From macho to nag. The process of "domestication" of the husband


Each girl wants to see next to him a man of not a timid, distinguished by a hardness of character. So to say, “hunter and fighter”, with which you can safely get kids and engage in the construction of their own housing.

And there comes a time when a woman opts for a climber who is not afraid of danger or a brave boxer, and perhaps also for the "soul of the company", which you certainly will not get bored with.

But for what reasons, already after a couple of three years of married life have passed, the husband “transforms” into another “sofa” individual: a beer tummy, the absence of absolutely any reference points and, in addition, a fading look?

And such a "copy" does not generate any interest.

How does domestication of spouses proceed?

Very often, the wife is to blame for the "domestication" of the husband. Moreover, she herself starts this process, trusting in good intentions.

Before marriage, the brave man charmed his beloved car racer. Or he was widely known in kayaking. But after printing in the passport, the spouse ceased to approve of this, explaining this by the fact that the head of the family should not be careless about life. "You’ll get into a serious accident, crash, and what will I do? Your love for me has passed ... " - the wife mournfully says.

And when the husband hears such a "howl" every day, a little later the fascination of his whole life no longer delivers its former pleasure. Instead of getting adrenaline from their favorite pastime, the spouse is tormented by remorse. Ultimately, in order to reduce all the wife’s experiences to zero, the spouse decides to “end” the risky hobby.

In his life there is no longer the past “peppercorn” and, perhaps, apart from the chips with beer for the next match, he is already not interested. Thus, he at least somehow relaxes, abstracts from everyday work and family friction.

But what if they get away from under the nose?

Here the spouse lives, so to speak, "to the fullest." Suddenly goes on a weekend kayak trip, leaves to conquer new peaks of the mountains for 500 kilometers from his hometown. He is courageous, handsome, sporty, he has many friends and acquaintances. And here the spouse jealousy begins to reflect: "And this can lead to serious consequences.

Suddenly someone will look at my macho? But what if they take me straight from under my nose? " And in these circumstances, the wife decides to “moor” the spouse to herself, to minimize trips from home, to come up with various orders so that her husband simply does not have time for his favorite hobbies.

Who said that you need to work on yourself, let him change himself

As a rule, representatives of the male community, who are “blazed” with energy by “cats,” are not easy to keep around them. Therefore, a woman has no choice but to systematically work on herself. You should always remain an entertaining interlocutor and a “tidbit” for your macho.

In addition, real males will most likely make key decisions on their own, and the spouse’s word will be advisory. Under the husband, who holds a leading position in the family, you need to manage to adapt and make concessions.

But in most cases, cute young ladies, although dreaming of a spouse who will prove to be a reliable support, do not want to "transform" themselves. And they begin to act in exactly the opposite direction: they change their spouse and refute his primacy in the family.

When his friends arrive, they take a “sour” and displeased expression on their face, while they simply dismiss the “unnecessary” friends.

Comfort or respect

Of course, it’s very convenient to live with a husband, a girlfriend, who will dutifully carry all the bags on herself, while the wife picks up a new dress for herself. It is very convenient when the husband takes upon himself all household chores. But you don’t think that somehow everything is boring.

The husband walks around the house with an extinct look, there is no longer that former fire in his eyes. But on the other hand, where does he come from if male hobbies are closed to him?

But the most important point is that the wife is no longer provided with reliable protection. Is this "domestic nag" (husband) able to defend their point of view? Of course not. And to attach a punks that pester you? In the old days, he would have definitely dealt with this, but now everything is different. In a word, hilyak.

Give him the opportunity to be a real man

It is important to know: If you want to save and increase the natural masculine energy, you need to accept your husband as he is and not rush to transform your husband for yourself.

What would you like to see in your spouse in reality? Commitment, masculine power, consciousness, firmness and integrity. A man is endowed with nature with all these qualities and works through them throughout his existence. Never interfere with this.

Do not force him to tear dirty pots, but rather ask for a dishwasher. Do not make scandals when he wants to go play with friends on football.

And if you have decided to become the wife of this man, trust him and treat his decisions with respect. And only then will you begin to feel like a Woman.


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