10 reasons not to love Germany


Close relations have linked Russia and Germany for more than one century: there have been ups and downs on this long journey, but never indifference! Prone to spontaneity, the Russian soul often chuckles at German straightforwardness and pedantry. However, many of them secretly dream of getting into the country with the most flourishing economy in Europe, leading in the production of cars and beer. But let's look from the inside, which can annoy our compatriot literally to the gnashing of teeth in this bulwark of reliability and order.

1. A complex branched bureaucracy has developed and matured in the territory of the German Empire for centuries. A huge number of public institutions, reception offices and departments regulate the life of society. We will not deny that in Germany you can qualify for numerous benefits and payments, but to receive them you need to know exactly by what time and which form to fill out. There are thousands of them!

2. Insurance in Germany exists for every probable and improbable event of life, and the search for a suitable one turns into a unique national sport. In addition to traditional medical, there are insurance for legal proceedings, pension savings, theft of personal data via the Internet and many, many others. You can, of course, believe in your lucky star, but if luck suddenly turns its back on you, paying bills can cost you a fortune.

3. Sorting garbage in Germany will have to deal with each and everyone, and the principles of waste distribution and color marking of containers can vary greatly in different lands and settlements. It is not necessary to hope at random, and the careless sorter will most likely have to repeatedly sort out his garbage bag.

4. "Punctual, like a German train!" Alas, this expression has recently lost its relevance. Trains concern "Deutsche Bahn" became the subject of endless jokes because of the high cost and constant lateness.

5. As a result of the preceding paragraph, personal vehicles became the main means of moving around the country. And although German autobahns have long become the benchmark for motorists in other countries, local drivers constantly complain about many kilometers of traffic jams and constant repairs on the roads.

6. Rich and abundant German cuisine pleases the eye and stomach only at the beginning. Preferring quantity to quality, German chefs, with the exception of exclusive restaurateurs, alas, will not delight you with exquisite gourmet dishes. Food in Germany is a means of subsistence, not a source of pleasure.

7. Deliberate familiarity and sometimes tactless directness of the Germans can be confusing. You should not be surprised if the noisy company of fellow travelers on the train wants to know all the ins and outs of your family and your intimate habits just to pass the time on the road. If you yourself are not inclined to frankness, you still have to find out all the details of the interlocutor's life.

8. Freikörperkultur ("culture of the free body"), or nudism, became widespread in Germany. There are FKK-beaches in every resort, and where, by some ridiculous accident, they were not found, you can still find a large number of women sunbathing topless. For many Germans, sharing a sauna with both sexes or living unfamiliar colleagues in double or triple rooms is unlikely to be surprising and does not seem like a hint for a closer relationship.

9. German speech for an unusual ear may seem like an endless stream of battle, and the most gracious treatment - not objectionable order. And although the emperor Charles V asserted that German should be spoken only with his horse, closer acquaintance with the language of Schiller and Goethe can radically change the established stereotypes.

10. The irrational passion of German film distributors for full dubbing and, strangely, sometimes the most sophisticated film fans are confused by the radical modification of the original film title. “Armageddon” turned into “Last Judgment”, and “K-9” - into “Cold-nosed Colleague”.

Text: Tatyana Isaeva


Watch the video: 10 Reasons Why I LOVE Germany ! ! ! (July 2024).