How to deal with swelling in the heat?


Summer is a great time for rest and entertainment. Waves of a working mood are replaced by playful weekends, romantic walks and parties. And it seems that nothing can darken bright bright days like swelling. Swollen face, arms and legs can not only spoil your appearance, but also deliver a lot of discomfort and pain. Favorite jewelry and shoes become cramped, there is a feeling of lethargy and heaviness ... It's time to go to a specialist, and not to dance with your friends!

Causes of Edema

So arranged by nature, that all internal problems in the body, one way or another, affect our appearance. Edemas refer to this kind of "signal". The reason for their appearance can be:

  • kidney or heart problems
  • intestinal diseases
  • excess weight, metabolic disorders
  • strict diet, fasting
  • long work on your feet or a sedentary lifestyle
  • varicose veins
  • flat feet
  • pregnancy
  • uncomfortable shoes, high heels

As a rule, swelling on the face in the morning indicates renal ailments. Edemas on the legs are most likely talking about matters of the heart. If pain is present, check the veins or reduce exercise.

How to deal with edema?

  • First of all, consult a specialist and determine the cause of edema. You may need medication.
  • Keep track of your diet and water intake. Eat more vegetables and fruits. They are rich in fiber and help to cope with intestinal ailments and harmonize metabolic processes in the body. Try to eliminate salty foods from the diet. In the summer, due to hot weather, blood thickens, so it is very important to drink more pure water (without flavorings or dyes).
  • If you consume a lot of water, and "consume" a little, use diuretic fees. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, you should be aware that diuretics flush out potassium from the body. To make up for the loss, add raisins and dried apricots to your diet.
  • "Natural health resort" is rich in herbs that will help not only get rid of excess water in the body, but also to establish the work of the heart and intestines. Among such universal remedies is a collection of hawthorn, cranberry and rosehip. Pour a small amount of dry berries with boiling water, let the tincture cool and drink a little miracle compote throughout the day. It not only fights against edema, but also nourishes the body with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • If work requires you to sit in one place for a long time, try to make a visit to the gym, pool, morning exercises or a walk outside of working hours on your schedule.
  • Those who, on the contrary, spend all day on their feet, should carefully choose their shoes. Heels and tight shoes will only increase the load and provoke unwanted processes in the body.
  • Swollen face in the mornings and evenings should be cleaned with ice cubes. They can be prepared from plain water or chamomile decoction.
  • To relieve fatigue, gravity and edema, you can use warm chamomile, sea salt and sage baths. It also effectively helps the contrast shower. All these procedures will improve blood circulation and normalize the work of the vessels.

Text: Katerina Pchelnikova


Watch the video: Should you put ice or heat on sore muscles? (July 2024).