Named the age at which a person reaches popularity


For some reason, it is believed that an ordinary person gains popularity when he is still a schoolboy or a student. It was at this time that a person focused on social life and the number of contacts and demand among friends and acquaintances is perceived as popular. However, a study conducted by scientists from the UK has shown that, as a rule, a person at the age of 29 years will catch up with real popularity.

Fifteen thousand Britons were interviewed. Scientists have found that at the age of 29, about 80 friends accumulate among people, among whom classmates and work colleagues prevail. The respondents spoke more frequently with the latter, since interaction on work issues was more personally relevant.

In America, the peak of popularity - 23 years. The reason is that this age is the end of the university, contacts with friends in school and the university have not yet been wasted, and relationships with the first colleagues in life begin to be established.


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