a hearty snack. You can use boiled, smoked, fried meat or poultry, but only in cold form.
  • Cheese. Perhaps this is one of the fastest options to make something satisfying for a snack. You can add cream cheese, grated solid product or feta cheese to the salad. Or pour a dumb product into the sauce.
  • Crackers. No, not from a bag, they have too much chemistry and spices. For salads, homemade crackers are used. They can be made in the oven or in an expedited manner in a pan.
  • Mushrooms. You can use boiled, fried champignons, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles, they all go well with radishes.

All this can be added to radish salads separately or mixed in any combination. Just do not forget that the radish is not stored for a long time, so you don’t need to cook for the future, you should use the salad on the same day.

By the way, salads from radishes and other products do not need to be mixed; you can make layered options in a deep bowl or on a flat dish. Also, radishes are often used for decoration, stars, flowers are cut out.

What greens to add to the radish

Ideal greens for radish salad - onion feathers. Sometimes this is the only additional ingredient besides sauce. But radish goes well with other herbs.

What can be added to the salad:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • sorrel leaves;
  • arugula;
  • leaf salad.

Be careful only with aromatic herbs. It is better not to add cilantro, basil, tarragon, lemon balm, rosemary, they are poorly combined with radishes, but can be present in dishes with meat, poultry in the composition.

Fancy Radish Combinations

As you can see, a variety of salads can be prepared from radishes. Some can replace the main dishes, become a full snack or a festive treat. It is clear in advance that the ingredients combine perfectly together, which can not be said about the options given here. Not every housewife would come up with friends of these products.

What else can you make salads:

  • With cauliflower, broccoli. But pre inflorescences need to be boiled, optionally additionally fried in a pan or baked in the oven. Fresh such cabbage is not used in salads.
  • The stems of rhubarb. An excellent supplement for the preparation of vitamin salads. Thick stems are preferably peeled first. Thin and young stems can be cut right away.
  • Boiled potatoes. Yes, nobody forbids combining radish with boiled vegetables, you get hearty and tasty salads. You can also use french fries.
  • Canned corn, peas. Radish also goes well with them, but other canned vegetables (pickles and tomatoes) are better not to add.
  • Boiled rice It can also be added to salad, but we use large and long cereal. Brown, red or just plain brown rice is perfect for salad. It will turn out satisfying and tasty.

The only things that should not be added to the radish salad are fish and seafood. Do not spoil products that do not fit together. Also, the taboo applies to all types of fruits, canned pineapples, dried fruits. Only occasionally does a green apple slip in salads. Should I add it? A matter of personal taste.

Best Salad Dressings with Radishes

For some reason, salads with radishes are usually seasoned with mayonnaise, but nutritionists are against it. Why spoil such a healthy and fresh vegetable with a harmful and fatty sauce? If you can’t refuse it, then it is recommended to make mayonnaise yourself from high-quality oil and without preservatives.

How to season salads with radish:

  • Sour cream. Sauces based on it with the addition of mustard, lemon juice, soy sauce, garlic, any pepper and even cheese are also suitable. Radish goes well with all this.
  • Yogurt. An alternative to sour cream, can be mixed with any spices, garlic and other additives.
  • Vegetable oil. We use unrefined species to enrich the diet, add useful elements to it. Mustard, sunflower, olive, camelina oil is suitable for radishes.

By the way, mayonnaise is not necessary to use in its pure form, it can be diluted with sour cream, yogurt, mustard or any other sauce. Reduce fat content, increase benefits, improve taste.

What you need to know about radish

  • If you get a very bitter radish, then you need to clean it. Of course, not the fastest lesson, but effective.
  • The finer the chopped radish, the more juice will be in the bowl with the salad. This applies to any vegetables. You can cheat - make large, but thin plates of radish and other products. This salad looks beautiful, but there is no problem with chewing.
  • You need to salt the radish salad directly on the table, you do not need to do this in advance.
  • In culinary, young and fresh radishes are valued more, so you do not need to chase large copies. They are often bitter, have voids, a hard peel or transparent inside.

Radish is not a bad person, but an incredibly tasty, fresh and healthy vegetable, which gives a huge easy for culinary creativity!


Watch the video: Radish Potato Salad (July 2024).