Fighting sleep at work: 12 effective ways


Everyday fuss at work, at home is often the cause of lack of sleep, chronic fatigue. As a result, the schedule gets off, and sleep goes to the light part of the day.

Many of us see salvation from daytime sleepiness in coffee, cigarettes. Naturally, this has a negative effect on health.

Let's look at a number of effective, safe ways to get rid of daytime sleepiness.


Such an approach to combat sleep during the day is simple, affordable and at the same time enjoyable. What kind of plants are more suitable oils? These are jasmine, sandalwood, rosemary, grapefruit, lemon, tea tree. These oils will make you more concentrated and vigorous.


It is known that poor lighting stimulates the production of such a hormone as melatonin, which in turn causes a desire to sleep. Therefore, it is important to work with good lighting. It can be natural, artificial. Savings in the world will not benefit your health, in particular the central nervous system.

Clothes and premises

If you want to get rid of daytime sleepiness, then do not be lazy! Make your work place more vivid. Ennoble the room with bright colors. This will positively affect your mood, your strengths. As for clothes, choose as much as possible brighter and warmer clothes.

Ginger tea

It is a very effective and useful tool. In particular, it increases the tone, warms, has a positive effect on blood circulation, is a good tool against colds. If you have problems with digestion, blood vessels, metabolism, immunity, liver, gastrointestinal tract, then this tea is for you. Experts recommend it to people who suffer from atherosclerosis, respiratory illnesses. It promotes the separation of mucus, the removal of toxins. It acts as an expectorant and antiemetic agent. Among other things, ginger tea improves memory, has a stimulating effect on the brain, is positively associated with the potency and condition of the skin.

To prepare 0.5 liters of this wonderful tea, you need to stock up:

fresh ginger root is about 3-4 cm. Tip: discard the ginger powder, as it makes a cloudy and unpleasant-tasting drink;

  • cardamom - a pair of pods;
  • cinnamon - enough pinch;
  • green tea - 1 tsp;
  • flower honey - 3-4 tsp;
  • cloves;
  • a lemon.


Ears and fingers are the location of the energy channels. Therefore, massaging them for 5-7 minutes has a positive effect on tone and other physical characteristics.

Fruits and vegetables

This kind of delicacies are positively associated with energy. Tip: consume fresh fruits and vegetables, as heat treatment reduces the concentration of important nutrients in them. In addition, eat these foods with boiled dishes.

Water treatment

In order to prevent drowsiness in the morning, wash with cool water. In principle, the face, hands can be washed during the working day. Be sure that fatigue and the desire to fall on the side will disappear instantly.


Psychologists recommend smiling for at least one minute. The fact is that a smile contributes to the development of the hormone of happiness, in other words, it has an invigorating effect.


Chocolate is rich in caffeine, which perfectly helps in getting rid of fatigue. However, this delicacy is also rich in flavonoids, which lead to an increase in brain activity and have a positive effect on mood.


If you work in a stuffy and cramped office, then you cannot do without ornamental plants, as they will provide air purification from volatile compounds of organic nature.


The more you drink the water, the better. Water is something we cannot do without, but due to employment, it is often forgotten, which causes drowsiness.

Room temperature

Low temperature is known to cause drowsiness. Therefore, it is important to maintain an optimum temperature in the workplace and at home. But, if at work the heating system is faulty and the room is very cold, you just have to warm up.


Watch the video: How To Stay Awake - Works Every Time! (July 2024).