Why dream of a weapon


If a person sees a weapon in a dream, it means that a victory over real enemies will soon await him - this is the interpretation the dream book proposes. However, you should not take this sign too literally, because sleep has other meanings that will depend on many details. Only after their complete analysis can we draw final conclusions.

In a dream, a dream weapon

Most often dreaming dream dream weapon interprets as the final victory of the dreamer over the circumstances that prevent him from achieving success. Exact interpretation can be obtained by a detailed study of all the circumstances of sleep:

  • if you dream of a weapon to charge - all current affairs will be successfully completed;
  • to lubricate and clean a pistol or a gun in a dream, to put them on a safety lock - in reality the dreamer will be able to avoid many troubles solely due to his own insight;
  • wound yourself with a sword, sword, sword or dagger - you are waiting for problems that arise because of your irresponsibility;
  • to stand in the ranks with a rifle in their hands - you have a hard job, but many like-minded friends from among friends will help to cope with it;
  • consider the machine - you are in danger, so be careful in situations that carry a potential threat.

What dreams of shooting weapons

It is often a dream of shooting weapons at people who are directly related to such kinds of activities as service in the army, police, work in the shooting range, and so on.

If you do not belong to their number, you should look into the dream book:

  • shoot at other people - such a dream can foreshadow disgrace to the dreamer and all sorts of misfortunes;
  • do idle shots in the air - such a dream is neutral, most likely you give too many empty promises that you rarely fulfill;
  • shoot straight at the target - you will reach the goal;
  • hear gun salvo - to news that will be of great importance for the sleeper;
  • to threaten weapons to strangers — you will soon find yourself in a very difficult situation;
  • watch the shootout at your own house - your friends will soon quarrel among themselves because of you;
  • to be a collector - you still do not realize that you are under a great threat;
  • archery - you will not be able to control your own anger after your offense and you do a lot of stupid things;
  • to see armor and go on the offensive - to honor and success in business;
  • Hear gun shots - to trouble and worries.

Why dream of weapons in the hands of

If you dream of a weapon in your hands, the dream book offers the following interpretations:

  • war is dreaming and the advance of the enemy army - to the troubles and troubles that will have to be overcome for a long time;
  • to hold the cartridges in your hands - you doubt that you will be able to realize your plans, but it is worth discarding the uncertainty, and everything will work out;
  • to hold a broken spear or sword in your hands - luck will turn away from you at the most inopportune moment;
  • to throw knives at a target - all our plans will come true, you will get what you are striving for;
  • chasing after you and murder dreams - you are haunted by the fear of an enemy who is not as dangerous as you think;
  • ammunition warehouse dreaming - you will meet old age.

What dreams of shooting guns at me

If you dream that they are shooting you, you need to look into the dream book and read all interpretations:

  • if gangsters are dreaming of weapons that threaten you - soon you will find yourself in a very difficult situation, the outcome of which will depend on how exactly this dream will end (if you manage to defend yourself against the attackers, in reality everything will end well too);
  • armed gangsters dream of a woman - to problems with her soulmate, to a quarrel and scandals that may end in a rupture;
  • to see a grenade right next to your own feet - to get a big profit soon;
  • you are shot in a dream by soldiers - to lack of money and loss of work;
  • defend yourself in a dream from people who attacked you with arms in their hands - to quarrels and family quarrels;
  • buying a gun - people around you are disapproving of you;
  • an Islamic terrorist attacked you - to unexpected trouble with terrible consequences.

Dreamed of firearms to what it

The correct interpretation will help to know the dream book:

  • if you dream of a gun loaded - you will surely find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • if you dreamed of an automaton - to the dangers;
  • holding old muskets in your hands - you will soon be given back your old debt, which you have already forgotten
  • buy a gun - you may soon become a victim of a robbery;
  • in a dream you are given a firearm - the planned illegal event will not be crowned with success for you, it is better to give up this venture;
  • long choose a suitable gun in the store - forget the old grievance and do not keep evil on the offender.

Why dream cold weapons

  • See how the military come with sabers and swords in their hands - be prepared for the intrigues of the enemies, do not let them catch themselves by surprise.
  • If you are called to a duel with swords - this is to family happiness and honor, your future life will be joyful.
  • A man to keep a beautiful silver sword is for love adventures that will leave a pleasant mark on the soul.


Watch the video: A Dream Is A Weapon (June 2024).